Chapter Four

Han yul
Han yul
if you'll keep leaving me behind why did you bring me along?
yoo na
yoo na
mom said I should bring you with me and am not leaving you behind you never wanted to come in the first place.
Han yul
Han yul
why did we leave the carriage behind? you made us trek all the way here!
yoo na
yoo na
you need to keep exercising.
Han yul
Han yul
yoona look(pointing at a paint shop)am sure it's of good quality.
yoo na
yoo na
wow Han yul you're so amazing. let's go.
Han yul tripped on a stone and fell down
yoo na
yoo na
oh my god, Han yul are you alright?
Han yul
Han yul
I think I sprained my ankle.
yoo na
yoo na
let me get the carriage quickly,wait here.
Han yul
Han yul
(holding yoona's hand) no don't worry just buy the paint, I'll be fine.
yoo na
yoo na
are you sure?
Han yul
Han yul
yes yoona, just go
yoo na
yoo na
yoona went into the paint shop
prince buyong carriage came to a stop
prince buyong
prince buyong
what's happening?
choi yun
choi yun
your highness there's an old woman on the road.
prince buyong
prince buyong
then get her off the road.
choi yun
choi yun
yes your highness.
choi yun
choi yun
hey you(pointing at a passerby) get this old woman off the road
oh you're so heartless, can't you take her off yourself?, good for nothing( shouted the passerby)
Han yul
Han yul
(**what is happening there?, instead of fighting, can't they pick the old woman, I'll go take a look**) what's happening here?
baek hyun.
baek hyun.
I think she fainted,she's unconcious
Han yul
Han yul
give me some water quickly
baek hyun.
baek hyun.
ok, here you go ( handing her some water)
Han yul
Han yul
(sprinkle the water on her)
old herbalist soojin
old herbalist soojin
(long breath) (trying to stand up)
Han yul
Han yul
let me help you ( drags her up) are you alright?
old herbalist soojin
old herbalist soojin
yes my child thank you for saving my life.
at the paint shop
yoo na
yoo na
hello, is any one here
gong ho
gong ho
yes may I help y-o-o-o, oh it's you, the one who gave me five gold, it's you!
yoo na
yoo na
gi-i-i....(trying to remember his name)
gong ho
gong ho
it's gong ho.
yoo na
yoo na
yes, are you stealing again?
gong ho
gong ho
no,no,no my lady this is my shop, the 5 gold you gave me changed my life. I paid all my debts, I bought a house,I stuffed my house with Foodstuffs and I stopped stealing.
yoo na
yoo na
you did an amazing job
gong ho
gong ho
am forever grateful to you my lady
yoo na
yoo na
there's no problem.
gong ho
gong ho
what brings my lady to my shop?
yoo na
yoo na
I came to buy some paints
gong ho
gong ho
you came to the right place, I have a perfect one for you
he went inside and came back after five minutes with a decorated set of pain and brushes.
yoo na
yoo na
it's beautiful, how much is it?
gong ho
gong ho
take it as a token of appreciation my lady.
yoo na
yoo na
thank you so much
gong ho
gong ho
what is my lady's name ?
yoo na
yoo na
it's yoona,it's nice meeting you, I have to go, my sister is waiting for me, bye
gong ho
gong ho
please come any time you feel like, my shop is yours.
yoo na
yoo na
thank you bye
yoona went out of the shop. she saw her sister with an old woman and quickly ran towards them.
yoo na
yoo na
Han yul are you alright?
Han yul
Han yul
yes I am
Han yul
Han yul
she fainted on the streets.
yoo na
yoo na
ajussi are you alright?
old herbalist soojin
old herbalist soojin
yes I am, thanks to this young lady(pointing at Han yul)
yoo na
yoo na
ajussi where do you stay?
old herbalist soojin
old herbalist soojin
it's close by, just behind the market, I'll be fine don't worry.
Han yul
Han yul
we'll take you there, let's go
after five minutes of driving, they came to a stop
old herbalist soojin
old herbalist soojin
thank you so much young lady's for your kindness(turning to Han yul)and thank you for saving my life.i have nothing to give you except my blessing as a gift. I hope you can take it, just endure and it will be over
Han yul
Han yul
(**what is this old woman saying**) yes ajussi I will thank you.
Han yul
Han yul
take this(giving her 4 gold pieces)
old herbalist soojin
old herbalist soojin
no my child, I can't accept this.
Han yul
Han yul
please take it, I insist.
old herbalist soojin
old herbalist soojin
thank you
they kept the old woman inside and went back to their carriage.
yoo na
yoo na
Han yul look( showing her the paint)
Han yul
Han yul
wow yoona it's beautiful, how much is it?
yoo na
yoo na
remember gong ho?
Han yul
Han yul
yoo na
yoo na
gong ho the one I caught stealing in the market, I told you about him, have you forgotten?
Han yul
Han yul
ooohhh, i...i can...t r......
yoo na
yoo na
Han yul, Han yul are you okay? why are you sweating so bad?
yoona touched Han yul's head and felt her temperature boiling.
yoo na
yoo na
(**how can someone's temperature be as hot as this?) Han yul Han...Han yul(patting Han yul's face) hang in there.


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