Carlos was lying on the bed, Lucas was examining him once again, Alberto was standing nearby, closely observing Lucas, and Nina was watching the three men in front of her. She had already sensed the tension in the room and knew that something interesting was about to happen.
"Well, the vital signs are good, I believe it was just stress. Probably didn't eat or sleep well and his body couldn't handle it. But he should wake up soon. I don't think it's necessary for you to stay here since you're not a relative. We'll take good care of him," Lucas said arrogantly, staring at Alberto.
Alberto raised an eyebrow. He knew this was Lucas, Carlos' ex. Michael had done a good job, as always, and provided Alberto with a report on Carlos, including the fact that Andrey had been treated there. Nina discreetly started filming because she could tell things were going to heat up. She put her cellphone in her front pocket and began biting her nails.
Alberto smiled and approached the bed where Carlos lay. Lucas had his hand on Carlos' pulse and seemed unwilling to remove it.
Alberto took Carlos' hand in his and held it with both of his hands, looking straight at Lucas as he replied, without averting his gaze, "I may not be a relative, but I am his boyfriend. I think that counts as family, doesn't it, doctor?"
Nina gasped at what she heard the handsome man say. She looked from one man to the other and could see the sparks in their eyes. Alberto was clearly trying to provoke Lucas, and he would continue with this act for as long as he could.
"He never mentioned he was dating someone. How do we know if you're really telling the truth?" Lucas retorted angrily.
"But why should my baby have informed you about our relationship? Aren't you just colleagues?" Alberto replied.
Nina couldn't help but burst into stifled laughter upon hearing the term "my baby." She liked the idea of Carlos dating that man, but she knew it wasn't entirely true. They might have just met recently and were not actually dating. Carlos saw her reaction and tried to hold back his own laughter, covering his mouth. He considered Nina his confidante and hadn't told her anything about being in a relationship.
"What did you call him?" Lucas made a funny face after hearing Alberto's words.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have called him that in front of you, since it's something intimate between us. But, as I said, would he have had to inform you about our relationship?" Alberto asked.
Lucas made a disgusted face and before he could say anything, Nina timidly spoke up.
"Absolutely not," she replied, seeing both men turn to look at her at the same time. "What? I didn't say anything wrong. He wouldn't have told you about his personal life, and you know that," Nina said, looking at Lucas.
Lucas looked back at her with a scowl, but Nina just shrugged and turned her face away.
Alberto observed Lucas' reaction, noticing that he was clearly bothered by Alberto's declaration. He still hadn't let go of Carlos' wrist and it was starting to annoy Alberto.
"Now that he's fine, you can attend to your other patients. I'll stay by my boyfriend's side until he wakes up," Alberto said to Lucas, his tone serious.
"By whose side?" Carlos spoke up, and both men looked at him simultaneously.
Neither of them had noticed the moment Carlos had woken up. Carlos looked at his wrist being held by Lucas, who immediately let go. Alberto, on the other hand, didn't release his hand, shamelessly continuing to hold onto it.
Lucas said his goodbyes and left the room. Carlos looked at his hand, but Alberto pretended not to notice and didn't let go.
"Are you feeling better? I was worried about you," Alberto said.
"I'm fine, it was just stress. You don't need to stay here. I imagine you have many things to do," Carlos replied, feeling embarrassed with Alberto holding his hand and staying by his side, especially after hearing him openly declare that they were dating.
"Well, yes, I do have a lot to do. So get well soon, doctor, and take good care of your boyfriend. Make sure he eats something," Nina hurriedly left as fast as she could after dropping the bombshell. She didn't want to be around when it exploded.
Alberto released Carlos' hand and placed it on the bed. He looked at Carlos, who at that moment had one eyebrow raised, as if waiting for an explanation.
"The doctor didn't want to let me stay in the room, since I'm not a relative, so I said I was your boyfriend. I'm sorry if I offended you in any way."
"It's okay, you didn't offend me," Carlos replied, trying to imagine the scene of this tall, tough-looking man pretending to be a concerned boyfriend.
"I really was worried about you, I don't want anything bad to happen to you," Alberto said, his hands in his pockets, and he seemed sincere when he spoke. "Do you and your ex still have something?"
Carlos was surprised by this question.
"Oh? What do you mean?" Carlos had no idea how Alberto knew about Lucas.
"The doctor who just left, he seemed bothered when I said I was your boyfriend, it seems like he still has feelings for you," Alberto said, observing Carlos' reaction.
"If he still felt something, he wouldn't have done what he did, I think he was bothered by the idea that I had finally moved on."
Alberto approached Carlos, who was already sitting on the bed. He took his hand out of his pocket and placed it close to Carlos' body on the bed, leaning towards him, getting very close.
"And what's stopping you from moving on, doctor?"
Alberto's proximity made Carlos tremble. He parted his lips in an attempt to say something, but the door was opened, interrupting Carlos from speaking. Alberto just tilted his head to the side without changing his position, gritting his teeth as he saw Lucas again. He was losing his patience with this guy. He looked at Carlos again, taking his other hand out of his pocket and bringing it to his face.
"See you later, babe."
Alberto straightened his body and turned to leave the room. Carlos didn't even have time to process what had just happened. Alberto passed Lucas, giving him an intimidating look, and Lucas swallowed hard, feeling the intimidating aura of that man.
After Alberto left, an awkward silence settled in the room. Carlos, who was uncomfortable with the situation, broke the silence.
"Why did you come back? Do you need something?"
Lucas sat on the bed, looking at Carlos, and put his hand over his, speaking softly.
"Is there still a chance?"
Carlos opened his mouth, unable to pronounce a word for a while. He couldn't believe what Lucas was asking. After all, did he want to come back? Did he miss him? Or did things not work out with his boyfriend? Carlos was completely confused by this question and totally surprised, wondering what had made Lucas change his mind.
"Why are you asking me this? What made you change your mind about us?" Carlos managed to ask these two questions after a while.
Lucas smiled to himself, looked at his own hand before answering.
"I missed you, and on that day, seeing you take control of that situation, acting on impulse, made me realize that was the man I wanted to see in you and that you can be that man."
Carlos couldn't believe what he was hearing. So, that was what had happened? Seeing him there, in danger, facing a mobster, that's what he wanted from him?
"But it was you who didn't give me a chance to be that man. You know how frustrated I felt, knowing that I lost a fight without even having a chance to fight?" Carlos replied, deciding that it was time to let out everything that had been bottled up for so long.
"In my mind, everything was fine between us, living together, sex, everything. My world shattered when I found out you were with someone else, and when you told me all those things, I... I felt destroyed. I loved you so much that I was willing to forgive your betrayal and change anything necessary to not lose you, but you just threw away all our years together. Why didn't you tell me before anything that you weren't happy? Or that you weren't satisfied, or whatever the hell it was. Why didn't you give me a chance to fight?"
Tears had already streamed down Carlos' face without his permission. These questions had been gnawing at him for a long time, and in a way, it was a relief to get it all out.
"I thought you would never be willing to change for me. I let myself be carried away when I met someone who was what I wanted you to be. But I still have feelings for you, and I know you still love me," Lucas said, touching Carlos' face.
That touch, those hands on his face, how he missed them. Carlos closed his eyes, allowing himself to feel the touch of those hands again. He shouldn't have, but he enjoyed feeling it again. Carlos opened his eyes and looked at Lucas.
"I was afraid they would hurt you. When I saw them pushing you, I just acted, didn't think about anything else. I don't know if I can be that man all the time."
Deep down, Carlos knew he couldn't be the way Lucas wanted. And despite saying he would change for him, he didn't think it was right to have to change to fit someone else's standards. If Lucas wanted him, wouldn't it be right to want him as he was?
The more Carlos thought about it, the more convinced he became that it wouldn't work out. During all those months when Lucas left him, he always thought that if he changed his mind, he would say yes immediately. But at that moment, he wasn't sure if he wanted to get back together with him anymore. What had changed, he didn't know, but he was questioning his feelings.
Lucas approached Carlos, still with his hand on his face.
"Can we try?"
Carlos opened his mouth, but couldn't emit any sound. Lucas wanted to kiss him, but Carlos turned his face away. He didn't know why he had done that, but he did. He wanted that kiss, but it wasn't right. Lucas was still with someone else.
"Give me some time, I'll think about it. I can't give you an answer now."
Lucas stepped back, standing up, he smiled awkwardly, thinking Carlos wouldn't hesitate to get back together with him.
"Is it because of him? Are you falling for him?"
Carlos didn't understand the question right away, but he imagined Lucas was talking about Alberto, since the other guy said he was his boyfriend.
"It has nothing to do with him. I just need to think carefully if this would really be the best for both of us."
"Okay, I'll wait for your answer. Rest."
Lucas left the room and Carlos began to think about everything that had just happened. Until all these events unfolded, he wasn't sure if he still wanted him, but until then, he only knew that something had changed. Lucas' question echoed in his mind, and he wondered if the change really had something to do with Alberto.
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Updated 80 Episodes
Eclipwze ✨
boyyyy Don't give it a Thought just Reject Him
like I understand Years of love can't be Forgotten In a few Months but HE CHEATED and thats a sin
what if he found someone else better again and left U again???
think about it
idk Alberto well Like Till now He's A good Character u could Just use him as an excuse to reject Lucas (not Date him it's completely up to u!!!)
but I could atleast Just Reject Lucas He isn't the only for u boyyyy!!!!!!!
Even though I want to understand that it's your years of love and affection that can't be forgotten in a mere few days or months but how can you even think about giving a chance to someone who betrayed your years of love?? I can never do that
Lulu 🙃
udakiwe lo shame 👀🤨😒