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My Submissive Alpha

Chapter 1

Kim Yong In

Park Jun Jae

The bar was as busy as always! The music was loud as always! The people were high as always! But the club owner Kim Yong In wasn't acting like he always did!

He was always cheerful and charming but tonight he sat between his friends with a frown on his face, his expression never changing and apparently he wasn't even paying attention to what his friends were saying.

Jack waved his hand in front of Yong In's face - earth to Kim Yong In? Dude are you even listening?

Yong In blinked a few times

and looked at his friend

- huh? Sorry man can you

repeat that again?

Jack sighed dramatically and shook his head before giving in, he wasn't going to be mad anyways... specially not when he was talking about Marcus !

- I said, I saw Marcus last week at a charity event and he didn't even look my way! He looked like he was having fun talking to Sandy !

Yong In looked at Jack with confusion!

- Marcus who?

Now everyone looked at him

like he had grown another head! Jaewon put his hand on Yong In's shoulder and stared at his eyes

- are you sure you're okay?

Yong In rolled his eyes! He was fine ! Of course he was fine! Why would they think otherwise? It wasn't like they knew about what had happened two days ago! He mentally slapped himself! He wasn't going to ruin his night thinking about that son of a bitch! Taetae raised a perfect brow and gave him a judgmental look - is there a reason for Jack hyung to be talking about Mark Lee? Of course he's talking about Marcus !

Yong In grimaced and looked at Jackson

- Dude you said you were over your ex already!

Jack pouted and took a sip of his drink. It wasn't that he wasn't over his very very attractive ex boyfriend! Of course he was! Who did Yong In think he was? He was Jack whom everyone was ready to kill for only to get a chance to just say hi to!

- I'm over him! Of course I am! Everyone nodded their heads but their expressions told him they weren't gonna believe him !

- I Am ! I dumped him,remember?

- I humbly remind you that it was one of your biggest mistakes so far!

Jaewon scolded and the others nodded in agreement!

- - coughStUpid

Yong In snorted at Taetae's sarcasm and tried to hide it from Jack!

- okay okay let's stop bullying Jack! Change the topic? Taking pity on his friend, Yong In suggested and Jack smiled at him like a happy and grateful puppy! Taetae snapped his fingers and looked up with excitement!

It's not even public yet but

-Yu jin's hyung is arranged to marry the author Im Siwon !!!

Jack straightened his back and widened his eyes

- Yu jin's hyung? You mean that tall - not so handsome man

- Han seo jun?

Taetae looked at him with pity

- You really need to get your eyes checked! The man is smoking hot!

Yong In smirked and took a sip from his drink

- don't mind him, he just

dislikes tall people! They remind him of how short he actually is !

The whole table laughed out loud except for Jack who punched Yong In's shoulder!

- okay but who's Park Siwon? Jaewon asked and now everybody were staring at him with wide open mouths! - dude !!! Do you live under a rock?

Taetae asked and even Jack was shaking his head with disappointment

- he wrote the crime novel " strangers from hell"! It's really famous and I had to fight my way to get my hand on it! Yong In told him. Jaewon shrugged

not everyone is a bookworm like you! Honestly I wonder how you even have time for books! You're always partying!

This time it was yong In's turn to shrug! Taetae sighed and decided to butt in

- Do you know Park Jun Jae? Jaewon smirked and leaned back

- of course I know! I have two of his paintings hanging on my walls !

No one noticed how Yong In tensed and choked on his drink! His good mood was already ruined! Why did Taetae have to bring that bastard up? That two faced snake ! That crazy

son of a bitch that acted like a cute kitten in front of people but became a wild tiger behind the closed doors! To tell you the truth... Yong In's pride was hurt! He was an alpha that everyone desired and Jun Jae did too but not how Yong In had imagined!

Omega's weren't like that! There was seriously something wrong with Jun Jae and no one seemed to notice! He was the reason Yong In couldn't walk straight for two days straight and worse than that he couldn't tell anyone! There were two

reasons why:

1- He wasn't gonna tell anyone that he was fucked well through by an omega !

And 2- even if he told anyone, they wouldn't believe him or would make fun of him and Yong In wasn't having any of that!

He shook his head and tried to focus on Taetae - Park Siwon is Park Jun Jae's cousin !

Jaewon widened his eyes

- really?

Yong felt sick... perfect... just perfect! His favorite author had turned out to be related to his worst nightmare!

- just great!

He mumbled and downed his drink in one go before refilling it!

chapter 2

Park Jun Jae was a beautiful man and he knew it! There was no wonder he surrounded himself with beautiful things! He was in love with the arts and so he had studied it! Painting was how he expressed himself! That was why he was sitting in his room working on his new piece!

- Someone is in a good mood today!

He smiled and looked up at his cousin

- Hyung! Good morning! Did you sleep well? Siwon groaned and took a sip of his coffee. Unlike Jun Jae who looked like a dream knight, He looked like a walking nightmare! Hair like a bird nest and dark circles around the eyes made it obvious that no ... he hadn't slept well ... as always! Jun Jae wondered how he even survived this long but then again his hyung was rather strong despite his smaller figure and harmless face !

- you seem to have slept good enough to be singing at this hour!

Jun Jae looked at him with a surprised expression. It wasn't that early though and besides Was he singing out loud without noticing himself? Oh well...

He shrugged and smiled brightly

- I had a fun night!

Siwon stopped behind him and looked at the unfinished painting.

- A fun night ... with your new model?

He asked and pointed at the faceless man on the paper... no doubt he was an alpha... that body did NOT belong to a beta or an omega! He moved his gaze to his cousin and waited for his response. Jun Jae's smile reminded him of a shark! What had he done to the poor soul, Siwon didn't want to know! He had too much on his own plate already! With the family tradition crap going on! Why did it have to be him and not the other kids? Just because he was the oldest didn't mean they had to give him away like this !!! Okay maybe him being an omega and 25 years old at that was a little unusual but still! He sighed for a long moment!

- Oh no . he's not my model ! I'd never ask someone so impolite and arrogant to become my

model !

Siwon rolled his eyes

- then why are you painting him ... ***** ... ? Again that smile

- He was beautiful wasn't he? It was a statement and not a question. Jun Jae and his obsession with anything and anyone beautiful was something Siwon couldn't understand

Yes ! But he needed to be - taught a lesson! He was too cocky trying to seduce me, the

"shy omega"!

They both smirked at the nickname!

Almost all the people that didn't know him thought Jun Jae was an omega ! Well he was soft spoken and gentle with a very delicate figure and his scent was also very sweet unlike other alphas who were (mostly) rude and big with an air of confidence and power around them !

- who was it? Do I know him ? Jun Jae smiled funnily like he was caught doing something unlike him!

- well ... about that ... I... kinda don't know his name ! Siwon felt like he couldn't take any more of this stupidity so he decided to leave the room without further ado! ' Jun Jae watched him leave before turning back to his work! The boy had such beautiful skin! And his muscles felt so nice under his touch! He had made such nice variety of sounds when fucked... he couldn't wait to get his hands on him once again and this time he was gonna find out his name!

After he was satisfied with the colors he had used, he picked up the golden leaves and added pieces of them to the boy's face, covering his eyes and putting some on his hair.


He put the painting beside his other finished pieces and decided it was time to go out and have some fresh air ! Did Marcus say he was free today? He took out his phone and called his friend

- hello ?

- Hey, it's Jae! Are you free today? I know you are! Let's grab some lunch together. Meet me at the usual place... bye! Hanging up without giving Marcus time to respond, he went to his bedroom to get ready. Hmmm he was in a good mood so why not wear something aesthetically pleasing? Yeah that would be great! He decided to wear one of his fancy loose white shirts (that Siwon called vampire prince shirt) and black pants. The lack of buttons on the higher part of the shirt could give everyone a nice view of his chest. Adding some delicate chains around his neck he decided it was enough.

His long hair covered his eyes but JunJae liked it! He was in one word BEAUTIFUL

to readers

so did you like it?

sorry I changed the story because I wasn't able to find any new plot for it, I hope you understand

chapter 3

can we not for once go to some place so... bling?

Marcus asked without even greeting him. Jun Jae looked him up and down and smirked.

- Dressed like that?

He pointed at Marcus's black shirt that was covered in pieces of jewelry!

Marcus rolled his eyes and leaned back

- it's because you said we're meeting here! Duh! Anyways... what's the occasion?

Jun Jae looked at the menu and pretended to look at the different foods

- I just wanted to see your face is all !

He looked up only to meet Marcus's unimpressed face. The waiter took their orders and left. Marcus leaned forward and shrugged

- well" I "wanted to talk !

Jun Jae raised a brow and looked at his friend with curiosity.

- I saw Jack some days ago at an event!

Jun Jae mentally groaned. Not this again!

- You did? How was he? He asked without no real interest!

The guy could die in a hole and Jun Jae wouldn't feel sorry! How dare he dump his best friend?

- I didn't ask ! I didn't even talk to him! Ignored him the whole time!

Jun Jae smirked at the proud tone his friend had taken.

- I'm proud of you! But honestly shouldn't you be over him already?

Marcus widened his eyes

- I Am !

JunJae didn't believe him one bit and he was sure Marcus could see it all over his face because he insisted

- I AM over him, Jun Jae!!! I swear!

Hey... are you even listening? What are you looking at?

Following his gaze he turned around and his expression hardened. Right at the reception was standing a very handsome Jack Zhang who was talking to his gang of scooby doo!!!

- What is he doing here? He almost growled. When Jun Jae didn't respond he turned back towards him. - hey... earth to Park Jun Jae? However Jun Jae was looking at the broad back of a very familiar figure!

who would have thought we'd - meet again so soon? He asked himself

- right?

Marcus answered and pretended to look at the cars outside!

- Jun Jae hyung!!!

A loud and cheerful voice made them look up and face a very happy looking Kim Yu jin! Ah shit! Jun Jae cursed mentally! He didn't have time for his young fanboy. However moments later when the boy and Jack joined him he took it back this was indeed his day






Yong In had decided to accept the lunch invitation and join Jack and Yujin. The day had started okay, he had woken up and enjoyed his morning before getting ready to meet his friends. The restaurant wasn't bad either they were about to find a table when Yu jin called a cursed name

- Jun Jae hyung!!!

Please don't be him! Please don't be him! Please don't be him! Yong In pleaded mentally and oh so very slowly turned around.

- ****!

- crap!

He heard himself and Jack curse at the same time! Why was Jack cursing though? Yong In noticed the other man sitting in front of Jun Jae and wait was that Marcus ? Yongin didn't feel sorry to take satisfaction in knowing he wasn't the only one suffering! Before they could do anything Yujin had walked to them and was making himself comfortable. He exchanged a painful glance with Jack before walking to that table.

Jun Jae felt a sharp pain in his left shin splint and looked at Marcus who tilted his head towards the empty spot beside him, silently ordering/begging him to sit there so his ex boyfriend couldn't! Well better for jun Jae, now he would sit face to face with the boyand didn't have to put up with Yujin clinging to him. What was the kid doing out there anyway? Shouldn't he be at his class or something?

- how have you been Jun Jae hyung? I haven't seen you in so long! Asked Jack, eyes never

wavering from Marcus. Why did he dump Marcus again? JunJae wondered for the nth time.

- I'm always around, you've been busy as always! I heard your new comeback is coming out soon! Wish you luck! - yeah thanks!

Marcus was proud of himself for maintaining his eyes on the very interesting napkin in front of him.have you guys ordered


Yujin asked and smiled


- yes ! Aren't you going to introduce your friend? Jun Jae asked and leaned back in his seat. This was his chance! Yujin widened his eyes as if remembering the others at the table. Blushing slightly he pointed at the boy who was glaring at him oh so adorably

- I guess you guys haven't met each other! This is Kim Yongin hyung!

He's the owner of the bar we usually go to! We met through Jack hyung last year!

- I see ... do you head to clubs often Yujin ssi ? Poor boy paled. Gulping loudly he looked at him pleadingly- please don't tell my hyung!!! I don't go there that often but if he finds out he'll kill me !!! Jun Jae smiled warmly - of course! Why would I tell your hyung? I was just asking out of curiosity!

Yujin downed the water in front of him in one go and didn't say anything further. Jun Jae turned his attention towards the b... Yongin and smiled charmingly.

- it's nice to meet you Kim Yongin ssi! My name is Park Jun Jae ! I'm a painter... I would like it if you could visit my shop sometime! Is it okay if I call you Yongin? Wouldn't you mind? Isn't it too forward of me? I just feel like we can become such good friends!This son of a bitch! Yongin wanted to stand up and smack his head on the table just to wipe that smug smile off his face! He was sure he was only showing his teeth and not smiling at all. He didn't care! He wasn't going to play nice with this bastard!

- I'm sorry I'm not really interested in the arts! He saw how Jack shifted beside him probably dying to confront him about his lie! He would probably ask about it later and Yongin was thankful he didn't embarrass him right there and then!

Park Jun Jae didn't seem to be that bothered by his obvious rejection as he smiled brightly.

- too bad!

They ate in silence and Yongin was so thankful Marcus and his friend left first! He didn't know how he would have stayed calm any longer! Yujin received a call from Taetae yelling at him for skipping class and Yujin left after ending the call mumbling something about getting killed by his hyung if he ever found out!

Now only Jack and him were left. And there wasn't much left before..

- why did you lie Yongin? I don't get it ! Here we go! Yongin rolled his eyes!

- I just don't like that omega ! He acts so innocent and nice in front of everyone but he's a fucking bastard behind closed


Jack looked at him with


- Which omega are you talking about?

Yongin gave him a judging expression

- that Park Jun Jae guy obviously!!!

Who else?

Jack snorted, making Yongin angrier than he already was.

- Park Jun Jae is an alpha, dude! And besides how do you know how he is behind closed doors? Yongin widened his eyes.

How the heck was he supposed to know that fucker was an alpha? Everything about him screamed omega except maybe for his height that was the sameas Yongin's! Jack was still waiting for his response. Sighing for a long moment, he didn't have any choice but to tell him the truth!

Jack couldn't believe his ears! What was Yongin saying? He had flirted with Park Jun Jae with the intention of having sex but had lost his virginity to the other guy? It was shocking and hilarious at the same time! Yongin the proud alpha that all the people desired to be fucked by had bottomed for the first time and for none other than Park JUN JAE?

He didn't dare smile not to mention laugh because he was sure Yongin would kill him right away! He was totally going to make fun of him later! A small revenge for all the times he made fun of his height ! - But he's not that ba...!

Yongin cut his sentence short with a terrifying glare!

- I want to kill him with my bare hands!

Jack patted his back soothingly

- I think I know why you're mad! No ... don't interrupt me! Let ... me talk! I think your pride has been hurt and you feel humiliated!

Yongin pouted and took a sip of his drink.

- how did it feel? I bottomed once four years ago and I don't really remember how it felt! Is he experienced in bed? Or is he a clumsy mess? Ouch...

Yongin hit his shoulder with all his heart and grumbled under his breath. There was no way he was going to admit he had enjoyed himself that night! No Fucking Way!

I hope you all are liking the story till now, plz share your views in the comment

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