Investigation (Sope)
Jung heseok
So from where do we start??
Min yoongi
Let's finish it quick I need to sleep.
Min yoongi
You go to victims house and I will go to school.
J hope went to victims house and Suga went to school.
Jung heseok
Mm...strange all the victims belong to same school and class.
Jung heseok
Finally I reached 1st victims house.
Jung heseok
*knock the door*
Jung heseok
Hello I'm Officer Jung heseok appointed to investigate your daughters death.
Parent 1: What do you want to ask sir?
Jung heseok
I just need to clarify something that's it
Jung heseok
So tell me do your daughter have boyfriend or girlfriend??
Jung heseok
Before her death did she tell you where she was going??
Parents: Yes to her friends birthday party.
Jung heseok
Final question do your daughter had issues like bullying or sexual harassment.
Jung heseok
I'm not asking whether she went through. I'm asking did she involved in this??
Jung heseok
Don't shout at me
Jung heseok
Usually in these type of cases victim use to be a bully that's why.
Jung heseok
So tell me did your daughter??
Parents: daughter never does anything like that...
Jung heseok
That's good then I will take my leave.
Suga was investigating the victim classmates.
Min yoongi
I'm officer Yoongi
Min yoongi
I came here to ask some questions about your dead friends.
Min yoongi
I will ask few question just answer it properly.
Min yoongi
So tell me how was your relationship with victims.
Student 1: Not bad but not good too sir.
Student 2: They use to bully poor students.
Student 3: Sir they're monsters they deserve to die..
Min yoongi
What do you mean kid??
Student 3: Sir 2 months before a boy transfer to our class in scholarship. Those girls always use to bully him just because he is poor.
Min yoongi
Why don't you guys try to stop them??
Student 4: We don't want any problem sir. We want study in peace.
Min yoongi
Now where is that boy??
Student 5: 1 month before he commit suicide sir. There is a rumours that those girls arrange some goons to sexually assault him.
Min yoongi
Thanks for your quaparation
Min yoongi
One more think if someone hurting an innocent pls stand for them and support them but don't ignore them.
Min yoongi
If at least any one of you support that boy or help that boy now he will alive instead of killing himself.
Students: Sorry Officer 😢😢😢
After a while Sope meets in the school.
Min yoongi
Yeah *tell him everything*
Jung heseok
Great...from beginning itself I had a doubt but now it clear.
Jung heseok
Let's move to headquarters
Let's meet in next ep
❖Ƭʜᴇᴴᴿᴵ (Why love is painful)ヅ
thank god I thought it is sope .....😤😤😤I am happy it is not