King and council of 10 elders

1st elder:Today as the last day of.... life i have something to say to all of you... My king i have to give you some bad news... I was once 1 of the disciple of.... The Great Nature... My master left on me the spell that we place on our students well that spell will kill them at some point even theyr soul will frail... from nature order. My master left this book where we all know the weakest art... left.. or so we tought... healing art...

King:What do you mean!?

My king i have less than 5 hours to live so all people that have a compatibility to this art need to enter AOH. We all know that this is the weakest art and only a few people practice this art... but this art was once the top art... until that era... (breathing slower... and slower) The 10 mastery of healing art... The lost 10 th mastery... Is written on this book as the last resort...

King:Why did you keep this a secret?

1st elder:i have a slave crest planted in my soul not only a simple one... Once i die my soul will never get in one piece at god gate..

Today i will put a mark of my memory and a fragment of soul in every one of you... our true history is inscripted in that mark... You will know something that no other people will belive..

KING(LOUD VOICE) : 1st elder have a safe journey.

1st elder :To all of you this year entery exam will be the celestial stone that Great nature left on library shelf... sorry my king soryy... My last word to all of you....: ( keep this young generation well...


Other 9 elders... (with one voice) we need to change this year exam before is too late.

King(opens the unknown) first page.... Dear king if you read this book that mean i failed my task please don't be mad at our past live the past to old people... This new generation will ascend to a new high...

2nd elder:(sad voice) This year exam needs to be difderent but we can't change the exam one week beore it goes.

3rd elder:Let's do this we place a fake cruse and say is the real deal

7th elder :this might work.

2nd elder:let's make this exam like that one

Last elder:that exam are you sick of your life the way to black forest or even AOH is full of monsters...

We don't have a choice... (king)

KING:(using the last generation call transponder) To all of you that hear this AOH will start a new selection in 5 days all of you that are brave enought to go to your test location and pass our 3 test will get a green flag to enter AOH. End of call.

King:First test - Art of help(next chaper)

-Write a comment please:) if i get some comments i will update this novel every day

Next chapter will have our main characther :Art of help


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