Several days had passed, Alessa was only eating small portions, she was very stressed and her appetite decreased considerably.
Celia was worried about her mistress, she looked fragile at that moment, so she insisted on giving her small bites. The woman sitting in front of them only looked at the ailing Alessa curiously; if she didn't know about the area where they were at that moment, she wouldn't pay attention to what she was suffering; she would just think it was fatigue from the long journey. But the region they were passing through was known to harbor the most ruthless witches and demons, it was really dark people with no mercy whatsoever. Seeing her like this in that particular sector seemed suspicious to her, something about that girl was different and she had to find out before they arrived.
They finally reached the vast and dense forests of the north, a natural border of trees demarcates the entrance to the Northern Archduchy, it was there when Alessa began to feel better, although the change was subtle, the woman noticed it immediately, the girl's skin was brighter, her hair had a beautiful shine, her eyes sparkled and filled with magic when she saw the forest in front of her.
"It's beautiful, look Celia, the forest is so unique, everything smells so good," said Alessa in awe, she had never been in a forest.
The capital is different, you can smell some waste, there is no such vegetation, much less those delicious natural smells like the fragrance of huge eucalyptus trees, the freshness of the pines, the wild woods, the wildflowers that flood everything with a peculiar smell, and that smell of living and reverberant nature is a dream for the girl.
"Miss, it's really beautiful, this place is magical, like a fairy tale, only that you..." Celia was saying, but Alessa interrupted her immediately.
"Celia, thank you for the compliments, but we should walk in the woods sometime," Alessa said with a smile, at that moment, she gave off a small light, it was soft and warm, almost like that of a...
The woman in front of them who said almost nothing, at that moment saw the girl with more attention and emotion, it seemed that things were getting too interesting, Alessa had become a cheerful chatterbox as soon as she was in contact with the forest, she looked happy and vigorous.
"Miss Alessa, I am Mary Lacost, I will be the housekeeper of the Archduke's palace, upon arrival I will install you in your room, each one of you, you must rest, the Archduke will return in a few days, he had to go to solve a land dispute, but do not worry, he will be here for the wedding,"she said with a serene smile that only shows cordiality.
"Thank you, Mrs. Mary, but I wanted to know if my maid could stay in my room for a couple of days, I've never been away from home, just a couple of days" said Alessa shyly, but the woman in front of her was fascinated, Alessa seemed soft and weak, but she could see that she wasn't that way, in reality the girl had her character, and sleeping with her maid wasn't for security, it was to seek to escape and to be able to plan the situation with her sister, the woman had noticed it, after spending 6 days in a carriage with them, they were two sisters and it was clear.
It was already midnight, the forest near the Archduchy was silent and plunged into darkness, but as they descended, sounds of ferocious beasts could be heard, they were like a warning to the newcomers, however, Celia and Alessa only looked in the direction where the sounds were coming from, both were intrigued as to what kind of animals lived in those places, they had never heard of beasts in that place, so they were curious; in fact, the Archduchy was so secretive with everything related to that territory.
Both young women got off, Celia carrying a small bag strapped to her back while carrying a small suitcase of Alessa's, when they entered, there were maids who received them at the entrance, who bowed to receive them.
"Greetings, Lady Alessa Duncan, it is an honor to have you in the Archduchy," said one, while the other said calmly afterward.
"Lady Alessa, please follow me, you must be tired, it's a long journey, your bath is ready, your lady-in-waiting also has a bath prepared," said the woman as she showed her the way.
Alessa nods politely and follows them, she is exhausted, she feels absolutely nothing, she doesn't feel her little arms, nor her little legs, she feels absolutely nothing.
She entered the room and it was beautiful, Alessa thought that she would die at some point at the hands of the cruel Archduke, but at least it would be in a comfortable room and after a relaxing bath.
She undressed in the bathroom and entered the warm water with aromatic salts, her body relaxed immediately, she felt as if the power switch was turned off and she felt herself falling asleep without being able to avoid it, she didn't know at what moment she fell asleep, however, she woke up the next day in her bed and with the most beautiful nightgown, it had some fine thread embroidery that showed patterns that she had never seen before.
Disoriented, she saw Celia sleeping like a log beside her, she calmed down quite a bit when she was sure that her sister had changed her.
"Celia, good morning, wake up sleepyhead, it's already late, we must go to breakfast," said Alessa between laughs, Celia was snoring like a bear at that moment.
Celia sat up a little startled, but upon seeing Alessa beside her she gave a big smile.
"Yes Lady, how nice to see you awake, when I came you were already in bed and sleeping like a rock," said Celia, as she stood up to get changed, she had to get to know the kitchen and the surroundings to serve Alessa properly.
"What?, you weren't the one who took me out of the tub and changed me?" Alessa said confused as Celia looked at her as if she had two heads.
"How could I take you out of the tub and change you, I couldn't do that, you were already asleep in bed with that pretty nightgown," Celia said standing up without understanding anything.
Alessa felt a bit complicated, she decided not to give it any more thought, maybe she had just gone to sleep and because of exhaustion she didn't remember, that's better than thinking that someone else could have done that.
Celia went to the kitchen and the maids immediately bowed to her, leaving her dumbfounded.
"Lady Celia, it's a pleasure to greet you, welcome" said the maids as if greeting their mistress, Celia opened and closed her mouth without understanding... (I'm just a maid, why do they greet me with so much respect?), she wondered, totally shocked.
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