The Other Reality

The Other Reality


Its 2hours past midnight...

A treacherous thunderstorm, pouring rain and heavy wind glides through the rooftops of the numerous Bungalows in “Infar Town” - a secluded and abandoned settlement from the Main City. There’s a small hut at the far coast of this Town, near the river bed that provides the only source of water supply the inhabitants here rely on.

The Winds and rain weren’t kind to this particular hut, as the rooftop had come off, and the rain was pouring within. The Thunderclap assisting the thunderstorm scares children and even adults as they hid within their homes, all deaf to the cries of a lone and cynical young boy, as he cowers at the extremes of this 4-sided building.

Boy – “crying as he covers himself with a torn bloodstained cloth”

The floors were cracked, like residues of cardboards being trampled over by angry bulls, all the furniture shattered, and the walls were tainted with blood. The scene was horrific as the thunderclaps intensifies. Consumed by despair, the boy finds himself a suicide tool, “a broken glass” in front of him, leftover from all the destruction. He’s only 9 years old, yet, he’s had enough of this tragedy, this reality.

Boy – “sobs” I-I can’t take this anymore...if all this life offers, is this... then-

The boy slightly terrified, slowly lifting the glass to his gut.

Boy – “the tears won’t stop coming down, more like it keeps flowing intensively, ever more so as the glass gets closer to ending his life, he’s scared, he wants to get through with it, but his fear of death fights back”

• - Arrrrghhhhh!!! “he screams as he throws away the weapon and covers himself completely with the cloth once more”

• - Why...Why does this keeps happening to me...

Voice – Once again, Death is the enemy...

Boy – huh!? “he hears a deep voice resonate through his ears”.

The boy slowly lifting his face up and finds someone dressed in all black robe with strange glyphs and scriptures sewed on covering all but his face, his complexion is plain ash, like a ghost standing in front of him, his eyeballs were crimson and his ears and chin very sharp. This person stares down at the lad with a sly look on. Then with a very deep and commanding voice, he spoke;

Person – Everyone is dead, your parents, your lovely sister Jena, and yes, even the town folks can’t tread here; they’ve left you for death. Hence, you’re alone. So, tell me boy, why do you deny death? that which they’ve left for you? The sole lingering “real” choice one would say?

Boy - ... the only real choice I have..., yeah, you could be right...

- “The Boy stares at the glass once more” I-I don’t know what to do anymore.

Person – “smiles” For every choice, there’s regret.

- “The person walks to and grabs the boy on his shoulders” you may not have realized this yet, but the fact you can tell I’m here, means-

Boy – I’m already dead...

Person - !? shocking, but yes, yes you are. Your suicide attempt, that, was a success. “Person’s thought: Interesting, there’s more to this boy than meets the eye”

- Backwards (Flashback)

o “The Boy picks up the broken glass to kill himself, cries so

hard as it gets close to his gut, and he goes through and slit his throat with it, succumbing to his pain, his guilt and perishes as a result”

Boy – so, you’re the renown reaper?

Person – Those are bedtime stories, nothing more.

- When you perish, your soul is forfeit, lost forever in the “Void”. I am but one of the very few existing, that answers the “Call”.

Boy – Call?

Person – Something you need not concerned yourself with. Just consider yourself fortunate.

Then this person shows his hand to the boy like he’s trying to persuade him to join him on some agenda.

Person – But let’s just say, I’m here to give you another chance. Boy – another chance?

- “the boy closed his eyes” it doesn’t matter how many chances I get; nothing will ever change.

Person – Correct again, nothing in the reality you know will change. But what if, I alter your reality from your perspective, then much can be changed.

Boy – I-I don’t understand?

Person – You need not to. What you have to do, is be willing to take this chance I’m offering.

Boy – my reality... your said before, death was my only real choice, you were right...but

- “The boy looks up at the person, highly determined to accept change” In this new reality you speak of, will that change?

Person - Everything will change.

Boy – “Boy’s thought: All of this seems fishy...but what do I care, I’m dead already, so what’s the whole point contemplating my choices” Fine, what is this offer?

Person – “evil smile” Another Chance, but your life essence shall become my sanctuary.

Boy – And what are the repercussions of that?

Person – Again, you need not concern yourself with; every trade is a risk, is this one you’re will to take?

Boy – ... “Boy’s thought: my life essence, his sanctuary..., I can’t believe I’m about to offer up my soul to the devil, no matter” Alright, I accept your offer.

Person – “Person’s thought: He may be more matured than his age, but a kid he still is after all”

- “smiles” perfect.

Then an enormous and colorful dark red mist starts vibrating around the person, the earth itself was shaking as if hit by an earthquake as the boy was terrified, and suddenly starts shouting and losing his mind uncontrollably.


Person – Worry not, the Deal is done, now; It’s time to begin life anew, in the “Other Reality”. Hahahahahahahah “evil laughter”

Boy – AARRRGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! “screams loudly in pain”






I'm in love with the story line, it's such a good start. The way you describe the situation is very clear that the readers can easily imagine what happened in the story. I see that you have the potential in writing and I believe that you can gain more readers. So, do you mind to leave me your social media/e-mail since I have an offer for you related to your work?



Jacob W. Brown

Jacob W. Brown

It's an interesting concept of the "Void".



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