Episode 7
Yvone Vallcary
*looking at the Demon Land*
why have you been looking outside?
Maria is helping Yvone put on her dress for the gathering tonight at the palace
the king is announcing about the successor's battle
Yvone Vallcary
(I wanted my gown to be a little slim but the dress maker doesnt want to because she said it's a gathering for some stvpid nobles)
there, all done my lady
Yvone Vallcary
(I'm a bad b1tch after all so I need to act like one)
Yvone went to the ballroom where everyone was
a cold aura surrounded the whole place
everyone: (why is it so cold)
Winny Vallcary
sister *fake smile*
Winny Vallcary
*approach her*
Yvone Vallcary
*walk pass her*
Winny Vallcary
someone: looks like the two sister isnt getting along
someone2: its seems the eldest is much more domeenering than her
someone: look at their dress, princess Yvone's dress is much more beautiful than Winny
someone: did the king give princess Winny enough money *laugh*
Yvone was busy talking to other people
people who are not that powerful
Duke Wal: *approach Winny* Dont be angry princess, lool at who she's talking too, theres no way she can win the role as successor
Winny Vallcary
that's right
Winny Vallcary
(she can never win against me)
the king finally enter the place and stood infront of all of them
Yvone Vallcary
*approach him*
Winny Vallcary
*approach him*
there position: Yvone, Fredric, Winny
Yvone and King Fredric are giving the same aura
someone: the princess and the king have the same powerful aura surrounding them
someone: while princess Winny doesnt give any aura at all
someone: is she really a daughter of the king?
King Fredric Vallcary
*look at Winny*
King Fredric Vallcary
*look at Yvone*
Yvone Vallcary
*giving death glare to everyone*
thank you for supporting this story
by the way shout out to this cutie who's always reading my story Thank you so much 😘
me too
Terystica Satin
love this story sooo much
I agree with you someone..🤣🤭