Episode 5
Yvone Vallcary
(oh my god)
Yvone Vallcary
(who knew theres something like this in a place so dark)
Yvone was amaze by how beautiful the fireflies was that she didnt notice someone walk to her
Roivik Frezon
what are you doing here?
Yvone Vallcary
*look back*
Yvone Vallcary
who are you?
Roivik Frezon
who are you?
Roivik Frezon
and how did you enter the forest?
Yvone Vallcary
I just walk in
Roivik Frezon
(the barrier didnt work on her?)
Yvone Vallcary
how did you get here?
Yvone Vallcary
i didnt here you
Roivik Frezon
you were to emerse on the flies
Yvone Vallcary
who are you?
Yvone Vallcary
do you live here?
Yvone Vallcary
so what are you?
Roivik Frezon
arent you scared?
Yvone Vallcary
why would I?
Yvone Vallcary
*turn around and look at the flies again*
Real name:???
Species: Demon
the flies started to fly to one direction
Yvone Vallcary
where are they going?
Roivik Frezon
it's time for you to leave
Roivik Frezon
their leader is coming
Yvone Vallcary
I want to see
Roivik Frezon
Imo, cant hic amplius manere vel aliter exire soles, in silva periculosissima es, sic relinquere debes.
(no, you cant stay here anymore or else you wont get out, you're on the most dangerous part of the forest, so you need to leave)
Roivik Frezon
follow the scars on the trees
Roivik Frezon
i'll lead you out
when Yvone was far Roivik look back
why did you let her leave?
Roivik Frezon
*demonic eyes*
Roivik Frezon
dont do that again
hey her handsome 😉
sir, she herself is dangerous so better be careful 😌
wow he is handsome😯