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My Lovely Psycho Wife

Arranged Marriage

No !! I refuse

A tall man in his early twentys yelled. He was well built and had an imposing aura that made his look dangerous.

Its non-negotiable

A man in his who was much older yelled back .

A woman walked over to him and placed her hand on his and looked at the young man.

Seth please understand this is what is best for you .

*Seth was furious he didn't want to get married he didn't need anyone he liked his life * Oh so you two arranging a marriage for me is what's best . He replied his voice held a displeased tone .

Seth as your father I am telling you now you will marry this girl .

And if I don't. * Seth said back glaring at his father His father said nothing he just looked at his son who was fuming with anger meant nothing to him he turned and walked out of the room not answering. * Seth's mother started at her son and walked to him and stopped in front of him.

Seth please don't get angry me and your father would never do this if we didn't think it was right.

Mom I don't want to marry. I am perfectly fine as I am.

Seth looked at his mother with a sad look to which she looked away .

You are 26 and you have never had a girlfriend or even tried to date this is what's best for you . Tomorrow she and her parents are coming over and she is a good girl you will like her ...*she sighed and looked back up at Seth who was staring at her *

Just please do this Seth I worry about you.

* against his mother's worried face Seth was powerless he just nodded *

When are we getting married. The end of the week *his mother replied *

Fine I agree I will marry her .

*Seth felt relieved when he saw his mother's happy face ....but he had already made up his mind *

I may be married to that woman but I will never see her as my wife *Seth thought*


while on the other side of town there was a woman who was sitting in a villa

With just one look at her you could you could see how absolutely beautiful she was . She had long black hair that reached her lower back it was wavy at the ends , her eyes were a golden brown and body was curvy in a the right places.

she was standing in a empty room and she had a beautiful smile plastered on her face .

There was a knock at the door and in walked another woman . She walked over to the woman.

So what do you think Lilith ..

*Lilith looked back at Amy and gave a smirk * It's perfect...

Good because this is the seventh one we have looked at ..I thought you would never pick..*Amy sighed*

Im picking a home for me and my husband. Of course it has to be perfect.

*Amy gave off a hearty laugh*

You haven't even met your husband yet and your already in love *Amy looked at Lilith with a huge smirk on her face *

Of course he is mine to love (smile) Mabey you should bet married too

*Lilith looked over to Amy with a smirk on her face*

No thanks I love my single life and plus my parents will let me pick my husband

*Amy looked at Lilith with a serious look and asked*

Are you really ok marrying a man you've never met

Mnn.. It doesn't matter to me he is mine now .

(sigh) I pitty my bro in law 😪

*Lilith turned and walked towards the door *

Make sure this place is furnished and done by the end of the week.

*And with that she disappeared out the door *

I hope she doesn't go overboard on this *Amy thought as she followed her best friend out *


Author * Hey everyone this is my new story I hope you will all enjoy it 😊


Later on Seth's side

Seth was still furious that he had to marry a woman he didn't know so he decided he would talk to his friend Shawn.

*At a bar*

Seth walked in and immediately walked over to a blonde man sitting in the corner of the bar drinking. Shawn saw his friend walking towards his and could see the furry in his eyes.

Bro what happened to you . *Seth didn't reply he just sat down and grabbed drink chugging it down *

My parents are having me get married. *he replied in a annoyed tone *

That's great. Congo bro *Shawn said patting Seth on the back*

*Seth glared at him and slammed his his hand away * What are you talking about fool this is bad .

*Shawn gave a puzzled look* Bro don't tell me your gay 😱

No you idiot I just don't want to marry. If you want I can get some info on her what's her name . *Shawn asked taking a sip of his drink* I don't know her name .

WHAT !!!!! *Shawn shouted at Seth*

Why should I know her name it isn't like I will act like she is my wife .

But still bro she is gonna be your wife even if its on paper . I am meeting her tomorrow . That's great bro mabey she isn't bad . *Seth again glared at Shawn* If you don't want to marry her just ask her to call of the engagement.

*Seth replied with hmm and they continued to drink in silence *


Next day

Seth's parents were getting everything ready for there in-laws to come. While Seth found it pointless he didn't want to marry her and he planned to ask her to annul the engagement.

Just then the door bell rang

* Julia went to the door to answer it and Conner gave Seth a glare telling him not to act out to which he rolled his eyes *

When Julia opened the door she was greeted with the faces of her old friends Robert and Rose Evans.

Robert,Rose *Julia called out* Its good to see you Julia replied Rose .*They made there way into the house and Conner walked over to them with Seth*

where is my daughter in law. said Conner

She will be here she was right behind us. And this must be Seth (smile)

*said Rose as she looked at Seth*

Seth put on his best smile and greeted his in laws to which his mother smiled. There was a car horn beep from outside which alerted everyone that Lilith had arrived. Everyone went out side to see her getting out of the car .

Lilith's Pov .........

When I got off the car I saw my parents and my in-laws standing outside waiting for me but that didn't matter to me I immediately locked my gaze on my future husband. And I must say he is the most handsome person I've ever seen....I was a little disappointed that he wasn't even looking at me. I quickly walked over to everyone .

Mom Dad .I said in a sweet voice *They walked over to me and greeted me I linked arms with them and walked over to my in-laws and husband *

:Julia : You are beautiful dear . I gave off a little laugh and smiled at her.

Thank you aunt Julia (smile)..Oh please dear call me mom we are going to be family. I smiled and nodded and are parents lead me and Seth into the house .He didn't seem to want to be here .I couldn't seem to look away from him he was my husband so I didn't really care if I was being rude .I was happy when he looked back at me and I gave him a smile to which he glared at me.

Seems I need to tame my husband *Lilith thought *

Are parents told us to go for a walk in the garden before lunch so he showed me to the garden and we walked in silence.

: Seth : why don't you say something

The sound of his voice was so soothing I turned to look at him and he was glaring at me .

What do you want to talk about my husband. I said leaning in towards him .

: Seth : I'm not your husband (frown)

Baby you belong to me regardless (smile)

: Seth : What are you saying (frown)

I couldn't help myself his frown was so cute I reach my hand out and caressed his face he was shocked. Something in me just wanted to tease him so I pulled his collar and brought his face down and placed a gentle kiss on his lips to which he was even more shocked.


thanks for reading everyone 😀


Seth's Pov ....

When we all heard the sound of the car horn we all went out to see . I really didn't care about it but my parents were happy I don't want to marry this girl. I could feel her gaze on me and to be honest I kind of liked it . which is weird to me I just have never taken any interest in a girl .I my self even started to think I was gay.

She walked over to us to us and greeted her parents and mine we made are way in to the house after I could still feel her gaze on me so after a mental battle with myself I looked at her and she was just staring. I sent her a glare to which she smiled. She f**king smiled. It really pi***d me off .I looked away from her but I could still feel her gaze on me.

My parents told us to go to the garden and take a walk till lunch was ready. We were walking for a while but she was silent so I asked her why she wasn't saying anything.

: Lilith : What do you a ant to talk about my husband. She said as she leaned towards me smiling. I can't lie honestly looking at her she is the most beautiful woman i've ever seen and I hated that I was attracted to her I don't want to marry her. I told her I was not her husband and her reply shocked me .

: Lilith : Love you are mine regardless.

I was so shocked it made me furious my face scrunched up as I glared at her and it meant nothing to her she reached out and caressed my face . I was feeling weird I so wanted to push her hand away but something in me wanted to feel the warmth of her hand a little longer. what she did next shocked me she pulled my collar and I fell forward and she kissed me. She f***ing kissed me !!!

I was shocked at first but then I realized she she was kissing me still I tried to pull away but man she was strong . when I couldn't push her away I tried to push her away but she didn't care . She wrapped both her hands around my neck and pulled me to her . She kissed me with a hunger and I was almost swept away. Almost I decided to bit her so she would leave me but I bit her and she was still fu***ing kissing me . She even bit me back and man did it hurt . I was running out of breath and she was just kissing me I mean i didn't hate it in fact I loved it but I couldn't like her in anyway. I don't want this marriage I can't be with her .

I guess when she noticed me running out of breath she pulled away and I was breathing heavily. I glared at her and she smiled up at me .

Lilith's Pov....

Oh my husband is so cute. My hands were still holding his neck and he was glaring at me and trying to catch his breath . I found it to be adorable.

My love are you ok . I ask him but he just pushed me off. I have to say I love how he rebels against me . He glared at me and said..... How dare you kiss me

I looked at him as if he was stupid. Does he not know how handsome he is . With a face like that and he is mine how could I not kiss him .

My love is it weird for us to kiss as husband and wife. I gave a confused look.

Look I don't want to marry you so just tell them you want to annul the engagement.

When he said those words my mischievous smile turned into a frown and stared at him intensely . And he mentioned what he said he showed no signs of lieing and that really angered me . You don't want to marry me . I asked him hoping he would say he did want to . but he just replied with a bored tone no.

I was beyond angry I couldn't put what I was feeling into words . I looked at him I would never let him leave me . No I don't want to you are mine and I will marry you.

I said to which he stood shocked. Why would you want to marry me you don't even know me . He asked but he was wrong the moment I found out he would be my husband I had Amy give me every detail about him . I stepped towards him to which he took a step back . My love i don't care if you don't want me I want you. I won't annul our engagement My love.

He was mad I could see that but it hurt that he didn't want to be with me . I grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles and looked up at him.

I will not leave you or let you leave me I want you and that's enough for me . He looked at me with a blank face . I walked towards him and kissed his cheek and turned and walked away and he stood there stunned.


Thanks for reading everyone 😀

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