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The Other Reality


Its 2hours past midnight...

A treacherous thunderstorm, pouring rain and heavy wind glides through the rooftops of the numerous Bungalows in “Infar Town” - a secluded and abandoned settlement from the Main City. There’s a small hut at the far coast of this Town, near the river bed that provides the only source of water supply the inhabitants here rely on.

The Winds and rain weren’t kind to this particular hut, as the rooftop had come off, and the rain was pouring within. The Thunderclap assisting the thunderstorm scares children and even adults as they hid within their homes, all deaf to the cries of a lone and cynical young boy, as he cowers at the extremes of this 4-sided building.

Boy – “crying as he covers himself with a torn bloodstained cloth”

The floors were cracked, like residues of cardboards being trampled over by angry bulls, all the furniture shattered, and the walls were tainted with blood. The scene was horrific as the thunderclaps intensifies. Consumed by despair, the boy finds himself a suicide tool, “a broken glass” in front of him, leftover from all the destruction. He’s only 9 years old, yet, he’s had enough of this tragedy, this reality.

Boy – “sobs” I-I can’t take this anymore...if all this life offers, is this... then-

The boy slightly terrified, slowly lifting the glass to his gut.

Boy – “the tears won’t stop coming down, more like it keeps flowing intensively, ever more so as the glass gets closer to ending his life, he’s scared, he wants to get through with it, but his fear of death fights back”

• - Arrrrghhhhh!!! “he screams as he throws away the weapon and covers himself completely with the cloth once more”

• - Why...Why does this keeps happening to me...

Voice – Once again, Death is the enemy...

Boy – huh!? “he hears a deep voice resonate through his ears”.

The boy slowly lifting his face up and finds someone dressed in all black robe with strange glyphs and scriptures sewed on covering all but his face, his complexion is plain ash, like a ghost standing in front of him, his eyeballs were crimson and his ears and chin very sharp. This person stares down at the lad with a sly look on. Then with a very deep and commanding voice, he spoke;

Person – Everyone is dead, your parents, your lovely sister Jena, and yes, even the town folks can’t tread here; they’ve left you for death. Hence, you’re alone. So, tell me boy, why do you deny death? that which they’ve left for you? The sole lingering “real” choice one would say?

Boy - ... the only real choice I have..., yeah, you could be right...

- “The Boy stares at the glass once more” I-I don’t know what to do anymore.

Person – “smiles” For every choice, there’s regret.

- “The person walks to and grabs the boy on his shoulders” you may not have realized this yet, but the fact you can tell I’m here, means-

Boy – I’m already dead...

Person - !? shocking, but yes, yes you are. Your suicide attempt, that, was a success. “Person’s thought: Interesting, there’s more to this boy than meets the eye”

- Backwards (Flashback)

o “The Boy picks up the broken glass to kill himself, cries so

hard as it gets close to his gut, and he goes through and slit his throat with it, succumbing to his pain, his guilt and perishes as a result”

Boy – so, you’re the renown reaper?

Person – Those are bedtime stories, nothing more.

- When you perish, your soul is forfeit, lost forever in the “Void”. I am but one of the very few existing, that answers the “Call”.

Boy – Call?

Person – Something you need not concerned yourself with. Just consider yourself fortunate.

Then this person shows his hand to the boy like he’s trying to persuade him to join him on some agenda.

Person – But let’s just say, I’m here to give you another chance. Boy – another chance?

- “the boy closed his eyes” it doesn’t matter how many chances I get; nothing will ever change.

Person – Correct again, nothing in the reality you know will change. But what if, I alter your reality from your perspective, then much can be changed.

Boy – I-I don’t understand?

Person – You need not to. What you have to do, is be willing to take this chance I’m offering.

Boy – my reality... your said before, death was my only real choice, you were right...but

- “The boy looks up at the person, highly determined to accept change” In this new reality you speak of, will that change?

Person - Everything will change.

Boy – “Boy’s thought: All of this seems fishy...but what do I care, I’m dead already, so what’s the whole point contemplating my choices” Fine, what is this offer?

Person – “evil smile” Another Chance, but your life essence shall become my sanctuary.

Boy – And what are the repercussions of that?

Person – Again, you need not concern yourself with; every trade is a risk, is this one you’re will to take?

Boy – ... “Boy’s thought: my life essence, his sanctuary..., I can’t believe I’m about to offer up my soul to the devil, no matter” Alright, I accept your offer.

Person – “Person’s thought: He may be more matured than his age, but a kid he still is after all”

- “smiles” perfect.

Then an enormous and colorful dark red mist starts vibrating around the person, the earth itself was shaking as if hit by an earthquake as the boy was terrified, and suddenly starts shouting and losing his mind uncontrollably.


Person – Worry not, the Deal is done, now; It’s time to begin life anew, in the “Other Reality”. Hahahahahahahah “evil laughter”

Boy – AARRRGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! “screams loudly in pain”


Chapter 1 - THE SOLE REGRET.


The boy’s past was Horrific. Having been driven by insanity, he killed himself to escape the sole regret, that is his life, a memory soon not to be forgotten. Upon his death, a Ghastly person appeared before him, to offer him another chance. Only this time, the reality he knows will be different. This offer, the boy accepted.

Chapter 1

8 Years has passed since then;

“Neon Narrating: A dream, the whole world around me shattering, cringing and the feeling of my brain twitching, its inability to process and make sense of the world around me, a twisted reality. Then, soon after, Darkness flooded the air, struck by Asphyxia without a known cause. I heard a voice calling my name”

Voice – NEON!!! Don’t be late for school!!!

“Her voice echoes from the living room, loud as a whistle from an earshot, just as piercing too. She could enter a high pitch voice competition to make it a non-contest. It was loud enough to set me free”.

Neon leaves the comfort of his bed, his room was dark but a small ray of light tries to sneak in through the tiny hollows of his bedside window pane, the dark cloth shielding the full effect of the resolute sun rays trying to break in.

“It was my 7th Nightmare this week. Each one different from the last. Only now, it’s happening more frequently than Normal”

With his pajamas still on, Neon walks to the window and spread the blinds as the sun rays lit up his room. The Room wasn’t exactly in good shape, but it was no mess. It was spacy, with good ventilation, the study table besides his window provided good lighting, the wardrobe besides and his bed just a few meters away. The Carpet within was dark red with thick fur, the walls decorated with wallpapers of reaper skulls, deep dark forests and graveyards, crows. He is trying to make it a gothic setting altogether and he isn’t far off. Most people that finds his room will undoubtedly get the thought “He’s a deranged psychopath”, which is exactly what he’s after.

“Eclipse is his name, the one who gave me this chance. For 8 years now, he’s been telling me there’s so much he needs my knowing, I have been patient, and soon I will finally know what he’s been keeping from me all this time.”

Neon takes off his pajamas and with just his shorts on, he takes his towel from the wardrobe and was making his way out of the room.

“Then, the twitching feeling in my brain hits again, only this time, less life threatening, must be him interfering with my senses, He speaks directly to my mind after all.”

Eclipse – You realize she could care less about you going to college. Neon – Took you long enough to show up. “Neon said with a faint smile” Eclipse = A façade. “Eclipse completes his prior sentence”

Neon - ... I don’t need a reminder. I can hear her just fine, remember? Eclipse – of course, but we can never be too sure now can we?

Neon – Indeed. You’ve got to stop using my mental health for this conversations though, it’s making me dizzy every time. It’s messed up

“Neon responded but showing signs of infliction. Every moment Eclipse keeps this conservation going takes a slight toll on his mental fortitude”

Eclipse – Please, its a simple price to pay for my existence wouldn’t you say?

Neon – and what is it exactly makes you so special?

Eclipse – “scoffs” you wound me. Soon though Neon, very soon.

Neon - ...” closes his eyes” very well. I have been patient for 8 years now, what’s 3 more days compared to that.

Neon reaches the door.

Neon – You’ll need to enter restriction mode; I have to go get ready now. Eclipse – “sighs” my worst time of the day.

Eclipse enters restriction mode (In Restriction Mode, Eclipse sticks completely to the Other Reality, watching over Neon’s life essence as his own).

Neon - ... “Neon Thought: Too often have I been on the wrong end of the playing field, but... with Eclipse’s power in my possession, I can level that imbalance”

- “Neon thought as he clenches his fist, then smiles slyly”. Now, what dark secrets will I uncover today, endless opportunities from the gathered masquerade.

Neon left his room heading for the bathroom to freshen up just a few meters down the corridor of the second floor.


Neon dressed in his favorite getup (his combed brushed back black medium hair style, black jeans and a white denim jacket, with beige

colored tight inner shirt on) makes his way to the diner, to join Milan and Lloyd.

The voice that disturbed Neon’s nightmare belonged to Milan.

“She was the Mother of the house, a widow. Her constant shouting and criticism of whatever doesn’t fits her opinion has made her looking like a 36-year-old, but she’s only 24. She’s high-tempered and overly concerned about chronology. So much so it’s hard to socialize without being on your best behavior, nothing fun in that.”

Milan – Oh! It’s you Neon, come on, have a seat, breakfast is served. “with a smile, she proposed”

Milan offered Neon a seat, He leaves his jacket at the nearby hanger and sat down, Lloyd was on his right.

“Lloyd was just 10 years old, his whole life ahead of him. but Milan just wouldn’t stop molding the Poor kid into a rock, something most people in the world out there want nothing to do with. The kid was not half bad, he loves reading comic books and spends most of his time watching cartoons and playing games. He talks whenever you share his interests and he’s one of those compassionate guys that could take a bullet for a true friend if he finds one his whole life. I liked the kid, but that’s why, he’s still a kid, with so much to learn about this world; example, the grim truth, ‘Love is an Illusion’”.

Milan – It’s your favorite, Omelets and Toasted Bread; I made it extra nice today-

Milan caught glimpse of Lloyd playing with his vegetables.

Milan – LLOYD! How many times do I need to say this? Don’t play with your food. “she hollered at Lloyd”

Lloyd – But I don’t like Vegetables “Lloyd cried”

Milan – I don’t care if you like them or not. What I want, is your plate emptied right now. Don’t make me repeat myself, do you understand me?

Lloyd – But Mom- “attempting to fight back he said”

Milan – Are you sassing me boy? “she threatened and leaves Lloyd cowering in his seat”

“No sooner was Lloyd gouging his cereals and lettuce, albeit a tough battle. But then again a battle against Milan is one you’d hardly win, and his odds on winning were at an all-time low”

- One of Neon’s Inherited Powers from the Contract with Eclipse is the ability to hear the thoughts of other Naturals within his radius. This makes it extremely hard to keep secrets from him. This power is active even when Eclipse is in Restricted Mode. When your thought is within hearing Radius of Neon, the thought will be marked with the OR (Other Reality) superscript. Given this power is as a result of Neon’s relations to the Other Reality.

Lloyd – “Lloyd ThoughtOR: I hate this house; I hate you Mom. You’ve got to be like, the worst ever “

Milan – “Milan ThoughtOR: I swear this Kid will be the death of me” Neon – “faint smile”

- “Neon Thought: This is becoming routine, might as well just kill each other and be done with it; the family is messed up enough as is”

Milan - Oh, Neon; what was I doing again?

Neon – You made my meal extra nice today. “I reminded her, ignoring all the heated brief exchange of words between the woman and her only son”

Milan – Yes, that. Well, enjoy.

Neon – Gladly. Thank you. “Neon Thought: She thinks Omelet and Toasted Bread is my favorite, I don’t know how she came upon that idea. But, asking for another option will risk her wrath, won’t want to be in Lloyd’s situation. But seriously, when will she realized the Kid is the only family she has left.”

The 3 started eating as awkward silence fills the room. Milan’s watch vibrates as she looks at the time; it was a notification from work. Then Neon starts picking up thoughts from Milan once again.

Milan – “Milan ThoughtOR: Oh No, not again, Mr. Darol with his bad breath will ask me to his office if I am a minute late; I can’t risk losing this job, I mean I just got it”

Milan had a worried expression on, Lloyd stares at her, she stared back and frowns. Then she continued eating her meal.

Milan – “Milan ThoughtOR: huhhh, If I wasn’t looking after this brat, things would’ve been better off. As if that isn’t enough, My Husband Kenneth had to bring in this-this ghost shell of a person. If I was in his situation, I would’ve simply walked away, like everyone else. I mean look what trouble he’s putting me through because of his choices. I have to get rid of him sooner or later. I can’t take this anymore.”

Neon – ...

Lloyd breaks the silence stands away from his seat with his emptied plate in hard.

Lloyd – I’m done Mom.

Milan – Good boy. Come, wash your hands and wait for me in the Car, I’ll drop you off on campus on my way to work.

Milan leaves her seat and guides Lloyd to the sink, Neon closes his eyes as he was about done himself.

“Normally, I’ll be shaken by the thought. But, I’ve grown used to it. Before, having reached my limit and consumed by rage; I murdered my entirely household, my sole regret being the easy dead of the one who claimed to have loved me for who I am.”

Neon leaves the plate behind and grabs his jacket off the hanger; starts making his way outside through the living room.

“With the power in my possession now, Death will come quickly for them, and murder is something I can easily get away with, but I will not so honor them”

Neon opens up the door.

“After all, they’re all ignorant of what lies in the Other Reality”

Neon Leaves the home.



Chapter 2 - Strangers



Neon after 8 years, It’s his first year in college and he seems to have come to terms with Eclipse being a part of his body. Playing host to one of the “Hunters”, Neon gained supernatural abilities, one of them revealed to be the Mind/Thought Read ability, that can dig deep within the mind of any natural and hear their thoughts. This became evident, when he discovered how much unwanted he is in his foster home by reading the thoughts of his adopted caregiver Milan.


Infar Main City – Tarline

“Tarline” was one of the biggest city in the Infar region of the continent of Hohrgen. It specializes mostly on its economy and there’s the feeling of determination when one sets foot in the city. Everyone is rushing around busy, trying to make something of their day but most importantly their lives. Opportunities are plenty in this city. The tall buildings and green trees provides a great view to behold, Doorway gardens fresh and green at the front yard of most houses. Here the Ideal house of anyone is routine for everyone. The Cars seems to move that split second faster than normal too, heavily busy roads, tight traffic on the streets as it’s hard to move by without bumping into others. It was only 7:00am and it was this busy, this gave Tarline the renowned conjecture – “if you can’t make it in life on Tarline Soil, then you can’t anywhere else in the World”.

“I’ve always thought Tarline was exaggerated when I was young and living on the outskirts of Infar Town – Merilis, that is my hometown”

Neon was walking the streets of Tarline, the sun and atmosphere makes it feel like spring. It was spring.

“But since the incident, and my adoption; that idea changed”

Neon meets a crossover at the streets, he needs to get to the other side so, he is waiting for the traffic lights to turn green, giving him the go to.

“Now I think even less of it. I mean, if the governance is good enough to build a city as successful as Tarline, why do the people of Merilis have to live on salty tap water, dusty rough roads and in huts. The Ikea Bridge that links the City to Merilis has long been broken, yet nothing is being done to repair it. So many unsolved solvable problems, really, it is such a pity…”

Lost in his thought, he didn’t notice a young girl with a white umbrella walked up to his side, she was waiting to cross too. She seems to be in a hurry as her body couldn’t stand still and she keeps kicking her boots on the ground.

Girl – “Thought-OR: oh no, come on, I’m going to be late again, I can’t let Sasha beat me a second time, ohhhhh I couldn’t bear it if that happen

“Late…for work? No, can’t be, she’s too young, and she looks like the eager type. Given, they’re the type that gets most of the routine jobs in Tarline but, the job sites at the other side of the road mostly concerns hard labor and civil engineering. On looks alone she won’t fit the bill”

Her hair was smooth and wavers effortlessly, light strands of hair falls down her left brow and jaw, the gel she uses seems to be a good one. Her complexion was fair, and she had tiny pearl earrings on. With good build and bust, she wore a scarlet gown, with stripes of black and red inner socks. Her dark red boots match her dressing and she uses her white umbrella to shield herself from the sun to prevent it messing her body.

“Gotta admit she is beautiful…but so was Jena, and in the end, she was the same as the others I remorselessly slaughtered. Then on, I figured, it’s best if I considered every natural a stranger, things will be better that way.”

Neon gazes at the traffic lights, still showing red.

“she seems to be a model… or at least dresses like one, with all the fancy makeup and body protection. Begs the question of what she’s doing heading in this direction of the city. Well, whatever she is, it’ll take a while to cross over with all the traffic, might as well stop making that annoying sound by kicking her boots relentlessly on the ground”

Girl – “’sighs heavily’ Thought-OR: This could take a while…” !?

The girl then spots Neon standing beside her, he was staring on the left side of the road, where the incoming cars originates. It’s just the 2 of them at the moment in this side and as if coming to a sudden realization, she approached him gently, putting away her umbrella in the process.

Girl – umm, hello! “she waves her hand as gesture of greeting smiling at Neon with her eyes closed in a cute way”

Neon - … “playing deaf”

Girl – uh “confused” … “ThoughtOR: did I do something wrong? I wonder why he doesn’t respond…could it be he’s…hearing impaired…that’ll be bad too for such a hot guy”

Neon – “Thought: Of course, the mark of any natural, always wanting the complete package, truly such selfish creatures. If there ever was such a thing as a complete package, the whole world would’ve fallen to ruin with all the competition it would’ve aroused. Then again, it’s part of what makes them, really in my opinion, they’re just as to blame as their maker”

Neon then stops looking left and turns his head in front only to find the Girl standing in front of him, waving and offering her greeting once again.

Girl – Hello! “she greeted Neon once again, this time slightly more aloud”

Neon - …” Thought: she got bored of waiting and wants to kill some time talking to a stranger, an assumption. Well I suppose if I know what she’s really after, conversation won’t be problematic. Sides, the time she plans on killing, benefits both of us. Might as well make this brief encounter less awkward and play along”

Neon stares at the traffic lights once again.

Neon – you don’t have to be so loud, I heard you the first time.

Girl – huh!!! Well, that was rude! Humph! Then why didn’t you answer back?

Neon – Not every greeting is genuine, for example.

Neon smiles lightly as she stares at the girl.

Girl – what!? “she was taken aback” you don’t mean to say –

Neon – looking back, when you got here, for some unknown reason, you were impatient, you kicked your boots consistently against the ground, your umbrella won’t stop tilting left to right against its will, while you stared at the traffic lights.

Girl - … “The girl was a little excited to see where Neon was going with his deductions”

Neon – Due to impatience, nervousness sets in, your body’s idea of dealing with it makes the boots and umbrella scenario; conclusion, you’re afraid.

Neon then points at the traffic lights as they had turned green.

Neon – staring at the traffic lights incessantly, means you can’t wait for it to change state, you couldn’t stop at the red light, but you had to. Bundled with the previous case, it means you’re afraid of being late to somewhere. Hence, you triggered this conversation in the hopes of getting the time to tick faster in your favor.

Girl – “The girl was astonished by Neon’s final conclusion as it was spot on. She couldn’t contain her amazed expressions”

Neon then starts making his way to the other side, as those from the side he’s going to where coming the opposite direction.

Neon – here’s a word of advice – Don’t stop at the red light.

Girl – Wow! that was amazing, how did you-

Before the Girl realized, Neon was lost in the incoming crowd.

Girl – Oh…” slightly depressed” he’s gone already… “Don’t stop at the red light”? why? that’s what the red light means, stop…I don’t get it, but he was so cool.

The Girl starts crossing through herself as she couldn’t stop thinking about Neon.

Girl – “Thought: I wonder, he’s heading in the same direction I am, could it be he’s attending the same college? If so, it’ll be really cool if he’s a freshman too”. Oh speaking of, I’m going to be late, I better hurry before Sasha gets there, or I’m going to get an earful from her.

The Girl increases her pace.

Girl – The first day is off to a good start; I think I’m going to like Tarline. “she smiles widely as she was heading off to college”



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