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Mass Healing

Ep 1

Pollina darted for the bathroom door and locked herself in.

" A few minutes, a few minutes is all I need" she thought, her hands trembling as she dialled emergency services. As soon as they answered she said, " Please help me... T... There was a break in on _______ road, house ______, ___________. Please hurry he is trying to break down the bathroom door to get to me." with every few word accompanied by a loud banging noise on Pollina's end of the line.

" Do you know if there are anybody else in the house or if he have any weapons?"

" I'm not sure but he has a knife"

" Ok, is there a window or anything that you can escape from?"

" ..... No"

" Is there anything in the bathroom you can use to protect yourself? " Before the person on the other line could finish another loud bang can be heard then Pollina yell," Stay back " loudly. Then heard a man grunt, quick footsteps moving away from the phone before hearing Pollina yelling," Get off of me" and thrashing around. The person on the other line of the phone called out for Pollina asking if she was ok before hearing three loud thuds and then an exhale. One deep exhale. Like that of a man. Pollina was now quiet and a voice can be heard on the phone saying," She shouldn't have called you. I wanted to play her more" then Beep, Beep, Beep....... Dammit.

Soon the police and ambulance arrived to find the man who looks to be about 30 to 40 years old holding a knife at what seems to be a teenagers neck. After trying to convince the man to let the girl go for 20 minutes to an hour, he looked at the cops dead in their eyes and said," If I can't have her, no one can"

Luckily he was shot before he could harm the girl anymore but she was still injured badly. A few days later, majority of the information from the incident was gathered. Her body was covered in bruises from what they assumed the man either holding her down or binding her arms, a deep wound on her head from the man most likely caused in the bathroom, a few slashes on her lower arm and legs and deep bite marks all over her body but especially on her inner thighs and legs. The only piece of clothing that was covering her up was an oversized T-shirt, most likely his..The man, who was identified to be Trevor Greco, a 39 year old teacher of ___________ Highschool, worked not to far from where the girl lived. He died from the gunshot wound caused at the scene and the girl was taken to the _____________ Hospital where she was treated for her wounds.

Present day, Pollina jolted up her eyes quickly darting across the room.

" Where am I? A.... hospital?" Pollina thought to herself before being comforted by a nurse. She said she is safe and in the hospital now and although her words felt reassuring she didn't trust her. After all wasn't the house also deemed safe until the man broke in and did that to her. She felt sick.

Ep 2

" Hello Pollina, I am Dr. Mayer. Can you nod your head if you can hear me?" a tall man with a wavy fringe haircut, golden brown skin and amber eyes asked in a soft tone. Pollina nodded.

How are you feeling? Does anywhere hurt " the doctor questioned. His hand was holding a tablet close to his body as he waiting for to answer.

" I ... I don't know.... Alright.... I guess. I don't feel any pain." Pollina said straining her voice as she looked away from him.

" That's great.... Do you remember what happened? We found bites, bruising and residue on your body which we believe is due to sexual assault." The doctor questioned his tone soft and comforting.

Pollina's eyes shifted to Dr. Mayer but she couldn't look at his face so she stared at his hands before looking away. Her hand gripped tightly at her upper arm. She knew what he was going to ask and wanted to tell him but she could imagine the look he would give her; disgust, disappointment, pity. Pollina's eyes shifted to him again but this time she glanced at his face for only a few seconds but after seeing his expression she couldn't help but stare. It wasn't one of pity or disgust. No, it was a worried expression printed on his face. For some reason this expression surprised her.

Upon hearing nothing from her, he asked," Pollina, were you sexually assaulted?" in a soft and comforting tone

" ...Yes" She thought. She wanted to tell him, she wanted to say what he did to her. She wanted to know why he did it but no words came out. She couldn't do it.

" Pollina, you are safe here. But if you don't tell me what happened I can't help you as much as you would like me to " Dr. Mayer said.

Pollina was quiet for a while, not giving him any indication that she was going to answer his question but suddenly she slowly said," He.... that man.... he raped me" her voice cracking when saying certain words.

Then tears suddenly began falling from her eyes. At that point in time she didn't know what she was feeling but I could tell you it was relief. Relief that she was able to tell him. Relief as his face didn't show disgust or anything like that. Pollina had turned herself into a ball, her forehead resting gently over her knees as she cried.

The doctor waited a moment before asking Pollina," Do you need anything? Contraceptives?"

" ....Um..... yes thank you" Pollina replied.

A few moments later, Pollina's dad was there and upon hearing the news began to cry, gently holding her daughter's hand to show that she is there for her. Dr. Mayer left not to long after, giving Mr. Dalton some time to speak to her daughter.

" Hey kiddo. How are you feeling?" Mr. Dalton asked his daughter worried.

" Alright I guess... Um... I'm sorry" Pollina muttered to her dad.

" For what? Nothing matters except that you are safe" Her dad said going to pat her head but stopped when he saw the bandages wrapped around her head.

Ep 3

" Safe" Pollina thought to herself touching her lower arm where there were some knife wounds bandaged up; little traces of blood seeping through the bandage.

" Do you know if mom is coming?" Pollina suddenly asked, picking at her nails.

" Pollina...."

" Dad, I don't want her here. At least not right now" Pollina insisted.

"Pollina, I can't stop your mom from coming to visit you" Mr. Dalton responded.

"That's right" A clear smooth voice came from by the door; one that Pollina could never forget. It's her mom walking into the room and standing behind Mr. Dalton.

" Really, stopping you own mother from visiting you?" Mrs. Hemington asked, making fake sniffling sounds as she wiped around her eyes.

Pollina sighed looking away from her knowing full well that she would be the one to start something in a hospital. Suddenly she felt a shiver crawl down her back and looked past her mom at the door leading to the hospital's corridor. There he was, the man, Trevor Greco or at least that is what she believe his name was. He was walking in the corridor. Pollina panicked looking away from the corridor and her body began to tremble.

" What is he doing here? Has he come to finish what he started? I have to hide." Pollina thought to herself before getting up quickly and locking herself in the bathroom. Then the banging came, it was him. " He could just break down the door again. I need to find something to defend myself" Pollina thought to herself looking around the bathroom for anything to use to fend off against him.

Then suddenly the banging stopped and she heard someone ask from on the other side of the door," Pollina, it's me again; Dr. Mayer. Are you alright? What happened?"

" I saw him..... He's here. I..... I can't" Pollina revealed her breathing getting heavier.

" Where did you see him, Pollina? In the corridor?" Dr. Mayer questioned.

"... Yes... he knows I'm here. He was banging against the door again." Pollina answered quickly, her hand clutching her chest tightly. She remembered trying to fend him off. She remembered hitting him with a mop stick and trying to run away, out of the bathroom but he grabbed her arm and pulled her to the ground. She remembered yelling at him to get off of her and thrashing about trying to break free from him who was trying to pin her down. She remembered feeling blood trickling down her arms from the knife wounds she got when he first broke in and see it spilling across the floor under the pressure of his arms pinning it down. She still tried to break free, wiggling around but she soon regretted that decision as he held her hair tightly lifting her head away from the ground before bringing it back down with such force. As the ground got closer and closer her vision faded. The next time she open her eyes, her head felt like it was split opened and she felt something wet flowing down the side of her face as saw he hang up the phone.

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