My Submissive Alpha

My Submissive Alpha

Chapter 1

Kim Yong In

Park Jun Jae

The bar was as busy as always! The music was loud as always! The people were high as always! But the club owner Kim Yong In wasn't acting like he always did!

He was always cheerful and charming but tonight he sat between his friends with a frown on his face, his expression never changing and apparently he wasn't even paying attention to what his friends were saying.

Jack waved his hand in front of Yong In's face - earth to Kim Yong In? Dude are you even listening?

Yong In blinked a few times

and looked at his friend

- huh? Sorry man can you

repeat that again?

Jack sighed dramatically and shook his head before giving in, he wasn't going to be mad anyways... specially not when he was talking about Marcus !

- I said, I saw Marcus last week at a charity event and he didn't even look my way! He looked like he was having fun talking to Sandy !

Yong In looked at Jack with confusion!

- Marcus who?

Now everyone looked at him

like he had grown another head! Jaewon put his hand on Yong In's shoulder and stared at his eyes

- are you sure you're okay?

Yong In rolled his eyes! He was fine ! Of course he was fine! Why would they think otherwise? It wasn't like they knew about what had happened two days ago! He mentally slapped himself! He wasn't going to ruin his night thinking about that son of a bitch! Taetae raised a perfect brow and gave him a judgmental look - is there a reason for Jack hyung to be talking about Mark Lee? Of course he's talking about Marcus !

Yong In grimaced and looked at Jackson

- Dude you said you were over your ex already!

Jack pouted and took a sip of his drink. It wasn't that he wasn't over his very very attractive ex boyfriend! Of course he was! Who did Yong In think he was? He was Jack whom everyone was ready to kill for only to get a chance to just say hi to!

- I'm over him! Of course I am! Everyone nodded their heads but their expressions told him they weren't gonna believe him !

- I Am ! I dumped him,remember?

- I humbly remind you that it was one of your biggest mistakes so far!

Jaewon scolded and the others nodded in agreement!

- - coughStUpid

Yong In snorted at Taetae's sarcasm and tried to hide it from Jack!

- okay okay let's stop bullying Jack! Change the topic? Taking pity on his friend, Yong In suggested and Jack smiled at him like a happy and grateful puppy! Taetae snapped his fingers and looked up with excitement!

It's not even public yet but

-Yu jin's hyung is arranged to marry the author Im Siwon !!!

Jack straightened his back and widened his eyes

- Yu jin's hyung? You mean that tall - not so handsome man

- Han seo jun?

Taetae looked at him with pity

- You really need to get your eyes checked! The man is smoking hot!

Yong In smirked and took a sip from his drink

- don't mind him, he just

dislikes tall people! They remind him of how short he actually is !

The whole table laughed out loud except for Jack who punched Yong In's shoulder!

- okay but who's Park Siwon? Jaewon asked and now everybody were staring at him with wide open mouths! - dude !!! Do you live under a rock?

Taetae asked and even Jack was shaking his head with disappointment

- he wrote the crime novel " strangers from hell"! It's really famous and I had to fight my way to get my hand on it! Yong In told him. Jaewon shrugged

not everyone is a bookworm like you! Honestly I wonder how you even have time for books! You're always partying!

This time it was yong In's turn to shrug! Taetae sighed and decided to butt in

- Do you know Park Jun Jae? Jaewon smirked and leaned back

- of course I know! I have two of his paintings hanging on my walls !

No one noticed how Yong In tensed and choked on his drink! His good mood was already ruined! Why did Taetae have to bring that bastard up? That two faced snake ! That crazy

son of a bitch that acted like a cute kitten in front of people but became a wild tiger behind the closed doors! To tell you the truth... Yong In's pride was hurt! He was an alpha that everyone desired and Jun Jae did too but not how Yong In had imagined!

Omega's weren't like that! There was seriously something wrong with Jun Jae and no one seemed to notice! He was the reason Yong In couldn't walk straight for two days straight and worse than that he couldn't tell anyone! There were two

reasons why:

1- He wasn't gonna tell anyone that he was fucked well through by an omega !

And 2- even if he told anyone, they wouldn't believe him or would make fun of him and Yong In wasn't having any of that!

He shook his head and tried to focus on Taetae - Park Siwon is Park Jun Jae's cousin !

Jaewon widened his eyes

- really?

Yong felt sick... perfect... just perfect! His favorite author had turned out to be related to his worst nightmare!

- just great!

He mumbled and downed his drink in one go before refilling it!





No a big deal if the role are reversed 😏😏





the first two chapters will be confusing but you will understand the plot soon from chapter 3 on, plz don't leave bcoz it's confusing at first



Dragon Breath Sisters

Dragon Breath Sisters

I have to say I'm confused 😔



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