"And those eyes...I lost myself in them."-1

[*Terri's POV]

Beautiful green eyes...

It felt like I lost myself in them, they were so captivating and were framed by long, dark lashes which emphasized their light green color. They were bright but at the same time, it looked like they were hiding something. My eyes drifted slowly down to look at the man's face, like his pink plump lips which looked so soft or his firm, sharp jaw or the way his eyebrows knitted together as he stared at me intently. He indeed was a handsome man. Breathtaking.

I hadn't realized for how long we had been in that position, but when his hand let go of my chin and he stood up straight, letting me get a better a view of Grace standing in the back, her puzzled expression told me it that it had been long enough. I immediately looked back down at my feet, trying to avoid everyone's intense gazes. Mr. Alaric slowly walked away from me and that's when I built up the courage to glance up at him again. He was tall and lean, with wide shoulders. His hair was slightly long and curly, but even though everything about him was and looked beautiful there was something about him that didn't feel right. Maybe it was his aura. He seemed to be the mysterious type of man and maybe the dangerous one, too.

"I would like to speak with Correy if it's possible." He said to Grace with his back still facing me.

That was the first time he spoke since he walked into this place and to be honest I wasn't surprised at all by his voice, it was just like I expected it to be... raspy and deep and completely matching with his looks. His dark suit and dress pants showed nothing but authority and I knew that he was someone important or at least wealthy. Grace looked at him with wide eyes and lips parted, not sure of how to reply, she was taken back by his request and I don't understand why. Maybe it was the fact that he called Correy by his first name or maybe no one had ever asked something like that before. Was he displeased?

"S-sure, but why?" she stuttered and smiled nervously.

"Just take me to him." He said, sounding more commanding this time and Grace nodded her head, not warding to make angry the rich client.

"Just follow me." She said in a low voice and was about to start walking when he spoke again, stopping her.

"I want her to come, too." He sternly exclaimed and I knew that he was referring me.

I felt everyone's eyes on me and shifted uncomfortably my weight from my left foot to my right as I bit my lip, a habit I always do when I'm nervous.

"Her?" Grace asked with raised eyebrows and he nodded his head. She mentioned for me to come closer and when I did she took my hand in her warm one and started walking with Mr. Alaric following right behind us. That moment I felt like I was the prey and Mr. Alaric was the predator. I knew that he was checking out my body and I could feel his eyes on me and the fact that I wasn't wearing proper clothes made me even more nervous than I was before.

We reached the staircase and we started ascending the stairs, but when I was about to step on the last stair I lost my balance and my foot slipped, causing my body to go backward. I let out a small squeal, expecting to collide with the marble and hurt myself, but instead, a cold hand was placed on my bare back pushing me back again and helping me steady myself.

"Careful these stairs are dangerous," Grace warned me.

Well, I think it's a little bit late for that.

I put my hand over my chest and looked behind me to see the green-eyed man standing there with a blank expression on his face. He had just saved me, but yet he behaved as nothing happened.

"Thank you." I murmured. He didn't say anything, he didn't even blink, instead, he cleared his throat and tensed his jaw.

"Shall we continue?" Were the only things he asked. I turned back and started walking until we finally reached Correy's office. Grace knocked on the door lightly, twice and then opened it going first inside.

"Sir, there is someone who wants to speaks with you." She told him.

"Bring him in." Correy's voice was heard and without wasting a second Mr. Alaric's long legs started taking big steps towards Correy's office.

I followed him inside, closing the door behind me and when I turned around I could see Correy's blue eyes looking at me a frown appeared on his face. He was quick, though, to replace it with a fake smile and extended his hand out for the younger man shake.

"Glad to see you again, Mr. Alaric." He greeted him and Mr. Alaric nodded not saying much. From what I have understood he isn't that talkative, he acts rather cold and distant.

"Please sit." He said, pointing to the armchair in front of his desk.

Mr. Slaric unbuttoned a few buttons from his suit before fixing it and sat down with grace. I myself stood in the corner of the room with Grace next to me, both silent. Even though, I was confused as to what was going on and wanted to ask a lot of questions I knew better than that. This was no time for me to speak and maybe it would never be.

"So why did you wanted to see me?" Correy asked, taking a sip from his expensive wine and then placing the glass down again.

The younger man entwined his fingers and came a bit forward, preparing to speak. I really wanted to know what he had to say since I was involved, too. I looked with fear in my eyes at Grace and she only gave me a small smile, but I knew that smile wasn't reassuring one. It looked more like she pitied me.

"I'll get straight to the point, I want to get one of your Dolls with me. And to be more exact I want her." He said slowly in a deep voice and Correy nodded, giving me a quick glance.

"Terri? But why did you wanted to speak with me about this? It's not like you haven't come in here before and I'm sure you know the rules, Mr. Alaric." He told him with a smirk on his face as he rested his back on his leather chair. They know each other.

"Well, the difference is that this time I want to keep her for more than just one night." Mr. Alaric explained, resting his elbows on the arms of his chair and mimicking Correy.

"What do you mean?"

"I want the girl to stay with me for four months." He said and my eyes widened and so did everyone else's in the now quiet room.

Correy narrowed his eyes at him, trying to read his face and then started laughing, but form Mr.Alaric serious face I could tell he was being serious.

"You're joking right?"

"Oh, but I'm not. Actually, I'm dead serious." The younger man replied casually.

"You have clearly gone mad, you know that won't happen. It's against our rules." Correy yelled, slamming his hand on the wooden desk, but Mr. Alaric didn't even flinch.

He wasn't scared of him... not at all. I have to admit, it was fun to watch them. Everyone feared Correy, but that young man didn't.

"You and I both know that you don't follow the rules, Correy. And also we both know that in the end, you'll give up because of money interests you more than some stupid rules." Correy looked at him amazed, he wasn't expecting that answer.

"Okay, but find another girl."

"I'm afraid I can't do that. I want her." Mr. Alaric insisted.

"then I think there's nothing more to discuss here. She will cost you a lot and you don't have that money."

"I think you're underestimating me, Correy." He smirked and searched in his pocket for something.

"Maybe this will change your mind?" The younger man asked, taking a paper from his pocket and put it on top of the desk for Correy, who immediately took it and read it. His pale eyes widened and he smiled, shaking his head lightly.

"I have to say it's impressive, but..." He paused and took a pen, writing down on the paper a few more numbers... I guess." This would be more impressive, enough to win me over." He finished and handed it back to Mr. Alaric. His face was expressionless as he read the number and I couldn't really tell what he was thinking.

"I'll pay." He simply said and Correy smiled big, showing off his teeth. His gaze remained on Mr. Alaric and he raised his hand toward mine and Grace's direction. At that point I wasn't confused anymore I had understood everything. I was sold.

"Prepare her*."





I love this novel. Please update, writer. I m waiting.





ufff, poor girl, i'm so curious to know her story



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