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Author Name: Sara Marie

Mass Healing

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Author Name: Sara Marie

This story is based around to characters: Pollina and Pollina's Doctor, Mr. Mayer or Albion.
Pollina is a teenager that experience something traumatic after coming home from school one day, learns how to deal with the aftermath of this trauma with some help.
Mr. Mayer is Pollina's doctor who while trying to help Pollina heal from her experiences, he also has a difficult life himself. The recent passing of his wife causes him to be distant, he struggles while trying to convince everyone he is fine.
This story was made to show that everyone has gone through a difficult time even though it may not seem like it and that everyone struggles is valid and not any less meaningless that anyone else.

NovelToon got authorization from Sara Marie to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.

Mass Healing
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