5 days in dungeon

Empire just guard :You women you' made the mistake of your life. King Mari send you to dungeon for 5 days... good luck, haha become meat for that creature.

MARY: So this is where i get for enetering the holy palace... But what is that man speaking about... A creature...

I'M worried about my son is imposible to get the rest of money for academy entrance... Offff. God give me luck and let me get to my son again..... :(.

Meanwhile in town...

-Where is mom grandfather?

-One day ago she run near holy palace... To speak with... Well a friend...

-But mom hates that place...

-Wait Christian that is all we can do...

-No i'm going to holy palace.

-Christian don't go.

-If mom is there i will search for her.

2nd day

Mary is still locked in dungeon...

This dungeon is not simple it was made with a beast seal and not a ordinary one... grade 6 beast seal.

Off, my little child, your mom is grounded in this dungeon.

Thre is something moving in dungeon...

A voice calling Mary name is geting close to her...

Mary, mary, mary

-Hwoo... Are you... (terified)

Humans call me beast..

Some call me god and some... YOU WILL KNOW... (SCREAM)

-What do you want from me?

-Your mark... called me

-Mark... Mark what mark

-Your burnt marck called me.



His name is Christian ?

-How do you know that?

-I know every thing i hear everything i am well not from here.

-Whre are you from?

-I'm from a place called Void... Something...

-What are you doing in this dungeon?

-I'm a PET.


-Protector of eternal Time.

-how did you get in this...

-My master left me a message.

-Once war ends show your true power and let people caught you and one day you will find a women with a burnt mark, give one of your book to that person.... end of message.... PET DON'T ESCAPE... My soul got shatred(broken in pieces) im not going to reincarnate soon... Protect that......

-Mary: so how long have you been here

-I'm here from..... to long for you to understand...

-Show me your marck (calm voice)

-Well you told me that you see every thing, why not look yourself..

-I can't use my power on you... Once your marck recated.



-I give you these choice:




-Mary : I don't need money or power give me the 3rd choice.

Master was right....

This is his last words before he died :

Once war ends some years will pass my soul will try to reincarnate, in one day a women will be grounded in dungeon don't kill her... Her childern is my children..... Give him a grimoire... Power... Money... That mark is my soul fragment... A new power will rose but that kid will go to a pace were... A big event will happen.... Soul.... Made out of..... keep Christian safe.... Tell her i'm sorry.....

3rd day in dungeon

-Mary :That can't be my life lover died before i gived birth... Is imposible

4th day i had a dream of a man in blue that said something but i don't remeber.

Last day of mary in dungeon

-PET: Today i give you 'a spell' God will, (this spell needs to be passed to Christian Holy Arma (for your safety this spell will protect from every magic, wepon that will enter in contact with you) and next give this to Christian this soul token will make him more strong and will make him a strong person, one more once Christian turns 16 i have to give him a secret. Now i will go back to my slumber. Take care Mary.

It was a long day but at last day a guard comes to unlock Mary...

Guard:This women survived that place now i know why majesty wants her..

-Guard :Women move out Holy majesty will see you.


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