The first years without my wife were the worst in my life. It seems that since she left, I lost the support that kept me standing and made me feel like the best of men.
At work, at least everything seemed to be going smoothly... signed contracts, satisfied clients, a great reputation. But to have all of this requires effort and dedication. And it was in this way that I slowly and slowly started to see my new reality with different eyes.
I began to take my first steps, like a baby for the first time... but at the same time, I recognize that with each passing day, my relationship with my son became more distant, and his with me was reciprocal.
Nicolas was growing up, silent, closed off, alone, and with few friends... a rebellious and aggressive temperament...
Tired of everything that surrounded me, that's when one day, while in the gym room in the back of my house, I had an idea...
Maybe he needed a distraction. Since my sweet Julliane passed away, the only female influence in the house was Gloria, but she was much older than him and seemed tired as well.
So, that's when I had the fateful idea of hiring a nanny. This way, she could give Nicolas the attention he needed, and help Gloria take care of Elisa, who was already trying to take her first steps.
Since that tragic day when I made the decision to hire a nanny to care for Nicolas, and mind you, it's only been three months since I lost my wife, five candidates have come and gone, unable to endure Nicolas' rage and fury.
The first one lasted only three days, the second two, the third persisted but gave up on the third day when Nicolas filled her pillow with cockroaches, and the poor woman had a phobia of those insects...
The fourth, being older than the others, put on a tough front in the beginning, and so far, she has been the longest-lasting, lasting exactly seven days before giving up on the eighth when Nicolas spread butter on her bedroom floor, causing her to slip and injure herself...
The fifth and final one seemed like a mix of my mother and all the others, but she also lost the battle against Nicolas because she was religious and one day caught Nicolas entering the bathroom with an erotic magazine, in which he told her that I gave it to him. She thought I was a pervert and left without even coming back to receive payment for her days worked.
There went the chance for me to at least be able to work for a day without having to take a painkiller for a throbbing headache or turn off my phone out of fear of new complaints.
Finally, Sunday had arrived. The day that, in the homes of normal people, is a typical day of rest where I could sleep in, maybe have a leisurely breakfast, and even take a relaxing swim in the pool, since it's been a long time since I've done that. But like I said, if this were a normal house... but mine isn't...
I was still in my room with my eyes closed, lying in bed, when I heard Elisa scream.
Her cries seemed to be conducted by a maestro because they had an incredible synchrony. Gloria rushed out and went to her room, and when she opened the door, she immediately saw why she was crying.
The poor little one had soiled herself, and her diaper was open, which made Gloria wonder how she managed to open the diaper or, in the worst-case scenario, someone else who knew for sure what the poor girl would do next...
As I reluctantly opened my eyes, I felt a cold breeze hit my body. As I put my feet on the floor, I realized that someone, whose name is Nicolas, had been here because the floor was wet. I ended up losing my balance and fell near the armchair.
"Ah, you little devil... you will pay for this..."
I went to the window, locked it, and after drying my feet and slipping on my sandals.
Then he opened the door in such a fit of rage that Gloria, who was right behind him, was even startled.
"Good...good morning, Mr. Blake," she said.
I looked at her and my urge was to scream. I took a deep breath, clenched my jaw, and gave her my most furious look.
"Good morning, Gloria...where is he?"
"Mr. Blake, what did he do this time?"
"It's no use trying to spare him, this time he won't get away from me."
I walked rudely through the long corridor that separated my room from the others, and when I reached his door, which by the way had a "do not enter" sign, I simply opened it and walked in.
Afraid of what I would find, I prepared myself defensively and approached the bed where he was lying.
I slowly pulled back his blanket and saw him there, curled up in a typical Oscar-worthy performance.
He slowly opened his eyes and with a sleepy voice said, "'s you? What are you doing here?"
I stared at him... I confess I didn't know how to have a conversation with an 11-year-old boy who didn't like me at all.
"How many times have I told you that I don't want you entering my room without my permission?"
"What are you talking about, Blake?"
The arrogance and disdain with which he called my name made me feel nauseous... He had acquired a power over me with his mere 11 years that I couldn't even dare to show him.
For an 11-year-old boy, I must admit that Nicolas had quite a lot of courage in facing me and he didn't fear the consequences it could bring him.
"First of all, whether you like it or not, my name is Blake to everyone else, and to you, it's father. Second of all, I want you to know that tonight Miss Megan will be joining us for dinner, and I don't even want to dream about the possibility of you mistreating her in any way, because if that happens, your fate will be sealed."
"Blah blah blah. Are you done? Can I go have my breakfast now that you had the audacity to wake me up?"
I took a deep breath and turned to leave his headquarters... One day, maybe I would find out where he had inherited such a strong personality from, especially since Juliane was so sweet. Could it be from me?
Oh no... I may be a little rude, yes, but no one can beat Nicolas.
I returned to my room and just put on shorts and a t-shirt, after all, it was Sunday, the day I finally didn't have to wear my suit and tie.
Feeling more at ease, I went downstairs to have breakfast.
"Good morning, Mr. Blake," Gloria greeted me.
I sat at the table and noticed that Gloria was happy.
"I can tell that you seem happy today, Gloria... Has something special happened?"
"Oh yes, Mr. Blake... My distant niece is coming to stay with me for a few days."
"That's nice, Gloria. Actually, I didn't even know you had a niece..."
"Well, it's not something I tell many people about my personal life, Mr. Blake."
"I see. By the way, I want you to make a special dinner tonight. Miss Megan will be joining us..."
"Don't worry, I will take care of it."
I finished my breakfast and as I walked past the kitchen door, I took a quick look at the cart where Elisa was.
As soon as our eyes met, that little pouting face smiled at me.
I felt something strange welling up inside of me and once again, that old sensation in my stomach returned.
Looking at me, she extended her little arms, asking for a hug that had never existed since she was born and that possibly would never exist...or maybe it would...
The day went on normally until around noon when Gloria received a phone call saying that her niece had just arrived.
She hung up the phone and went to the backyard where Blake was lying in the sun and said, "Excuse me, Mr. Blake, but would it be possible for me to leave for about an hour?"
I looked up and saw that it was almost noon.
"Be back before four, Gloria. Do you want John to take you somewhere?"
"No... imagine, Mr. Blake. There's no need to bother. I won't be long...thank you."
Gloria turned to leave when Blake called her again.
"Hey Gloria?"
"Yes, sir?"
"Where is that pest?"
"Mr. Blake...don't speak like that...deep down Nicolas is a good boy...he's in his room."
" least I gained a few minutes of know what? Let's try again."
"Oh my god, Mr. Blake, another nanny?"
"This time, Gloria, I hope you find one with armor against rebellious boys and messy babies..."
For the first time since the tragic day everything happened, that would have been the first moment Gloria saw Blake smile.
"You should do this more often..."
"Do what, Gloria?"
"Smile, Mr. Blake...everything becomes easier and less painful when we smile, even in the most difficult moments...see you later."
Gloria left the outdoor area, and I took advantage of the scorching heat and took a dive into the pool.
Only after resurfacing in the pool and looking up did I see that up high, behind a window in a small slit, there were a pair of eyes watching me...and those eyes belonged to none other than Nicolas.
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