"What doesn't kill you makes you weaker- 2"

It wasn't hard as I thought to find the kitchen in this house and I was thankful for that because I was starving. When I entered Agnes was standing by the sink washing the dishes while listening to a song, which was playing lightly in the background. I smiled while watching her. She was moving her hips a bit and lip-syncing to the song. She looks full of life.

"Good morning, Agnes," I said approaching and she jumped a bit, putting her over the heart. I smiled.

"Oh, my God, kid, you scared me. My poor old heart." She exclaimed, making me laugh a bit.

She was really the first person in a long time to make me feel this. She made me relax and forget about what was happening in my life. Maybe it was because I knew that she wouldn't do anything to hurt me like the others. She was a nice woman.

"Sorry, Agnes." I apologized as I leaned against the doorframe, putting my hand in front of my mouth to prevent myself from laughing as her ad dancing moves came in mind again. She narrowed her brown eyes at me and then hit me lightly on the arm.

"Don't laugh at me, young lady." She said playfully.

"Sorry, sorry."

"Go eat your breakfast. It's on the table." She said, pointing at it and then turned back to what she was doing with a smile playing on her face.

I sat down on the chair and looked at the dishes in front of me. I wasn't used to all of this. On the table were eggs with bacon, croissants, bread with butter and jam, a glass of milk and a glass of fresh orange juice. There was no possibility in the world that I would be able to at all of this.

"This is too much," I informed Agnes.

"No, it's not, besides I didn't know what you liked so I just put everything."

I nodded my head and took a croissant from the plate and started eating it quietly. Agnes came and sat on the chair opposite me, taking a sip from her coffee. She was silent and I knew that she wanted to ask me something.

"What is it?" I asked, taking a sip from my orange juice. She looked up at me and sighed.

"Nothing important." She said, shaking her head, but I wasn't going to leave it just like that, so I urged her to speak.

"Tell me."

"It's just that... just be careful... with Mr.Alaric." She said and then just like that stood up and left the kitchen in a hurry, leaving me behind confused. Why did she say that? Does she know something that I don't?

I finished my breakfast leaving the eggs and bacon untouched and then stood up. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall, which showed 10.00, and I knew that there was no time to try and clean up the table. Jace will probably be waiting and I don't want to make him angry, again, by showing up late. But I know that I eventually will since I don't know where his office is.

I got out of the kitchen and walked into the big hall, looking around me. In the corner, I spotted a half-opened the door. I approached it and looked carefully through the open space to see Jace with his back turned to me, looking at a huge painting, which took the entire wall. The painting was of a woman, her face looked like she was in pain and her, what seemed to be lifeless, a body was laying on a red bed. Red from her blood. The details on the painting were amazing and the artist had also given emphasis and on her white dress, making it look so realistic. But what I saw next made me gasp quietly. On the background there was a smoke dark shadow, hovering over her body. The scary figure had red eyes and sharp teeth and his claws were almost touching the weak woman. He was the devil. Who would draw something like this? As I continued to observe the painting, I accidentally pushed the door with my shoulder, making it open fully and reveal me.

"I see you finally decide to join me," Jace said, keeping his face serious.

It's now that I got the chance to properly see him since earlier I avoided him. He was wearing a dark grey suit with matching pants and his green eyes were staring on me intensely.

"I didn't have any choice." I built up the courage to say and he raised his eyebrows as he sat on his leather chair, putting his hands on his wooden desk.

"That's true. Please sit." He said, pointing at the chair opposite him. I didn't say anything and just walked towards the chair and sat on it, keeping my eyes on him the entire time. I was trying to catch any kind of emotion from him, but he didn't show any. He was good at this.

"So let's get down to the business, shall we?"

I nodded my head.

"So you know Miss.." He started to say, but pause, releasing that he didn't know my name. So he looked at me, waiting.

"Starr...erm...my name is Teresa Starr," I said shifting on my seat uncomfortably. He just nodded.

"Okay then, Miss Starr. As you might know, you will be staying with me for a while. So I think it's time for you to learn the rules and your place in the house." He said.


"I know exactly from where I took you and what you did there, but here with me, you have to forget all of that because here you will be following my rules and what I say. I'm not Correy and I'm not planning to be like him. I don't want you to be forced to do what I will ask you to, I don't want a slave, Miss Starr. I'm not that cruel. If you don't agree with what I will say, then I will return you back." He said and I was listening to him amazed. I really wanted to hear what he wanted to say. I was willing to.


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