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Author Name: RM

My New Era

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Author Name: RM

Because of social media, family, tragedies, nightmares, past memories and events, wrong decisions, judgments of others, worries, fake friends, backstub, trusting wrong people, and hacking;
Xia He was destroyed and became worst. She promised now to herself to not be good anymore to anyone.
How can I seek revenge?
How to be the best villain?
Then also... She decided.....
I will create my new era and I will destroy those who made me fall.
"A Change of Name for A Change of Fame" -(Where this quote came from?, secret) *winks*
Well, Xia He is the most popular girl in Superiority University. All students from that university are talented, excellent, and came from wealthy families yet Xia He and her family is the most wealthiest in the Superiority University and in Country ZX. Xia He is well known for her beauty, intelligence, and richness. Most of the boys fell for her, that's why many girls were envious of her. She have few friends but her teachers and family really loves her. She doesn't care of what others think of her. She is so nice and her is very pure and innocent. She is not boastful and she doesn't even abuse her power for grades, all were done great because of her hardwork. She is the soon successor of He Company which is the most well known company for making jewelries. Her life is so perfect
But then suddenly...
All were gone...
Now, she's the most baddest woman that had been awakened and raised by tricksters and deep abyss.
People change when they got hurt.
Her new journey was just about to start...
This is a chat story type, Guys, have fun!

NovelToon got authorization from RM to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.

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