Mischievous Son

“We should ask my old man about this.” I had a feeling that what she said meant something big. I hadn’t heard of an elemental before but if that was why she had power and she would be able to live longer than normal humans then it was a big deal.

“You think he will know what that means?”

“Its worth a shot. If we are going to get an idea of who your old man was and why you have the power you do that’s a good place to start.”

With that we quickly ate breakfast and headed to the old man’s place. Once we arrived I knocked on the door. He knew it was me, “What are ya knocking on my door for so early in the mornin’ brat?!” Obviously someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed and was fairly grumpy. Once he noticed Cass he faltered in his anger. “Och, lass, what a pleasant surprise! Please, come in, come in!” My face broke into a grin at his speedy change in attitude.

“What brings ya to my abode so early in the mornin’ lass?”

“Well, something happened and Wilder suggested talking to you. Thought you might be able to shed some light on everything for me and give me some answers that he couldn’t.”

The old man freezes and looks a little dumbfounded. Like he didn’t expect me to recommend him for advising anything. I may give the old man a hard time a lot, but I know he is smart and very knowledgeable about things most aren’t. The grin I have had since earlier hasn’t left my face. Feeling like I may be in for a good show I make myself comfortable off to the side.

“Sure thing lass, just let me know what happened and I will do my best to answer your questions.”

Cassidy tells him of the dream she had where she met her father. The longer she goes on the more I can see my old mans face change. As if he saw a ghost. Since this isn’t even the most confusing part I am looking forward to his reaction when she mentions the end.

“Right before I woke up he told me that I need to meditate to work on my power. He also mentioned something about how I’m not a normal human and should be able to live as long or even longer than Wilder since I’m something called an elemental? Wilder hasn’t heard that term before so that’s why we’re here.”

Instead of a facial reaction like I was expecting, the old man passes out!

(NOTE FROM  AUTHOR: I hope everyone is enjoying my first story! This is not only my first story on here, but the first story I have written or put out there for others to read. If you have comments or thoughts on the story I would love to hear them!)


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