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Author Name: Lady Em

The Rise Of The Pure Phoenix

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Author Name: Lady Em

She was suddenly gone, gone into another world because of a damn poem. It was mostly her fault because she didn’t listen. She was too brave to fight destiny when no one can actually defeat it. She was too full of herself, she thought she will be the first to deny everything but going against the flow only hurt her. Now that she’s in that world, away from protection, away from beloved parents, away from wealth and authority she found herself living in an unfair world. A woman who could only depend on men, a woman of only pleasure, a woman used only for the good of family, the success of family and to save the family, a woman like rose that when it withers it could only be disposed. She had learned her lesson that going against the flow could only hurt her. For the second time will she go against the flow? Or will she just accept that being a woman could only be that low, a disposable flower at someone’s mercy?

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The Rise Of The Pure Phoenix
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