My Lovely Psycho Wife

My Lovely Psycho Wife

Arranged Marriage

No !! I refuse

A tall man in his early twentys yelled. He was well built and had an imposing aura that made his look dangerous.

Its non-negotiable

A man in his who was much older yelled back .

A woman walked over to him and placed her hand on his and looked at the young man.

Seth please understand this is what is best for you .

*Seth was furious he didn't want to get married he didn't need anyone he liked his life * Oh so you two arranging a marriage for me is what's best . He replied his voice held a displeased tone .

Seth as your father I am telling you now you will marry this girl .

And if I don't. * Seth said back glaring at his father His father said nothing he just looked at his son who was fuming with anger meant nothing to him he turned and walked out of the room not answering. * Seth's mother started at her son and walked to him and stopped in front of him.

Seth please don't get angry me and your father would never do this if we didn't think it was right.

Mom I don't want to marry. I am perfectly fine as I am.

Seth looked at his mother with a sad look to which she looked away .

You are 26 and you have never had a girlfriend or even tried to date this is what's best for you . Tomorrow she and her parents are coming over and she is a good girl you will like her ...*she sighed and looked back up at Seth who was staring at her *

Just please do this Seth I worry about you.

* against his mother's worried face Seth was powerless he just nodded *

When are we getting married. The end of the week *his mother replied *

Fine I agree I will marry her .

*Seth felt relieved when he saw his mother's happy face ....but he had already made up his mind *

I may be married to that woman but I will never see her as my wife *Seth thought*


while on the other side of town there was a woman who was sitting in a villa

With just one look at her you could you could see how absolutely beautiful she was . She had long black hair that reached her lower back it was wavy at the ends , her eyes were a golden brown and body was curvy in a the right places.

she was standing in a empty room and she had a beautiful smile plastered on her face .

There was a knock at the door and in walked another woman . She walked over to the woman.

So what do you think Lilith ..

*Lilith looked back at Amy and gave a smirk * It's perfect...

Good because this is the seventh one we have looked at ..I thought you would never pick..*Amy sighed*

Im picking a home for me and my husband. Of course it has to be perfect.

*Amy gave off a hearty laugh*

You haven't even met your husband yet and your already in love *Amy looked at Lilith with a huge smirk on her face *

Of course he is mine to love (smile) Mabey you should bet married too

*Lilith looked over to Amy with a smirk on her face*

No thanks I love my single life and plus my parents will let me pick my husband

*Amy looked at Lilith with a serious look and asked*

Are you really ok marrying a man you've never met

Mnn.. It doesn't matter to me he is mine now .

(sigh) I pitty my bro in law 😪

*Lilith turned and walked towards the door *

Make sure this place is furnished and done by the end of the week.

*And with that she disappeared out the door *

I hope she doesn't go overboard on this *Amy thought as she followed her best friend out *


Author * Hey everyone this is my new story I hope you will all enjoy it 😊





why it isn't a chat story?😢



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