The Beautiful and the Damned

The Beautiful and the Damned

Episode 1

ELLIOT stared at the little creature as she bounced up and down on her princess sized bed, her unusual long white flowy hair making her look like a spitting image of her mother.

"Daddy! Daddy!" She yelled "it's story time"

As Elliot looked at his daughter with raw affection, he already knew in his heart the story book his daughter wanted him to read. Though he might as well as despised the book, he knew he would give anything to his tiny ray of joy in a heartbeat, even if it was at his own expense.

"Bethel settle down honey or I won't read the story" And almost like magic the unique white haired child immediately sat down in a blink of an eye. Her father chuckled to this.

"Now that's my girl" Elliot said patting her head. And then he began the telling of the story.

"Long ago after God created the Earth and humans, he decided to creat mystical spirits also who were to balance the tides of the very earth he had just created" As her father paused Bethel released an excited squeal which signaled he was almost reaching the part she loved the most. Why a 7years old child liked this type of story? He really didn't know, his wife was solely the one to blame for this. His daughters addiction to this particular story was clearly far from normal.

"They were four in numbers" he continued "The first being Cyrus which was the spirit of War, the second Randuff the spirit of light, third, Nehama the spirit of time and finally the fourth was named Seker, his job was a little bit more tasking than the others, he was the spirit of death, or like humans call him 'the angle of death'. His name literally had the same meaning as his assigned job"

"Everything went smoothly well at first in the beginning but then when Lucifer one of God's angel declared War on the heavens, all things created where put at stake, so God sent each of the Spirits to different parts of the Earth to continue their jobs, so as to balance the world once again" Elliot paused once again to check if Bethel was already asleep, but to his utter disappointment she wasn't. He continued.

"After many centuries had passed God decided to bless his four children for their dedicated works, even though Seker the angel of death had pulled Numerous stunts to annoy his father beyond words, God also blessed him alongside the other three with a gift. He didn't tell them the time or hour he would give them their gifts, they didn't even have a clue of what the gift was, but he did tell them to exhibit patience that when the time was indeed right they would know"

"But then, when several centuries passed, one out of the four gave up all trace of hope on waiting for the gift from their father. Seker rebelled against his Creator and father because he was angry with his father for not going through with his promise. Little did he know that his father indeed hadn't forsaken him, and the gift that awaits him would be his salvation" Elliot finally finishes.

"Are you content now princess?" Elliot asked his daughter with a wide smile.

She nodded her head rapidly also smiling.

"Daddy?" She called.

"Hmm honey?" Elliot asked right back.

"Why does the story end like that?, And what is the Gift God wanted to give the four spirits?" Bethel asked with inquisitive eyes. But even though she had asked this question more than he could count, he still answered her.

"Sweety like I said I don't know why the author ended the story like that, and also I don't know what the gifts are, you Know they didn't exactly mention what it was in the story" He chuckled lightly to her. Patting her head with affection.

"You know what, no more questions until tomorrow, Now off you go to bed Bethel. Sweet dreams" Elliot said as he tucked her in and kissed her forehead.

"Good night Daddy. And you to sweet dreams" she responded back with a cute smile making her dimples very prominent in the process.

As Elliot was about to switch off the light and leave the room, a lady with unique similar white hair with his daughter suddenly entered the room.

"Hey honey you came pretty late today what happened?" Elliot asked pecking the woman on the cheek.

"Work was just really hectic today, sorry I didn't call" She released a sigh.

"It's okay, I'm just glad you're back" a beaming smile took over his features, anyone could see he loved his wife dearly.

"Mommy mommy, mommy!" Little Bethel screamed with excitement.

"Oh if it isn't Princess Bethel, how was your day mi lady?" Her mother teased giving her an over exaggerated curtsy.

Releasing a fit of giggles the little girl responded "it was okay, daddy just finished reading me a book"

"Let me guess..." Ruth left her words hanging looking to the direction of her husband.

Elliot sighed though a smile graced his face "Yes it's that same book"

"I thought as much" Ruth chuckled.

"Elli you can leave the rest to me, I'll tuck her into bed again" giving her a greatful smile Elliot then left.

"Mommy what's that on your hand?" Inquisitively Bethel asked pointing towards her mother's hand.

Confused about her daughters question Ruth also moved her gaze to her hand. Widening her eyes a little she immediately used her other hand to cover the thick black pattern that was on her hand.

"Huh Mommy what's that?" Once again she asked.

Ruth knew the time hasn't yet come to tell Bethel the truth, Though she was smarter than her age, she was still a young child no less.

"Bethel honey there would come a time when the entire whole would be placed on your shoulder, but please do not waver when that time comes. You are much stronger than me so I am confident you'd be able to handle it" Ruth said with a sad smile.

"Why are you talking weirdly mommy?" The young child didn't understand a single word her mother had spoken to her.

"My time is almost up princess, He is coming for me very soon"

"Who? I won't let him have you" Bethel became somewhat angry after hearing that someone was trying to take her mother away from her.

Ruth chuckled "It's not your decision to make dear, but love the enthusiasm" she playfully winked.

"It's way past your bedtime now, go to bed honey"

"Ok mommy, Goodnight, sweet dreams" Bethel called out to her mother that was already at the door.

"And to you my princess" switching off the light Ruth left the room in a haste.

After all she did have an important appointment with the angel of death, and he sure as hell hated being kept waiting.



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