Chapter Seven
A carriage stopped Infront of Trader Soo Byung hu's Resident and a handsome young man came out from it.
ji woon
hey do-jin wait for me, you know I can't keep up with you(panting) I feel like am out of breath all of a sudden.
do jin
you lazy bone always trying to find an excuse.
ji woon was about to stand up when his eyes went towards the entrance of the house.
ji woon
m...master! young master is back!!
do jin
aish... seriously am going.
ok li
do-jin, ji woon, long time no see.
do jin
young master, it's really you!
ok li
are you two fighting again?
ok li
where is everyone? the house seems quiet.
ji woon
they are all inside, the atmosphere is not pleasant since lady.......
do-jin pinched ji woon before he could finish talking.
do jin
please go to the living room young master, your food will be there in a minute and Mr and Mrs Byung hu will join you shortly, they are currently with a guest.
ok li
okay, then I'll just go and see Han yul and yoona before they are done.......
ji woon
no!!!, I mean it will be better if you take your bath before eating food, it reduces stress, a lot of stress.
ok li
then I'll just head to my chambers. bye
ji woon
phew!!! that was a close one.
do jin
let's go and tell master quickly.
physician ma-dong came to check on Han yul. He touched her hand and her wrist.
physician ma-dong
the good news is that her temperature has crashed.
physician ma-dong
(opened his acupuncture box and removed a needle) there is a blood clot here( pointing at her forehead) we just need to apply a little pressure here(piercing the needle in her head) and that's it.
lady chaewon
will she wake up soon?
physician ma-dong
I don't know yet( removed the needle from Han yul's head) but, hopefully yes.
Trader Soo byung hu
thank you so much physician ma-dong.
physician ma-dong
Mr Byung hu, don't thank me it's my job to help people. I'll come back in the evening and check on her.
ji woon and do-jin rushed in
ji woon
lady chaewon , young master is back.
ji woon
he's in his chambers, my lady.
Trader Soo byung hu
did you tell him anything?
do jin
no we didn't, we told him you were with a guest.
Trader Soo byung hu
that's good , you can go now, I'll meet him in a minute.
Trader Soo byung hu
chaewon, let me go and change, I'll come back later, if there's any problem please let me know.
Trader Soo Byung hu left the room and made way to his chambers.
lady chaewon
yoo na go to the kitchen and make sure your brother's food is ready. Tell wol to come with the manicure and pedicure set, I want to trim Han yul's nails.
after five minutes wol came in holding a box.
maid wol
ma'am I've brought the set as you requested, shall we start?
lady chaewon
no, it's for Han yul, you can go I'll do it myself.
maid wol
ma'am, it's been two days now and you've not eaten anything, you're becoming weak and pale, you've to eat.
lady chaewon
wol, had it been you're in the same state as Han yul, i would have done the same. One day when you have a child of your own you'll know what I mean.
maid wol
But lady chaewon.....
lady chaewon
ok, I'll go after trimming her nails.
lady chaewon started trimming Han yul's nails when she felt dizzy for a minute and saw herself on the floor.
maid wol
ma'am are you alright?
lady chaewon
I am fine, don't worry
maid wol
huh!! her leg is bleeding (pointing at Han yul's foot).
lady chaewon
oh my god, bring a clean cloth quickly.
wol went to bring a clean cloth.
lady chaewon turned to observe the cut on Han yul's foot and she was shocked to see it attached. There was no cut, only blood stains were left.
lady chaewon
d..did it just, huh!!!!..... oh my god...
she was interrupted by wol who came in holding a cloth.
lady chaewon quickly covered the cut.
lady chaewon
you can go, I'll take care of it.
maid wol
but ma'am you.......
wol was about to go out when she saw Han yul's hand moving.
maid wol
ma'am her hand just moved.
lady chaewon
Han yul can you hear me?
Han yul
(grunting) m...mother.....
lady chaewon
ahhhh Han yul....🤗
lady chaewon
I was so worried about you.
lady chaewon
I'll tell you later.
lady chaewon
wol bring us some food quickly, tell yoo na to tell her father the good news. My Han yul is awake!
maid wol
(excited)😊yes ma'am.