Ravenswood High School, a melting pot of magic and mystery, nestled in the heart of the mystical town of Ravenswood. Here, supernatural creatures and humans coexisted, unaware of the secrets lurking beneath the surface. Amidst this blend of ordinary and extraordinary, 15-year-old Alex Cove struggled to find his place.
As a dark witch and sophomore, Alex's life seemed ordinary, but his family's ancient legacy hinted at a darker truth. His mother and grandmother had woven a spell to ensure their bloodline remained forever shrouded in darkness. Alex's younger sister, Maggie, a skilled guardian witch, watched over him silently.
Alex's confidant, Jenny, a blind seer, guided him through the turbulent world of magic. Her extraordinary gift allowed her to perceive the past, present and future. Despite her sightlessness, Jenny saw beyond the veil, sensing the intricate web of destinies.
NovelToon got authorization from Kimmy star to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.
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