After all the earlier confusion, now at dinnertime, Reis wasn't home, and I noticed how Romeo was upset about it. "Everything must be so confusing for him... Reis... Can't you come back?... I don't feel my mark hurting, I know you're not with anyone right now..."
Even though I didn't want to involve him more in my life, I owed him an explanation about why I ran away with his son.
That night, after Romeo had already fallen asleep, I got thirsty and headed towards the kitchen, but I heard a noise at the front door. "Hm? What time is he coming back now?" I looked at the clock on the wall and it was around eleven at night. I decided to go meet Reis, and as soon as he saw me, he had already entered the house.
"Awake at this hour?"
"... I could ask you the same. Don't you have to work tomorrow?"
"It's an adult Entertainment company. My employees just have to get there and have sex, I don't think I need to worry about presence."
"... That's not what I meant..."
"And again this weird atmosphere..."
"Did you eat something outside?"
"Why are you trying to be considerate now?"
"... Just wanted to know. You don't owe me any explanations. Good night."
As I was about to leave, he called me back, so I turned to Reis:
"... I didn't eat anything outside. I'll eat something now, care to join me?"
"... I can."
He heated his food and placed it on the table, I was sitting across from him.
"Want a beer?"
"Ah, I don't drink alcohol."
"Really? Do you drink soda?"
"Yes."He then grabbed two soda cans."You can have the beer if you want, don't worry about it."
"If you're going to join me, it's the least you can do."
"This is so strange... We haven't seen each other or talked for so long, and suddenly I'm in his house with my son... we even argued in front of him..." Reis was already having dinner, while I opened the soda can, that strange and silent atmosphere made me anxious, the low noise of him eating and my heart beating very fast and loud (at least to me) was truly incessant.
"Why did you come back?"
"... There were some complications..."
"Complications? Weren't you set for life in Europe? You were with a well-off alpha and Romeo had a good mother. What's complicated about that?"
"Celine died a few months ago... I don't know if I told you..."
"... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be insensitive."
"No, it's okay... You know why I actually married her? Because despite everything, she was my best friend... Celine had already been married once to an omega who committed suicide, he had depression and even after we both got married, she didn't try anything with me and took care of my son wonderfully..."
I had no idea that Jasper was suffering so much because of her, even though tears didn't roll down his face, he had a weary expression, and I could see his sadness in his eyes.
"And about your job, I heard you were selling my information to the SE boss, that's not the problem here. But why? I need to know why I was betrayed...! Was it for money?! Debt...?! Tell me."
"I was young, Reis. I wanted a better life, I had just been hired, so I couldn't miss any opportunity to advance there... My boss took advantage of the fact that I was young and that was my first job..."
"... I understand."
I held his hand and caressed it. "I feel like it's better to change the subject, this is starting to bother me..."
"... Sorry if I'll sound impolite in the middle of this conversation, but then during these seven years, you didn't have sex with anyone? I was curious about it since my mark never reacted to that before."
"You are right. I didn't have sex during these seven years, I dedicated myself entirely to my son... And about the mark hurting or something, now it makes sense why my mark hurt so much... While I couldn't do anything with anyone because my mark hurt, you could have fun with anyone you wanted, right? Since my mark didn't stop hurting because of you..."
He was right. In the time we spent apart, I lived my life, went out with other people, many people even, but I never once thought about the pain he would be feeling.
"True. I had sex with many people since you ran away, many of them... Omegas especially. But every time I touched someone, I felt that it wasn't good enough... I missed your touch and your warmth... It was extremely different from when I touched you..."
"... That's enough, I don't want to talk about this... I'm going back to sleep" "That conversation was too much for me now, so I stood up, bidding him goodbye, and Reis stood up and held my hand."
"Jasper. Wait...! I want to change this...!"
"Change how?..."
"I want to try again with you. I want to spend time with you and now with our son."
"Reis, I can't"
"Jasper...! Please...! Give me a chance, even if I have to pay you the years of child support I never paid, but please... I know deep down your interest is not just about money."
"... Okay... We'll stay here a little longer. But please, don't push it..."
"Okay... Don't worry, I won't."
I approached him and gave Jasper a peck on the lips.
"Good night, sleep well..."
"Yeah... You too... Good night..."
He then went into his room, and I sat back at the table and finished dinner. "I thought he would completely reject this, but since we're already marked, it's best to stick together... When I bit him, I didn't know I would feel something in me in the same place as his mark, we're really connected... And with a child... A child who is mine and Jasper's..."
"Haah... Things are starting to work out... Haah... What a relief..."
To be continued...
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