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Author Name: novita jungkook

Charm to Attract the Soul

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Author Name: novita jungkook

Andini was just a little girl who tirelessly worked to provide for her family. However, her life turned into a nightmare when her sacrifices were betrayed by her own brother, Yogi, who cruelly sold her to his friends for dirty profits.

Desperate, Andini took an extreme step—she sought out a legendary shaman, known for his mystical powers and sought after by many. With the shaman's help, Andini implanted a *susuk genderuwo*, a mystical charm that ensured she remained a virgin and bled every time she was intimate with a client.

But this dark power came at a cost! To keep the *susuk genderuwo* from losing its potency, Andini had to offer life after life as sacrifices.

Her life changed drastically—she became unimaginably wealthy, but at the same time, she was consumed by terrifying dark forces. However, as the darkness continued to tighten its grip on her, she found herself losing control over her own fate.

NovelToon got authorization from novita jungkook to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.

Charm to Attract the Soul
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