Episode 4
Yvone Vallcary
*drinking tea*
Yvone Vallcary
(thank god something in tthis world is good)
Yvone Vallcary
*talking about the tea*
Yvone is on her room drinking tea
she look outside and saw a big black clouds
Maria is Yvone's personal maid
Yvone Vallcary
what's thag big black cloud over there
oh you must be talking about the Demon land
Yvone Vallcary
Demon land?
Yvone Vallcary
(Theres a Demon land in this world?)
Yvone Vallcary
(I should probably be there cause I never had a good deed in my life)
Yvone Vallcary
can people go there?
the Demon Land is a forbidden territory
it says that those who goes inside doesnt come out
(what does she mean hmm?)
(please tell me she's not planning to go there)
(ever since she woke up she become different)
Yvone Vallcary
*drink tea*
Yvone wore a robe to make sure she wont be recognize
she went to the stable and rode a horse and went to the border where the Demon Land starts
Yvone Vallcary
(this world have powers and elements in it)
Yvone Vallcary
(after reading some books, I finally understand that this world is full of magic, both bad and good
Yvone Vallcary
(the human land is more than 40% of this world, while the others contain of different things, like Demon, Faries, Pixies etc)
Yvone Vallcary
(Demon is the natural enemy of humans, and the royal family have the power for those demon to get defeated)
Yvone Vallcary
(but one particullar power was lost)
Yvone Vallcary
(I wonder what it was)
Yvone arrive at the border, the horse doesnt want to walk anymore because of how scared it was so she just hop off and walk herself
she tie the horse to a tree few meters away from the border
Yvone Vallcary
(let's see what's in here shall we)
Yvone lit up the gas lamp she had and went inside
as soon as she step on the land a cold breeze hit her
Yvone Vallcary
(no one told me it's this cold in this place)
she walk and walk without any directions
it was pitch black, when she suddenly saw a light
Yvone Vallcary
(what is that)
she walk there and saw what it was
Yvone Vallcary
(oh my god)
what is pixies
sweet fox
I love her honesty🤣🤣🤣
very interesting