An Alien On Planet Zen
I waited for my turn on the chair outside the doctor's office . I was about to consult a psychiatrist... THE SO CALLED EXPERT...
BUT I don't understand how the f*ck will a person who doesn't know me at all , examine me for a few minutes and know what's exactly wrong with me ?
Wait , Wait ,Wait , did I just say "something wrong with me" ?
No, No , there isn't anything wrong with me ... everything that I had spoken of has really happened... I really went to Planet Zen ,
I really met Karl .... I really fell in love with him ...
I really MARRIED HIM...
Then why the f*ck isn't anybody believing what I said ?
Getting an appointment in this hospital was always as difficult as waking up in the morning on a Winter Monday....
My parents spent $500 just to get an appointment in this hospital and I was warned not to act stupid in front of the doctor ... because they thought that if I spoke about my travel to the space , then the doctor would probably make me stay in the MENTAL HOSPITAL.
And then , just like all the other parents, my parents would also be worried about who would marry me after knowing that I was MENTALLY ILL....
I somewhere had a sinking feeling deep in my heart .
I missed Karl and I wanted to be with him , I wanted to hold him in my arms , I wanted to kiss his lips, I wanted to live my life with him ....
I did not really care if he belonged to my species or not ... I did not really care about the fact that he belonged to a foreign planet ... All I cared about is the LOVE in between us , I cared about the PROMISES we made to each other , I cared about the DREAMS we saw together .... I cared about the FANTASIES we built together.... I cared about MOMENTS we spent together ........................
As I sat there in the waiting room thinking about Karl,
I didn't want to see any Doctor , I didn't want anybody to examine me because I knew I was perfectly fine .
But my opinion did not really matter anymore.
I sat in between my Parents, Feeling like a kid, altough I was 18 --- A FULLY GROWN ADULT ...
At that moment, I realized that physical pain is far easier to bear than mental agony...
I looked at the patients waiting for their turn.
I felt terrible and I wanted to go back.
Not at home but YES , I wanted to return to his side.
Only one thought flashed my mind and that was about---
What would he be doing at that moment?
Where could he be?
Would he be thinking about me?
Would he miss me?
Will I ever be able to see him again in this lifetime?..................................................................
While I was thinking,
Suddenly a voice disturbed my thoughts...
*Eventually it was the nurse calling out my name - "Patient number-163, *Seneya Allen (that's me).
I honestly wanted to ignore her ... but my parents sitting besides me like breads of a sandwich squeezing the butter and jam in between were too attentive .. they responded immediately as soon as she called out my name ... and there I was entering the Lion's den .....
I wanted to scream at the top of my voice.
And any normal person would feel that way while being taken to a psychiatrist.
When I entered the Doctor's cabin , I gazed at a middle aged man who could not stop making some movements with his hand ....
"Hey you , yes you , you are stupid and an idiot" -- that's what I actually wanted to say but the fear of my parents stopped me.
I knew that he would examine me.
I kept wondering if this man can actually understand me? Can he look into my head? Will he even believe that my experience on Planet Zen was real?
Does the medical school teach you to step into other's shoes?
On looking at my expression, the doctor realized how terrible I was feeling at that moment and asked my parents to go out ...
I didn't have the guts to look at the doctor so I preferred acting numb watching my toes . To break off the silence the doctor started asking me mundane questions ...... Name? School? College? Hobbies? Interests?....
Later he started asking me questions about my personal life . He asked if I had a boyfriend .
I looked at him and wondered 'Why did this fatso want to know about my boyfriend' ...
I felt like shouting "Hey FAT AS* , why the hell do you wanna know about my love affairs? Just f**ck off..."
But I knew I couldn't say that and the only option I had was to shut my lips and stare at my own feet .
For a moment, I closed my eyes and all I could see was Karl's face .
I was too messed with the events happening in my life. But, the belief that Karl was there for me somehow made me feel better.
I then, gathered some courage and dared to raise my head. I knew that I had no escape until I spoke. Hence, I managed to have a normal conversation with the Psychiatrist. I did not utter a word about the Planet Zen to him . And as I said, he concluded that I had no mental illness and told my parents that I needed some rest.
But deep down, I knew that all I wanted was 'To return to Karl's side and that I shouldn't have returned to Earth again.'
My parents were a little surprised by the doctor's conclusion. If it wasn't the best hospital in the state, they wouldn't have regretted to make me visit another Psychiatrist.
When I was returning back home with them . I did not say a word and just kept looking outside the window. I thought of how great would it be if, I and Karl belonged to the same world ... THINGS WOULD HAVE BEEN SO SIMPLE ....
When we reached home , it was already 9pm .
I preferred to go to my room and SLEEP .. or rather THAT'S WHAT I TOLD MY PARENTS....
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Updated 89 Episodes
Hae Soo Cel Oyando
I'm new here and I'm looking forward for a good ending
i think its quite good till here..looking forward to the other chapters