Episode 3

Y/N P.o.v

 I followed the man into the room, it was more well kept than I expected it to be. A wooden table was placed near a window overlooking the ocean. On top of it lay a variety of things ranging from maps to spyglass to a set of bearing tools. The table was a mess unlike the rest of the room, two chairs stood in front of it, the captain or so I presume gestured me to sit. He took his place on the other chair.

After a long pause, he finally said in a gentle voice

"Tell me what happened princess"

I was taken aback with his tone, he didn't seem like the crude mocking man he was outside rather he looked like a gentle well-bred aristocrat. I mulled over it a bit and then finally decided to speak.

"It was very sudden and the guards were unable to hold them back, the rebels under Uncle were dressed in the palace guard uniform so they slipped in easily. It all happened two nights ago, under the cover of the dark they had no trouble getting in but I presume they had someone on the inside. Father was killed instantly but uncle kept me captive for two days. Yesterday I escaped through the tower in the right-wing I tried to get the Prime-Minister but he refused to help me. I was going to go to my grandfather's kingdom to seek refuge"

I told the whole story breathily, the tears I had held back for days finally pouring out. He gave you a handkerchief and you wiped the tear stains of your cheeks.

"There you go don't cry anymore okay" he shushed you

 You gave him a weak smile of gratitude,

"Now princess I cannot guarantee that I will help you get back the kingdom for sure but if you wish you can be my assistant here since you are a learned person you will help me chart courses and research" Namjoon offered.

"There are also some crew which you can teach and in return, we will offer you food, shelter, and safety"

You looked at him awestruck and then a small smile graced your face

"Thank you, captain, I am eternally grateful for your generosity," you told him.

He then gave you some sturdy clothes to change into because your dress was in tatters not exactly suitable for wearing on the sea. He gave you a sturdy white button-down shirt and a pair of scandalous shorts that all women seemed to wear here.

You wore it regardless since you desperately wanted out of the scratchy gown you wore. Once you wore the shorts you realized they weren't as short as you had thought and in fact, they were quite comfortable.

Author P.O.V

Namjoon smirks raking his eyes over Y/N not expecting her to look this good in their uniform. He walks to the door opening it mockingly bowing.

"My Princess," he says making fun of your tittle.

You both get out and he tells his decision to the crew.

They seemed okay with it willing to increase their skills, it helped to know new languages when you were on the sea. For now, you were only to teach them Latin and numbers so they became more well informed of their finances. Those who wished to learn any other language would ask you directly.

You were grateful for the job, even if it had no pay in it and teaching a bunch of shabby-looking people wasn't your ideal job. You were given a moderate-sized compartment to stay in and teach. In your free time, you were to be with Namjoon whom name you learned while you two were discussing your duties on board, you were to act as a translator to him when he required because although he knew a surprising sum of 13 different languages, you being a princess of a country had learned more.

Life on the sea was not all it seemed to have been for Y/N, on the first two days she was so sea-sick she could barely move a muscle later on as she began to improve her health she began to rather like the salty sea-breeze and the foamy crystal waters.

On the other hand, Namjoon was barely seen outside his cabin, he was not sea-sick because he had spent most of his life out on the sea, rather he preferred to stay in his cabin because he appreciated the silence. He could think calmly and plan their next routes or chart the seas. This in no way meant he was neglectful of his crew every day he would come out of his cabin for an hour or two and take a silent round of his ship, checking every part of it to make sure it was kept in proper shape.



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