Taehyung P.O.V
After completing all my paperwork and stuff to put Yoongi temporarily in charge I packed my bag and got ready to leave. As I was leaving a thought crept into my mind
'Will I ever return. . .'
I took my bike looking at it fondly and rode out. I wonder what's out there, ever since a pup is born one thing is drilled into their minds "Stay away from the forest" .......... I had never gone out of the pack lands before because after all, we are the only wolf pack in Korea so why bother. I sped onto the highway enjoying the wind and speed.
'I hadn't been amongst humans much except for a few important occasions even though we did do a study about them to prepare us in case we encounter them, they were quite facinating with their cute little quirks '
I was quite nervous though what if they really are wild, what if they realise I'm supernatural. what if .. what...if they capture me. A few humans were no match for our strength but a large group of them, especially with their wolfsbane guns, were deadly to us. A shudder went down my spine thinking of the time an Omega from my pack had been captured by them. The mist usually concealed us so we never really had any trouble with the humans, only humans with the "Sight" could actually see us.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't see a brown wolf coming out of the woods that lined the highway in time.
I collided with it harshly and flew off of my bike and the last thing I remember was seeing a white wolf wait . . . wasn't it supposed to be brown . . . my head got dizzier and dizzier until a lavender scent began to overwhelm me. Then the world turned black.
I had decided to go to the human realm after much debate, I had a human grandma (or so I'd heard) maybe she would take me in and help me out until I got on my own feet. As I was creeping out of the woods I didn't pay any attention. Suddenly a bike slammed into me. Since I was in wolf form I didn't really get that much hurt, but...... I couldn't say the same for the bike guy who btw was kinda cute and in a good shape (God! Y/n STOP GOOGLING AT A GUY WHO JUST CRASHED INTO YOU). Oops! I quickly shifted and went over to him praying he hadn't seen me in my wolf form cuz that would lead to some complications..............
The dude had fainted and I couldn't leave him to die considering it had been my fault this happened so I just took him to the place where I was staying in the woods
Taehyung P.O.V
When I woke up I was in a forest? wait forest ?!? wasn't it supposed to be a highway that I was on.
Taehyung: Hello !.... Is anyone there.
Y/N: Umm.... yes hello to you too.
Y/N: Dude ......... shut it! I just saved you, ever heard of a thank you ??
Taehyung: Well Miss apparently I had an accident on a highway a now I'm in a forest, ever heard of panic.
Y/N: Ooooh! nice one ......
Taehyung: Thank you I pride myself on my ..( gets interrupted by Y/N)
Y/N: if you're the king of trashy comebacks! (Y/N falls down laughing clutching her stomach
what a meanie.........
Seeing me silent the nameless person comes over and ruffles my hair
Y/N: Oh come on I didn't mean it.......
Suddenly I feel as if there was an evil presenceall around us and out of the corner of my eyes I saw a black figure. Accidentally I let out a growl... As soon as I do it it feels as if whatever it was is gone. Y/N stares at me wide-eyed wow her silver eyes are so pretty wait! weren't they brown. When I blink they are brown again was it just my imagination.
Nix (Taehyung's wolf ): Dude! you just growled in front of her stop thinking about her eyes.
Oh God, I just growled in front of her I must get away from here damn! why am I so dumb.
I immediately take off..........
I went over and ruffled his hair while I was apologizing, he went stiff and all of a sudden let out a growl, after a minute he relaxed. I looked at him shocked he was lost in another world then suddenly it was as if lightning struck him. He jolted back to the real world and took off!
I ran after him what was up with that dude. I reached a clearing in the forest. I shifted to track his scent. As soon as I did an amazing scent filled the air.
My wolf immediately scanned the surroundings and the person she saw was .......
wait he was my mate NO WAY! I JUST MET HIM.
Taehyung walks towards you .. you slowly back away. Seeing you backing of he quickly turns into his wolf. Woah ! you couldn't help but be Jung shook(see what I did ;)) His wolf was a gorgeous midnight black with shining gold eyes.
Golden eyes ?? wait that meant that he was an Alpha!!. OMG, this is ... I don't know what this is but omg my mate is someone I just met and he is an Alpha I am truly shook. He slowly crept forward towards and touched noses with me. I was literally panicking, my heart was beating so fast that I could literally hear it srsly it was so loud that I was sure even tae could hear it. Tae where did the nickname come from? The wolf came even closer and licked my face. Eeeeeew it felt dis-.................. so nice. My wolf nuzzled into the black wolf. I will never be able to live that down................
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So what do ya ppl think ?!?!? I know commenting is a waste of time (i think that too sometimes) but please like\, comment and vote I am desperate.
And if you wanna know more about me follow me on my Instagram and you can ask me whatever you want? I'll give you a shoutout if you do.
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