Disguised - 2
Jimin and tae reached the school.
Teacher: Today we have 2 news students. Pls come inside.
Park Jimin
Hi I'm Park Chimmy and this is my girlfriend Kim taehyungie. Don't even think about being friendly with us because we hate poor people.
Kim taehyung
I think I don't need to intro as my girlfriend already said about me. I just need to tell only one thing that is stay away from us.
Park Jimin
*Well done my child 😌😌*
All there activities are monitoring by others through the mic in their collor.
Jeon Jungkook
They're really good
Teacher: Ok you both sit in the last bench.
Park Jimin
I'm sorry teacher but we want 1st seat.
Park Jimin
We need your seats
Student: Sorry but it's my seat
Park Jimin
How dare you speak against me?? 😡
Before Jimin finish his talk tae throw the student things outside.
Park Jimin
What you want??
Min juni
I'm sorry to disturb you guys but...I just came to give my notes...
Min juni
Your welcome *left the place*
Park Jimin
Hey taehyung what are you doing??*whisper*
Park Jimin
We are suppose to act rude
Kim taehyung
Yeah I know but not to suspect
Park Jimin
What!! you mean that girl is suspect.
Speaking through earphones
Jung heseok
How do he know that the girl is the killer??
Dr. Kim Seokjin
I don't know
Kim Namjoon
May be there is something which taehyung know but we don't.
Jeon Jungkook
We're team he have to share with us all the information right.
Kim taehyung
Actually before coming I just read students details then I found that the dead boy has a twin sister whose name in Min juni.
Park Jimin
There is only one Min juni is this class so you conclude that she is the suspect.
Min yoongi
You're really something taehyung 😏😏
Kim taehyung
If I'm not wrong her next target is me because I made her think I'm easy going.
Kim Namjoon
Be careful guys
Park Jimin
Taehyung you go to cafeteria I will join you later.
Tae went to cafeteria and wait for Jimin. Suddenly he hear someone calling behind him.
Min juni
Hi Taehyungie *😏*
Min juni
If you don't mind can I sit here
Min juni
So..you and that Chimmy....
Kim taehyung
Yes we're lovers
While talking Min juni started to rub tae's toe.
Kim taehyung
😊😊*Take off your leg😡😡😡*
Let's meet in next ep
Tanzila Esha
Update soon author 🔜😖