...Hunter Andrew...
My God, this is what I get for drinking like an idiot, and this infernal headache that is killing me, destroying my being.
After much thought, I end up asking Anne for help, I had to swallow my pride and call her office.
Hunter_ Ahh... hello, Miss Clifford, could you come to my office right now.
She speaks in a sweet voice from the other end of the line.
Louize_ Hello, sir, I'll be right there.
She knocks on the door asking for permission to enter.
Hunter_ Please, come in, the door is open... - I say loudly.
Louize_ Well, sir, what do you want?
Hunter_ Get me aspirin, and every kind of painkiller and muscle relaxant possible, I had a terrible night and I have a terrible hangover.
She stares at me with a curious look.
Louize_ Ok, I'll do that right now. Anything else I can do to ease your pain?
I confess, I thought dirty, but she doesn't need to know what's going on on my messy desk, I clear my throat and speak.
Hunter_ Cancel all my appointments, I'm in no mood or disposition for anyone today.
Her eyes widen.
Louize_ Ah... actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about earlier today. Your schedule is full, you have appointments that require your presence urgently.
Hunter_ What part of what I said did you not hear? Louize, I'm not available for anyone today, do you understand? Cancel everything.
Louize_ As you wish, sir, if you'll excuse me, I'll be right back with your painkillers.
She leaves, comes back a while later, bringing me painkillers for my horrible hangover day, I was forced to lie down on my office couch, I was feeling terrible, she comes up to me, bringing some painkillers and a pitcher of water.
Louize_ Well, this will help ease the headache, oh, and drink plenty of water, it helps to get over the hangover.
Hunter_ Thank you.
Very carefully, she helps me take the medicine.
Louize_ As you requested, I canceled all appointments for the day, rest, get some sleep, you'll be feeling better soon. I'm going to close the curtain so you can be more comfortable.
Hunter_ Thank you, I don't know how to thank you for this.
I see a shy smile forming on her lips.
Louize_ That's okay, you don't need to thank me, I've been there before, it's horrible.
Going to the other side of the room she takes a pillow and brings it to me, placing it over my head, I could smell the floral scent of roses and hints of fresh strawberries coming from her, how could I not have noticed that she smelled so good, it was seconds, but I traveled in her scent.
Louize_ Anything else I can do for you, sir?
Hunter_ Call me just Hunter.
I don't know if it's the painkillers taking effect or if I'm delirious.
Louize_ I think the medicine is starting to work, it's not you talking, besides, you're my boss, I don't think I should call you by your first name. If that's all, I'll excuse myself.
She could at least give me a break, and she looks so beautiful in that maroon suit, I look at her for a few more seconds.
Hunter_ I'm sorry if I was insistent, but that's all, thank you.
With that she leaves like a shot, I don't know if it was the effect of the painkillers but I'm feeling a little sleepy, I fell asleep.
I slowly open my eyes, when I notice it's already night, and even sleeping I noticed that Clifford came here a few times to see how I was doing, I didn't expect that from her, she was right, I woke up much more willing, resting did me good.
I noticed some of my commitments for the next day, I used my best persuasion and convinced them to reschedule everything for tomorrow, I think that's it, it's almost seven o'clock at night, I can call it a day.
I leave my office and walk past Clifford's office, I know I shouldn't because she's not there, I open the door and what I see stops me dead in the doorway.
Clifford was slumped over her desk in a very uncomfortable position, sleeping soundly, I wonder why she didn't leave, she must be exhausted.
I approach slowly, take her shoulder and call her.
Hunter_ Louize.... wake up.
She doesn't hear me, I insist a little more, she's so beautiful when she sleeps, she's so serene.
Hunter_ Louize, come on, wake up.
Louize_ Ah, Hunter?.... Mr. Johnson....
She must be sound asleep because that was the first time she called me by my name, it sounded magical, an angel.
Hunter_ Yes, it's me, let's wake up, you fell asleep here, why didn't you go home?
Louize_ Hmm, what time is it?
Hunter_ It's seven fifteen at night, why didn't you go home?
Louize_ Wow, it's already night, I lost track of time, I didn't want to have to leave you there in that state.
All mushy, she speaks softly, I have to stay close to hear her.
Hunter_ You didn't have to worry about me, thank you anyway, I don't deserve it, come on, let's go, I'll take you home.
Louize_ Sir, you don't have to worry, I'll call a cab.
Hunter_ I insist, it's too late to be waiting for a cab alone at this time of night, take your things, let's go.
She gets up, takes her belongings and we leave.
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