Vk:shattered Bloodlines
(A/N: your character is currently 12 years old & Zero is 14 years old)
You giggle as you race out of your best friend's room. You run down the narrow hallway, swiftly taking a left turn. Smoke practically leaks from your heels while happiness pumps throughout your veins. You continue aiming for the staircase leading to the bottom floor, hearing him yelling at you from behind. You smile to yourself and halt in your tracks when you reach the railing. You take in a breath to calm your pounding heart, turning to come face to face with him. You're the only daughter of the Shota pure-blood family. According to your parents your other siblings didn't make it due to unnatural causes or they can't save them from the constant level Es attacking them. So, you're their precious diamond. They took in your childhood friend when his family was murdered by a ruthless pure-blood thirteen years ago. Ever since that unfortunate night, he's been staying with you in your mansion hidden in an isolated area.They won't even tell you where you are completely. You did get to see other vampires including pure-bloods almost all the time, though. It isn't all terrible. You still get to go to school, make friends, see the night class from Cross Academy, and a-lot more. Zero narrows his eyes at you as you flash him a shy smile. An annoyed expression twists into his angular facial features, crossing his arms over his chest. He frowns at you while looking down at you. Your face flushes a light pink shade under his unmoving stare, your heart beginning to pound against your ribcage. You blow your (h/c) bangs away from your bright eyes and your (e/c) orbs flicker with amusement mixed with mischief. You wrap your slender fingers around the metal rod connected to the wall, slowly stepping back to give yourself some space. Your eyes scan his tall frame as you realize your prank didn't work. You slipped supposedly "harmless" hair dye you stole from your mom's make-up supplies into the bathroom earlier today. Apparently, it had turned his hair to an even lighter shade. You stick your tongue at him while tilting your head to the side childishly. You start to race down the steps in a rush, but he grabs your wrist. He pulls you backwards in order to stop you from running and forces you take in what you had caused. You hold back another laugh, hoping your parents meeting with the other pure-blood is going to be over soon. Zero is rather tall with a lanky build. His pale skin glows in the bright atmosphere, faded scars engraved in his flesh. His silver hair is spiked up a messy yet attractive way while his light purple eyes flicker with emptiness. A black t-shirt, gray jeans, and sneakers make up his attire.
"What the heck were you thinking? I know you like pulling pranks on me, but this is on a whole new level. What are our guardians going to say when they find you tried to dye my hair, (Y/n)?" He shouts at you as he shakes you roughly.
"I'm sorry. It was just an innocent joke. knew it wouldn't really work," you mumble in response while trying to break free from his hold. His facial features fade into a blank canvas, his grip tightening slightly. You feel like shrinking and realize he was about to teach you a lesson about teasing him. You hated when he got into those moods. You realize he's usually quiet, but you know him too well. You're gonna be stuck being dragged around and forced to do chores or something useful.
"Seriously, I told you to stop teasing me so much. Come on, Let's go. I have a bunch of awful chores to do because Mr. Shota told me to help out. You know like stuff that boys do around the house," he says matter-of-factly and begins dragging you downstairs. You pout immediately, letting him lead you to the area between the living room and kitchen. You hear the adults' conversation traveling in your direction as he stops to put on a jacket. You watch your mother step into the lobby area with various night class students as well as some vampires you don't member. They continue talking, you still trying to twist your wrist out of his grip. He tugs on your fingers in response while swiftly managing to pick his jacket off the tall hook bolted to a closet door.
"(Y/n), calm down. I'm going to be doing all the work. I just want to drag you along and let you freeze for about thirty minutes. It's called payback," he mumbles more to himself than you, finally slipping his jacket over his shoulders without letting go of you. He turns to glance at the place you're staring at and he rolls his eyes. Your mother stops her conversation to introduce her children to a vampire council member. They both look at you both, a pleased expression appearing on her face.
"Those are my children. Well, one's staying with us for a while due to some awful circumstances, but I still care for him as much as I do my sweet little angel," she intros you both quickly and reaches out to place a hand on both of your heads. She smiles brightly, ruffling up your bangs. The council member raises an eyebrow as he steps forward. He immediately bends down to your height like he's examining you, noticing you both are basically holding hands. He clenches his jaw tightly while studying you. You lace your fingers with Zero's, squeezing his hand out of fear. He instantly pulls you to his side away from the creepy vampire and stands in front of you. He lifts up his chin to lock eyes with the vampire, sizing up his enemy even if he's just thirteen years old.
"I get your kind is all about invading personal space and that creepy junk, but if you touch her at all...I swear, I'll end your immortal life," he states, narrowing his eyes. Your mother automatically walks in front of you both as she places a hand each of your shoulders. She turns you both around, gently shoving you both toward the front door. She mumbles some apologizes to the member while opening the door quickly.
"I'm very sorry for his behaviour. He's just protective over (Y/n). The two are inseparable and tend to overreact when one or the other acts up," she says, but the vampire grabs her shoulders. You spot a terrified expression flash over her eyes and then it disappears quickly. She forces a carefree smile to set on her lips, stopping in her tracks.
"I understand, but children have to learn their place. They have to be taught discipline, heritage, their place in our world, and many other things," the member states as a dark expression darkens his face. Your mom shakes her head slightly, blocking him from you both.
"I know and they will...when they're older. I want my children to have a normal childhood with laughter and happiness, first," he ignores her words while managing to grab Zero by his waist. He picks the boy up like he weighs nothing, sitting him in front of him. He bends down to the kid's height and immediately sniffs the air. An observant smile pulls the corner of his lip, his fangs flashing in the light like a blade. He leans forward as he tightens his hold on Zero's shoulders. The poor boy tries to keep a brave expression, but his mask shatters. Terror flickers in his eyes while he struggles to break free.
"You think, you can kill us. You're a lonely human and a little boy for that matter. This family hasn't taught you your place. You're just a blood bag to them and that little girl you're protecting so determinedly will end up treating you like that when she grows up," Zero cringes at his words and continues to fight back. The man goes to teach Zero a lesson like the ones you've seen from other pure-blood families, you instinctively get in the way.You close your eyes tightly as you keep your friend behind you.You hold your breath, your pulse echoing in your eardrums. You wait for impact or the sound of skin on skin contact while you brace yourself. When nothing happens, you hesitantly open one eye. Your (e/c) orbs grow wide in shock and relief overwhelms your senses. You silently watch the scene play out in front of you, your mother finally relaxing. Akatsuki is standing behind the man with a smug expression twisted into his facial features. He has the man's right arm pinned against his back, keeping him from hurting you. He growls at the man in hatred while bending his arm enough to prove his point. The man clenches jaw, pain soaring throughout his arm. Akatsuki glances at you, winking to reassure you nothing will ever happen to you.
"What the heck do you think you're doing? Hurting innocent children like that. I should break your arm for that little stunt, but this is a professional meeting. I'll refrain from that if you apologize to Mrs. Shota and leave the property," he demands as he continues to add pressure on the bend of the vampire's elbow. Your attacker hesitantly agrees to the deal, making Akatsuki shove him in the direction of the opened door. He quickly does as he's told and particularly charges through the doorway. Snow blows inside the room, his silhouette vanishing into the wooded area beyond.
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