His father started pacing and mumbling to himself. As if possessed. How could her having some kind of power be more concerning to the old man than the fact that I have found my mate and the circumstances under which I found her? Finding her in the woods alone like that was more concerning to me than her mysterious power.
"Father, why are you so concerned over her mysterious power? You're mumbling to yourself and pacing, not even caring about any of the other news I just gave you."
"My boy you are too young to know but a very long time ago there was a very powerful man. He kept to himself most of the time but he was so powerful even us wolves feared him. He was a human, yet so powerful even multiple clans uniting together could do nothing against him except die should they cross him. Somehow he lived much
longer than normal humans. When I was young I came across this man by chance in the forest. We left as friends. He died under curious circumstances not long after. The power you said this girl has, is just like him. As far as I know though, he never had children. Would have put their lives in danger with all the people who would look for him to try and take down this legendary man. I need to meet this lass. Maybe then some of this will make sense to me."
Completely stunned by what my father just said to me I could only stare at him for a few minutes before coming back to my senses. Motioning for him to follow me I led him back to where I had left her to sleep.
"You must be the leader here."
I had woken up awhile ago, hungry. So when The Ares man and an older man came in I was at the table with some bread. The Ares seemed surprised to see me awake since he hadn’t been gone long. The older man however, seemed even more startled.
"You are his daughter! There's no doubt in my mind now. You look like him. How can this be?! Lass what do you know of your father? Where is your mother? Why did my son find you alone in our woods?"
So many questions from this old man but his first sentence had me startled. He knew my father? How? Could these people truly be the ones my mother meant for me to find then? He cleared his throat and I realized in my astonishment that I had gotten lost in my thoughts.
"You knew my father? All I know of him is that my mother said he died to save us so he was difficult for her to talk about. I ran into the forest when people attacked our home. We lived on the edge in a cabin. I don't know if my mother is still alive. She told me to find the wolves. I didn't get how wolves would help but then your son found me and I learned of werewolves." I shrugged and took another bite from the loaf of bread I had found on his kitchen counter.
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Kareena Smith
so good!