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Charm to Attract the Soul

Episode 1

Saturday night entertainment is highly favored by young people; it's not just the youth who are crazy about dangdut entertainment because there are sexy singers ready to rock the stage. Old men with a lot of money don't want to miss out on coming either. Andini is a singer who is an idol at every event that takes place; just a glance makes men's hearts race. Every night, wealthy people will compete to get her very seductive body, but Andini can be said to be picky and only gives false hope because she is looking for a very large offer if they want to spend the night.

In fact, things like that have become commonplace because village singers do look for support from there. For those who are beautiful, they will be very popular. Even when they go home, they already bring tens of millions of rupiah. For them, stage payments are not that important. After all, they don't sing well because their voices are broken from swaying around. As long as they have sexy clothes and very tempting buttocks, then surely men will be so smitten. There are five singers in Andini's group, and all of them are beautiful, even though Andini is the most strikingly beautiful among them all.

Andini's friends are so jealous because this girl has many rich sugar daddies, from young to old. They must be very addicted to Andini's "cake". After all, this singer is just a mask because her real job is prostitution. But this one is already quite high level because they don't stand on the side of the road to call out to men. It's actually the men who come to offer very high prices. Andini takes a minimum price of thirty million rupiah for one night, so this girl's house is very large and she has a luxury car.

She has a lot of assets because she has been a singer since she was seventeen years old, now she is twenty-three years old. For six years, she has been a dangdut singer and she was able to buy everything. Her younger sibling, who is studying in the city, is also financed by her. Andini has a big responsibility because she has two younger siblings who still need big expenses. Andini's mother has not worked for a long time because she is paralyzed from falling in the bathroom. When the incident happened, Andini was seventeen years old and she had to struggle to make money. Two months later, she got an offer to become a singer because of her beautiful face.

"Twenty thousand." Andini stared at her pay when she first became a singer.

The organ owner invited her because Andini only had her beauty; her voice was not good at all. For two years, Andini pursued being a singer at a very cheap price, even though she worked from eight o'clock at night to five o'clock in the morning. Enduring drowsiness and fatigue because she swayed excitedly to entertain. At that time, Yogi, her younger brother, was only sixteen years old and her younger sister was eleven years old. They all needed very large costs because both of them were in school. Actually, Andini was also in school and almost graduated, only a matter of months away, but because of her work, she stopped just like that.

Mrs. Semah needed medicine so that she could stay alive, so Andini worked so hard because she was the backbone of her family. Her father had passed away a long time ago due to diabetes that afflicted his body. It was purely Andini who worked to earn money. Sometimes Sasa also looked for firewood when she came home from school, trying her best to help Andini who was struggling to make money. Her younger brother, Yogi, was very disrespectful because he never listened to what Andini said.

Andini had to lose her virginity because of Yogi's actions when he was drunk and he raped her. Andini tried to fight back against her younger brother who was under the influence of evil, but Yogi's strength was so strong that Andini could only cry under Yogi's very wicked thrusts.

"Sssshh aaaah, aaaaahhh." Yogi was so satisfied enjoying the act.

It wasn't just getting drunk that Yogi did, he also used drugs, so no matter how much money Andini got, it always ran out. After Yogi left her, Andini cried over her fate, which was so bad.

"Huhuhuuuuu, why do I have to suffer like this?" Andini sobbed.

Even though her lower body was sore because Yogi had broken her virginity, this girl still forced herself to work and immediately dressed up so that she wouldn't be late, wearing a jacket so that her sexy clothes wouldn't be seen by people.

"Why are you gloomy? Come on, move your body, beautiful." invited Mr. Mus, the boss.

"Do you want to sway on the bed instead?" whispered Andini, whose heart was broken because her virginity was ruined because of Yogi.

Mr. Mus was a bit surprised because this young girl who was in her prime was actually challenging him, making his soul rise, especially since Mr. Mus had had a crush on this young singer for quite some time.

"Really? Don't lie to me, okay?" Mr. Mus was already interested.

"Want it now? Let's go, as long as the price is right." invited Andini.

"It's easy when it comes to payment, you're still a virgin, right?" asked Mr. Mus.

"Not anymore, my virginity just disappeared." Andini answered honestly.

Mr. Mus was a little disappointed because this beautiful flower was no longer a virgin, but he was still curious about her taste, so he immediately took Andini who was already finished with work. Instead of renting a hotel, he took Andini to one of his houses that was still empty.

"Who took your virginity?" asked Mr. Mus.

"Yogi." answered Andini slowly.

"Huh? How could you guys do that!" Mr. Mus was shocked.

"He raped me, Sir." Andini cried while showing Yogi's scratch marks.

"That kid is disrespectful!" The boss was very upset because someone had already been ahead of him.

They arrived at a fairly large house, Mr. Mus invited Andini to get out of the car and entered the house to carry out his act. Even without further ado, this man immediately opened the girl's legs wide, examining her intimate area which looked reddish because of the remnants of Yogi's "missile" that still felt real.

"Eem, how sweet it is." The boss licked it because he was curious about its red color.

Actually, Andini was embarrassed to be treated like this, but because of the anger caused by her younger brother's actions, she turned a blind eye and chose to take this path.

Episode 2

Andini's body crumbled because she had to serve Juragan Mus all night, unfortunately the man was so strong even though he was old that Andini was very overwhelmed by his lust. what's more Andini is still very unfamiliar with sex, which can be said that this is the second for her after being forcibly raped by her younger brother, now only sweat and tears remain on Andini's body. this poor girl who really didn't want to sell herself was forced to do it due to a huge heartbreak because her PW had to be lost due to the actions of her younger brother who was under the influence of alcohol.

At Yogi's missile she didn't get any money at all, all she got was cruelty and tears, unlike Juragan Mus who immediately gave Andini a lot of money. for Juragan Mus it was nothing, after all he was very satisfied playing on a very fresh and delicious young body even though Adini was no longer PW, but the clasp was still very tight so that it made the renting guest very satisfied. Andini went home with ten million, went into the room to lay down and wailed about her very unlucky fate, looking again at the ten million money that she only knew the shape of this time.

Andini didn't want to stay too long in her sadness because she still had a lot of work to do, buying medicine for her mother and cooking also for her sister Sasa who was actually not that fussy when eating. but because the money was already in hand, then Andini took the shopping bag and went to the market to look for vegetables and at the same time later stopped at the drugstore to buy her mother medicine, the problem of Yogi she was reluctant to take care of because the boy knew he was only drunk and rah rah with his friends in the next village which was known to be a lot of naughty boys.

Whereas Yogi could actually help Andini to find a bite of rice for the family, because he is a man who can be relied on. this is even Andini who has to work hard to make money, where now she is starting to get lost due to Yogi's actions too, if only Yogi had not raped her at that time. Andini would not want to seduce a masher with a lot of money, now she is starting to be comfortable with the money she gets for a short gig and then work in bed, then easily get a lot of money so she doesn't have to wait for the saweran money that must be shared.

"Just one kilo of stingray, sir," said Andini at the market.

"She's beautiful, oh my god." the male sword muttered at the sight of Andini.

However, fishmongers are not Andini's target because they don't have much money, so it's better to seduce the bosses who have a lot of money so that the pay she receives is also quite a lot for a girl like her.

"That's Mrs. Semah's son, I'm sorry to see him struggling to support his family." whispered Tante Batak.

"What else can you do? Yogi is lazy and only likes to get drunk." replied another aunt.

"That's what makes me feel sorry for Yogi, even though he can work as a coolie or do other work," said Tante Batak.

They whispered because they were sorry to see Andini who was the backbone of the family, besides being beautiful she was also smiling even though Andini rarely spoke because she was embarrassed to talk to the market people, most of whom were aunties with fierce voices.

After everything had been bought, Andini went home with a very tired body because she bought quite a lot of groceries so it was a bit difficult to carry them, because Andini shopped a lot, the neighbors were surprised to see her. because usually Andini only buys one small bag and the contents are all vegetables, because vegetables are the cheapest food here.

"How come you're spending so much, An?" reprimanded Meli.

"Got a little sustenance, ma'am." Andini replied politely.

"Where's the sustenance? Yogi steals or you sell yourself." snapped Meli, Juragan Mus's young wife.


Andini's heart felt as if it would leap from her chest because Meli's words hit their mark; she was terrified that Meli would find out that she had slept with Juragan Mus last night, who was indeed famous for his preference for young women—Meli being his fourth wife.

"Not everyone is as willing to sell themselves as you, Mel!" Reni defended Andini.

"Well, she could have just said no; why are you so angry?" Meli retorted.

"Enough, An! Don't listen to this cursed young wife," Reni urged Andini to go inside.

Meli was extremely frustrated because Reni always interfered in her problems; what she intended to do to provoke Andini had completely failed because of Reni's interference. Meli indeed felt quite jealous of Andini, who was so beautiful; she could never be as lovely as her neighbor.

Meanwhile, Andini, trembling at Meli's piercing words, was trying to calm herself. She couldn't afford to be weak or easily frightened because it might be discovered that she indeed sold herself to men craving sex.

"Mom, let's take your medicine." Andini brought the medicine for her mother.

"If you don't have the money, then don't buy medicine for me," Bu Semah said.

"I have some; I received a small fortune," Andini lied.

Bu Semah accepted the medicine that Andini handed to her; this elderly woman could only lie down since her lower body no longer functioned at all, and she was a pure burden to Andini. At least Bu Semah was sick, unable to do anything, unlike Yogi, who was still fit and strong but completely refused to help his sister who was struggling to earn money.

"I'm sorry for being a burden to you, my child," Bu Semah said, unable to bear seeing her daughter suffer.

"I'm not struggling, really; you raised me with great effort," Andini replied with a smile.

"May Allah grant you abundant fortune, and may you always be healthy and strong," Bu Semah said, stroking Andini's head.

Andini lay in her mother's lap, enjoying the caress of the fingers that were very pale from rarely seeing sunlight. Bu Semah just lay quietly on the bed; if only they had a wheelchair, she could go anywhere, but Andini didn't have the money to buy her mother such a thing.

Episode 3

Andini was receiving more and more offers from people who were starting to realize that she could be bought. By then, her group also knew that Andini was selling herself to make ends meet. After all, she was the sole breadwinner for her family. The burden on this seventeen-year-old girl was immense, as she had to care for her mother and put her younger brother through school. Everything required a significant amount of money, not to mention Yogi, who loved to squander money on drinks and parties as if he were rich, while Andini struggled so hard to earn money, practically working herself to the bone.

"What's wrong, Andini?" Siska approached her after the event ended.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just tired," Andini dodged the question.

"Just tell me what's going on. That cattle rancher was interested in you, but you turned him down! I've noticed you seem to be in pain. What's bothering you?" Siska pressed.

The more Siska asked, the more Andini's tears flowed. Siska was indeed the kindest and closest person to her. She had always been there to listen to Andini's worries and never shared them with anyone else. She knew how hard it was for Andini. They were only three years apart in age, as Siska was now in her twenties, and she, too, was selling her body for money.

"Yogi, Siska..."

Andini hadn't even spoken much but was already sobbing uncontrollably, leaving Siska somewhat surprised. It must be a family issue since Andini had mentioned her brother's name. That young man was truly disrespectful, never lifting a finger to help his sister earn money for the family. All he knew was how to spend money without a care in the world, oblivious to how Andini obtained it. Siska also knew that Yogi had raped his sister. She was furious but felt powerless to help the unfortunate Andini.

"Take your time. What did that boy do now? Did he rape you again?" Siska trembled slightly, afraid to hear the truth.

"This time, it wasn't just him. Yogi even sold me to his friends, and he made money off of the five guys who raped me," Andini sobbed.

"Oh my God, oh my God!" Siska hugged Andini tightly, her heart aching for her friend.

Even just one man could be overwhelming, as men who paid often treated them roughly. Imagine five! No wonder Siska had noticed Andini walking with a limp—she must be enduring terrible pain down there.

"Why is Yogi so cruel to me? Huhuhu..."

Andini cried in Siska's arms, finding solace in the fact that at least Siska understood her pain. Siska, too, was crying, heartbroken by Yogi's vile actions.

"I sell myself because of him, but after all that, he takes the money I earn! And now he's selling me to his friends. They violated me," Andini confessed.

"Stay strong, Andini. I know you're strong," Siska comforted her, wiping away her tears.

"It hurts, Siska! It hurts so much down there because they put their hands inside too," Andini whimpered.

By now, Andini's private area must be severely injured, ravaged by those five despicable young men. Customers would be disappointed to pay a high price only to find that she was loose and gaping, like a wide-open tunnel, offering no grip at all.

"I'm going to see my trusted shaman later. If you want, we can go together," Siska offered.

"A shaman? Do they make lucky charms?" Andini asked.

Siska nodded and urged Andini to leave immediately. They rode off on Siska's motorbike, heading straight for the shaman's house. It was this shaman who had kept Siska in high demand despite her not being conventionally beautiful. To men, she appeared stunning, but only to them. Women saw her as quite ordinary.

"This place is creepy, Siska," Andini said, feeling a bit scared.

"Well, it is a shaman's house. It's bound to be creepy," Siska replied.

Siska led Andini into the house to see the shaman. They sat down to wait their turn, as many people came to Mbah Karso for charms, potions, or other mystical assistance. He was a renowned shaman, said to be able to do anything, even cure infertility.

After about an hour, it was finally their turn. They entered, and Siska immediately greeted the shaman with a respectful gesture, followed by Andini, who simply mirrored Siska's actions. Mbah Karso smiled, pleased to see a new customer that Siska had brought along, signifying more income for him.

"I'm going with a new one this time, Mbah," Siska said.

"Very well. You can choose the most potent one if you wish," Mbah Karso offered.

"The requirements for the first one are too much for me. I don't think I can handle it," Siska declined.

"How about you? Are you interested?" Mbah Karso asked Andini.

"Why don't you explain it first, Mbah? You can't just offer it without any details," Siska interjected.

Mbah Karso chuckled softly. He was a rather humorous man, lacking any intimidating or sinister aura. He was naturally kind, just in the wrong profession, perhaps. He might have been better suited to be a comedian.

"The most potent one is the Genderuwo charm. This charm is highly sought after because it grants the user perpetual virginity. Not only will you be incredibly tight, but it will also induce bleeding, allowing you to command higher prices from your clients," Mbah Karso explained.

"See, that sounds great! Why wouldn't you want that, Siska?" Andini asked, turning to her friend.

"Let him finish," Siska urged.

"This charm is rarely used, despite its potency, because most people can't stomach the necessary rituals," Mbah Karso continued.

"What are the rituals, Mbah?" Andini's curiosity was piqued.

The room was filled with the smoke of Mbah Karso's cigarette, mingling with the scent of incense—a peculiar blend of sweet and acrid that could be quite overpowering for those unaccustomed to it.

"Every Tuesday Kliwon night, the user of this charm must be prepared to be intimate with the Genderuwo, as it is the entity responsible for maintaining her virginity. And each time, they must also offer a life as a sacrifice," Mbah Karso revealed.

No wonder Siska couldn't bear to accept it. The requirements were incredibly demanding and highly risky. Perhaps intercourse with the Genderuwo wouldn't be the biggest issue, but the sacrifice of a life was a heavy burden to bear.

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