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The Beautiful and the Damned

Episode 1

ELLIOT stared at the little creature as she bounced up and down on her princess sized bed, her unusual long white flowy hair making her look like a spitting image of her mother.

"Daddy! Daddy!" She yelled "it's story time"

As Elliot looked at his daughter with raw affection, he already knew in his heart the story book his daughter wanted him to read. Though he might as well as despised the book, he knew he would give anything to his tiny ray of joy in a heartbeat, even if it was at his own expense.

"Bethel settle down honey or I won't read the story" And almost like magic the unique white haired child immediately sat down in a blink of an eye. Her father chuckled to this.

"Now that's my girl" Elliot said patting her head. And then he began the telling of the story.

"Long ago after God created the Earth and humans, he decided to creat mystical spirits also who were to balance the tides of the very earth he had just created" As her father paused Bethel released an excited squeal which signaled he was almost reaching the part she loved the most. Why a 7years old child liked this type of story? He really didn't know, his wife was solely the one to blame for this. His daughters addiction to this particular story was clearly far from normal.

"They were four in numbers" he continued "The first being Cyrus which was the spirit of War, the second Randuff the spirit of light, third, Nehama the spirit of time and finally the fourth was named Seker, his job was a little bit more tasking than the others, he was the spirit of death, or like humans call him 'the angle of death'. His name literally had the same meaning as his assigned job"

"Everything went smoothly well at first in the beginning but then when Lucifer one of God's angel declared War on the heavens, all things created where put at stake, so God sent each of the Spirits to different parts of the Earth to continue their jobs, so as to balance the world once again" Elliot paused once again to check if Bethel was already asleep, but to his utter disappointment she wasn't. He continued.

"After many centuries had passed God decided to bless his four children for their dedicated works, even though Seker the angel of death had pulled Numerous stunts to annoy his father beyond words, God also blessed him alongside the other three with a gift. He didn't tell them the time or hour he would give them their gifts, they didn't even have a clue of what the gift was, but he did tell them to exhibit patience that when the time was indeed right they would know"

"But then, when several centuries passed, one out of the four gave up all trace of hope on waiting for the gift from their father. Seker rebelled against his Creator and father because he was angry with his father for not going through with his promise. Little did he know that his father indeed hadn't forsaken him, and the gift that awaits him would be his salvation" Elliot finally finishes.

"Are you content now princess?" Elliot asked his daughter with a wide smile.

She nodded her head rapidly also smiling.

"Daddy?" She called.

"Hmm honey?" Elliot asked right back.

"Why does the story end like that?, And what is the Gift God wanted to give the four spirits?" Bethel asked with inquisitive eyes. But even though she had asked this question more than he could count, he still answered her.

"Sweety like I said I don't know why the author ended the story like that, and also I don't know what the gifts are, you Know they didn't exactly mention what it was in the story" He chuckled lightly to her. Patting her head with affection.

"You know what, no more questions until tomorrow, Now off you go to bed Bethel. Sweet dreams" Elliot said as he tucked her in and kissed her forehead.

"Good night Daddy. And you to sweet dreams" she responded back with a cute smile making her dimples very prominent in the process.

As Elliot was about to switch off the light and leave the room, a lady with unique similar white hair with his daughter suddenly entered the room.

"Hey honey you came pretty late today what happened?" Elliot asked pecking the woman on the cheek.

"Work was just really hectic today, sorry I didn't call" She released a sigh.

"It's okay, I'm just glad you're back" a beaming smile took over his features, anyone could see he loved his wife dearly.

"Mommy mommy, mommy!" Little Bethel screamed with excitement.

"Oh if it isn't Princess Bethel, how was your day mi lady?" Her mother teased giving her an over exaggerated curtsy.

Releasing a fit of giggles the little girl responded "it was okay, daddy just finished reading me a book"

"Let me guess..." Ruth left her words hanging looking to the direction of her husband.

Elliot sighed though a smile graced his face "Yes it's that same book"

"I thought as much" Ruth chuckled.

"Elli you can leave the rest to me, I'll tuck her into bed again" giving her a greatful smile Elliot then left.

"Mommy what's that on your hand?" Inquisitively Bethel asked pointing towards her mother's hand.

Confused about her daughters question Ruth also moved her gaze to her hand. Widening her eyes a little she immediately used her other hand to cover the thick black pattern that was on her hand.

"Huh Mommy what's that?" Once again she asked.

Ruth knew the time hasn't yet come to tell Bethel the truth, Though she was smarter than her age, she was still a young child no less.

"Bethel honey there would come a time when the entire whole would be placed on your shoulder, but please do not waver when that time comes. You are much stronger than me so I am confident you'd be able to handle it" Ruth said with a sad smile.

"Why are you talking weirdly mommy?" The young child didn't understand a single word her mother had spoken to her.

"My time is almost up princess, He is coming for me very soon"

"Who? I won't let him have you" Bethel became somewhat angry after hearing that someone was trying to take her mother away from her.

Ruth chuckled "It's not your decision to make dear, but love the enthusiasm" she playfully winked.

"It's way past your bedtime now, go to bed honey"

"Ok mommy, Goodnight, sweet dreams" Bethel called out to her mother that was already at the door.

"And to you my princess" switching off the light Ruth left the room in a haste.

After all she did have an important appointment with the angel of death, and he sure as hell hated being kept waiting.

Episode 2

Bethel's(Yohanna's) POV:

Present day.......

"I'M Sorry Hanna but we have to let you go" I stared long and hard at Mr Flick my boss as he finished his speech.

"Sorry can you repeat that sir?" I asked not to sure I heard what he said right.

"Hanna" he sighed "you're fired"

With those two words I glared at him harder.

"Wait soo just like that, I'm fired?!" I asked with rage and disbelieve.

"N- - -" Before he could utter another word I interrupted him.

"Just because I wouldn't make my skirt shorter or I wouldn't open my God given legs for you, you're firing me?!?" I screamed this time. Not having a single care in the world if the other employees heard me.

When Mr Flick called me into his office sure I was expecting him to make another pass at me but definitely not this. Him firing me wasn't expected.

"You know what, this job wasn't even worth what I worked for, plus the pay is incredibly shitty, so you don't have to bother yourself I'll resign gladly!"

And with that I stormed out of his office heading straight to my desk or would I say former desk in the God forsaken firm, to get my things. I could feel the number of eyes that were on me but I couldn't care less at the moment.

And as I was making my way to the exit door of the firm I remembered something. And just for dramatic effect I shouted.

"And to all you sad fucks that didn't bother to learn my correct name, the name is 'Yohanna' not 'Hannah' " And Finally with my middle finger up in the air I exited the firm.


That was six days ago, and now I'm officially without a job. Sure looking for a job wasn't going to be a difficult thing for me with the kind of resume I had but I just wasn't ready to look for a job at the moment.

"Bethel! Bethel! Are you even listening to me?" My friend Rina asked shaking me. Oh I forgot she was here.

"Yh of course I am, who do you take me for?" I said feigning I was offended. But then she gave that look, the look that says 'stop lying bitch'.

"Okay, okay I wasn't listening sue me" I finally admitted with a cheeky smile.

"Seriously Bethel when are you going to start looking for a job? Six days has already passed since you left that dump of a firm, you need to do something with your life Beth please, I'm worried"

If my best friend Rina was a guy we surely would have been soul mates. We have gone through thick and thins together she is the only one I could actually trust with any of my deepest darkest secrets. She was my first friend in college and since then we have been inseperable.

"Ri Ri I have heard you and I'm really grateful that you care Soo much about me and since you said you're worried don't worry I'll start looking for a job asap" I sighed, you really did not want to argue with Rina she was a lawyer just like me so yh she was a really good persuader might I dare say even much better than I was.

"Thank you" she smiled in victory.

"Soo apart from coming here to persuade me to look for a job, why exactly are you here?" I said bluntly with no filter in the mix.

"What!!" She said feigning ignorance. Now it was my own turn to give her 'the' look.

"Stop shiting me and tell me the other reason you're here" with her own cheeky smile she suddenly held my hands tightly.

"Beth you Know I love you, I really do, so please will you carry your lazy ass up so we can go to a club, you need to live a little sister, Times not waiting for anyone" I sighed deeply, because this was like the millionth time she's told me this.

"Fine fine, I'll go to the club with you" those were the hardest words I had ever uttered in my life, but if I wanted Rina to stop bugging me I will just have to comply.

"Wait, hold the friggin' phone did you, Bethel, just say yes?" Rina asked in pure disbelief,

But the happiness was way too clear on her face. I nodded my head in confirmation.

"Oh my God finally, it's like the heavens heard my desperate prayers" she continued squealing like she just received a million bucks.

"Dramatic much?" I whispered with a faint smile. I was always happy whenever she was happy, yes I loved her that much.

"Whatever" she chuckled "I will be back around six to pick your ass up, and please honey dress like you're ready to kill" she said giving me a warning glare. I smiled, she knew me too well. I could wear a rag to the club and I could care less, ok so maybe not exactly a rag, but yes something not too flashy or eye catching. Yup I'm that hopeless.

"Yes ma'am"I said giving her something close to a salute, I think. Don't judge.

It's been an hour since Rina left and trust me when I say I haven't even started looking for an outfit to wear. I really am a lot of work.

Instead I have been thinking about what I saw last night when I went out to buy groceries.


Flash back...

After I finished buying my groceries since I didn't come with my car I decided I wanted to walk instead of taking a Taxi.

As I was walking through the streets of New York, I saw a huge crowd gathered near a tall building, being an extremely curious individual I decided to fine out what the fuss was all about.

"Ehrm, sorry Good evening ma'am If I may ask, why are a bunch of people gathering here?" I asked a nearby random old lady.

"Good evening to you dear, look up to the very top of the building" she replied pointing upwards.

Following what she said I looked up and to my absolute suprise there was a person at the very top of the building, though I couldn't make out what the person looked like I knew it was a man from the features.

"Good gracious! What is that man doing up there?" I asked shocked.

"Seems like he wants to commit suicide" the old lady responded indifferently.

You could see there wasn't any interest in her eye for if the man did commit suicide or not. And I couldn't blame her the rate of suicide in New York had become very alarmingly high recently for some reason, that people now find it strange if no one commits suicide in a month or even less.

"Oh that's another one this week now" I heard a man say as he passed by.

And I didn't know if it was just me seeing it, but there was another silhouette standing close to the man on top of the building.

"There is another person standing near the man?" I muttered to myself, but turns out the woman by my side heard me.

"What are you saying Lassy, there is no one else standing there apart from the man" the old woman declared confused.

The hell how is that possible, because I'm clearly seeing two figures on top the building, I'm pretty sure I don't have any form of eye defect, maybe the old lady does, I mean after all she was pretty old.

After about five minutes something strange happened. The man we all thought was going to commit suicide stepped backwards away from the edge of the building and Left like nothing happened. Well that's a relief.

As I was about to leave just like all the other people that were also watching. Something caught my eyes. Well just to be clear it was someone's eyes that caught my attention. The most vibrant goldish-blue eyes I have ever seen, the colour alone was strange, but enchantingly beautiful no less.

Because I was caught in somewhat like a trans I didn't realize that it was the eyes of the second figure I was looking into, but when I did realize I was amazed firstly because it was clearly impossible to see another person vividly from that height talk-less of a person's detailed eyes colour and secondly I felt some sort of weird tingle in my palm when our eyes locked.

But oddly enough the figure disappear out of nowhere, which made me question myself if I really did see what I had saw.

end of flashback....

Since yesterday I have been thinking non-stop of those eyes, I even dreamt of them last night. I don't why but as I recalled the colour of those eyes I remember all those stories my dad told me as a little girl.

specifically the words in the story of the heavens which says 'Gold eyes signified the heavens and blue eyes signified Royalty, and when one had both of those colors it makes them Heavens Royalty'

Episode 3

"CALL me as soon as you get there, ok?" Rina looked at her friend with Soo much emotion, her tears were even threatening to slip out.

"This is the second time you've said this Rina" Bethel sighed, she was only going to be in Israel for two weeks, it wasn't like it was the end of the world. But knowing Rina it sure as hell felt like it.

"I know, I'm sounding like an over worried mother, but I'm really going to miss you that's why, two weeks Beth, two bloody weeks, I won't be able to survive on my own chica" dramatically Rina placed her hand on her heart.

"I know you won't be able to" Bethel joked "you're lucky it's just for two weeks and not a month, we both know you can't live without me"she chuckled , looking at her best friend with amusement.

"Hardy har har" Rina deadpanned.

"Don't worry I promise to call you immediately I land, now bye...for the 5th time" Bethel hugged her friend, kissed her cheeks and then proceeded to go and board her plane.

"Good day passenger, this is your pilot speaking, flight A16 is about to depart, please fasten your seatbelts for take off" as Bethel finished with her seatbelt, she felt eyes on her so she looked up and to her surprise she saw a man wearing a Black hoodie looking at her from the other roll, the hoodie covered most of his face and for some reason the only thing she could see were his lips, might I add Pink edible lips.

Bethel was a little creeped out that a stranger was openly staring at her, but then suddenly the stranger turns his face from her direction, which eased the little tension in the pit of her stomach.


Seker was pissed, he was outraged, yet he was curious that's why he found himself on a plane to Jerusalem. It's still a wonder to him of why on fuck sakes he is going all the way to Africa.

He was pissed at the world itself, outraged at his father and Soo damn curious about a particular human female. The day Seker found out about this female he wasn't going to lie, he was very much shocked. A very own gift from his father, what was the old man playing at?. He has been trying to find possible explanations for his father's actions, but to no avail.

Seker made sure to piss his father more, out of all his brothers. You could even call him the prodigal son. So why on the fuckrey of fucks would his father give him a gift of his own, his father could give him a gift alright but not a gift like this, Destruction could be more of a deserved gift to be honest. He almost destroyed the whole universe at one point in time, so he really didn't see any reason why his old man even kept him alive still.

He looked at Bethel through his side, so she won't notice his stare. After the first day he saw Bethel he followed her back to her apartment after he finished his reaping of soul.

He followed her back home because he was curious about his gift, and why on Earth his father will choose a mere human being as his gift, he wanted to find out what was Soo special about her, and when he found out what made her special let's just say he wasn't very pleased. From all the people she had to be 'her' daughter, now he knows for sure his father was really messing with him.

Looking at her again, he had to be honest with himself, the girl was definitely sin in a skirt. She was beautiful no doubt with the most alluring green eyes he had ever come across of. To put it in simple words Hanna was a stunning female.

He focused his attention back at her when he saw her stand up, probably to use the restroom.

Straighting her skirt a little Bethel went to the restroom, not to use the convenience oh no, but to ease up all the tension. She's been feeling that the hooded man has been staring at her Since she boarded the plane. He might have been doing it discreetly but to no avail, because she could easily detect when and when not he was staring at her.

After splashing a little water on her face, she decided to journey back to her seat. As soon as she sat down her eyes Having a mind of there own decided to seek the hooded stranger, and to her surprise he wasn't seated were he was some minutes ago.

"Good day once again passengers, this is your pilot speaker. Please everyone fasten your seatbelts once again, we are about to land. I repeat please fasten your seatbelts" hearing the pilots words, Bethel almost immediately forgot all about the strange man and did as the pilot instructed.

Not few minutes later the plane touched down. Another few minutes followed and passengers started filling out of the plane.

On getting inside the airport Bethel began to look for her aunt that was too come and pick her up. Unluckyly for her the airport was packed full making the level of difficulty of looking for her aunt to increase. But also fortunately she heard her name being shouted over all the crowd.

"Bethel!, Bethel honey over here" turning around to face the source, she found herself looking at a smallish woman In her late thirties smiling at her with a huge boldly written sign saying 'welcome home Bethel'. Smiling widely herself, Bethel trekked the short distance to meet the woman.

Hugging the woman tightly she says "Hey aunt Vicky" her father's sister Victoria was without any doubt her favorite aunt ever. She was like her second mother.

"Bethel it's been Soo long dear, you don't visit quite often like before love. I've missed you dearly child" smiling cheekly at her Bethel responded "was it me you missed or my fluffy pancakes?" Raising her eyebrow playfully she asked.

"Ah I think it's a bit of both, you know on a second thought I believe it's your pancakes I've missed more" Victoria joked.

Laughing lightly Bethel then told Victoria that they should be making there way to the car since the airport was crowded.

So while in the car her aunt asked "So how's Elliot doing, some brother he is, can't even check up on his sister?. I haven't talked to him in some weeks now, because he hasn't called me back. You know how international calls are incredibly expensive"

"Oh he is doing ok all the way in Malibu, he sends his apologizes" the truth was that my Dad was coming to Jerusalem in three weeks time to surprise my aunt, although I'd be back in New York by then.

"He even sent me package to give to you" I continued

"A package huh" Victoria said raising a curious eyebrow. "I wonder what it could be"

"Don't worry I assure you, you will most definitely like it" Bethel chuckled knowingly.

"Hmm, ok if you say so" Victoria smiled.


When they reached Victorias home. Bethel was given a warm welcome by Richard her aunt's husband And children.

After dinner, Bethel decided it was best for her to retire for the night since she had an appointment tomorrow. The main reason she came to Jerusalem In the first place was to meet the CEO of a well know firm through out the world. She was very escalated that she was going to be given an appearance with the CEO, because things like this comes once in a lifetime.

Because after submitting an application years ago to be able to work at this particular firm, it was like a dream come through when she got a personal Letter back from them, she was asked to come to there branch in Jerusalem first before she would be transferred to the main branch in New York.

The way things were going she felt like she had a guardian angel 24/7 with her. First of all after she got fired from her old job she almost immediately got this news from this firm telling her to come to Jerusalem and luckily for her it wasn't hard for her to find accomodation because her aunt 'coincidentally' stays in the same city. If you don't think this is the work of an Angel I don't know what to tell you.


The next day....

Tapping her legs nervously on the ground, Bethel looked around the waiting room noticing how luxurious it was. Were waiting rooms meant to be this fancy she thought to herself.

"Miss George Mr Hamilton will see you now" a lady wearing a very professional atire walked in and said to her.

Smiling nervously at the woman Bethel stood up shakyly "Thank you" she said.

Walking up to the big mahogany door, Bethel was still wondering why on Earth the CEO of this well known Firm, would take his precious time to be the one to interview her, I mean he has employed people to do that for him. And the other burning question in her mind was, why would the CEO be in this small branch. Aren't CEO's meant to be in the main branch, this is the first Case she has seen.

Pushing all those nagging questions at the back of her head, mustering Little of her courage left she opened the door.

One word to describe the office 'Exquisite'. The office was not too big nor was it small in anyway it was the perfect blend. Different art works hung on the wall, the theme of the office was black and brown, those colours may seem boring but after looking at this office let's just say your preferred taste might just change completely.

Finally focusing her attention on the figure sitting on the chair behind the mahogany large table. The CEO gestured for her to sit. After taking a seat he finally spoke.

"Good day Miss George, sorry to keep you waiting for that much time" a smooth yet rough velvety voice spoke. The tone of his voice almost threw Bethel into a trans.

Clearing her throat she finally responded. "Not at all sir the wait wasn't that long" who was she fuckin kidding, of course she waited more than a bloody hour but she was sane enough not to complain about it.

"I see" was his short reply.

Something was still bothering her though, because since she came into the office she hasn't been able to get a good look at the CEO's face, which was very odd because there was a lot of illumination in the office but for some reason it was like a shadow was cast upon his face, blocking it from her view.

".......... Bethel"

Coming back to reality after hearing her name, she turned her attention back to the man behind the desk.

"Miss George did you get anything I just said" Bethel was both relieved and embarrassed at the Same time. Relieved because for a second there she thought she heard Mr Hamilton say her christian name, but she heard wrong, I mean why on Earth would he even call her that, they are in a professional setting after all. And she was beyond embarrassed because she wasn't listening to what he was saying.

Blushing profoundly she muttered a 'No' and to her surprise she heard a deep chuckle.

"Quite an interesting Human I might say" she heard him mutter. Frowning, she looked at him questionly.

That didn't last for long though because all of a sudden he began to lean his head forward making the 'still questionable' shadow to begin to fade away from his face. The first thing Bethel could see were his lips which strangely reminded her of the creepy stranger with the hood that was on the plane with her, waving that thought out of her head, the second thing was his nose, well defined and prominent, his eyes followed, goldish blue were the colors, the colors screamed mystical, it was Soo out of this world yet beautiful all the same. Then finally I could see his hair, fuckin silky and I don't mean gel silky nah I mean natural silky, it was a mixture of dark brown and gold which curled at the tips.

Bethel was at loss for words looking at this very much alive Adonis, he could easily be the most beautiful man on Earth. And she could in turn easily agree. The man was unbelievably handsome in every way possible.

"I asked if you could start work immediately" he repeated what he said before with an amused expression plastered on his face.

Exhaling softly she finally spoke.

"Of course sir I can start as soon as possible"

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