6 turned on..?
kook walks toward detention room but after taking his phone from his cousin Jin.. he looks around the room to find that there aren't that many students in class, he peers his eyes towards teachers desk and see's that today Mr. Fog is on duty. Mr. Fog was well known for being harsh and strict, he often punish the student rather brutally
he takes the farthest sit in the class and takes out his earphones and phone and starts scrolling through his insta feed while listening to music
suddenly he hears the very familiar *ding* and checks his messages to find that anonymous has texted him
don't be rude kookie 😢
don't call me kookie bitch
awww I love you too ლ(´ ❥ `ლ)
uh-oh kook don't roll your eyes this much.. what if they pops out?
ok let's get to main point this isn't why I texted you
*sends voice message* ▶️
*a picture is attached click to view*
kook looks at the message for a moment and think "wth this boy wants now?" but clicks on play button nonchalantly
his eyes goes wide when he listens to muffled moans and a pic of hard d*ck
he gets aroused by listening to those sinful moan and feels like he is getting turned on
but still.. he tries to keep his cool and replies to the boy bluntly
but I'm naughty too wanna see?
haha nice.. but no thanks ✨ I'm good
you sure? coz the tent in your pant says smth else 😙
Oh nO! did yOu see tHat my dOg is teXting me tO cOme baCk hOme he is hUngrY!
bitch I ain't joking! gtg bye 👋
and yeah don't fall for me already (ik it's hard but (☞^o^) ☞)
*lemme just roll my eyes*
smh* I really like your eyes but seems like you don't
why are you still here?
kook looks at his phone screen for last time before it turns black and contemplates what he has ever done wrong to suffer from the problem he is facing now. He looks down towards his hard on and rethinks his life decisions. He now not only have to sit in detention but also being hard and it's really uncomfortable.. he thinks of going to washroom and take care of it
he ask mr. fog and slides out of room but not without taking his phone (coz it's going to help him in certain way 🌝)
akash ak✨ (mimilla💓)21 years
🤣🤣🤣🌚🌝🌚i know 😏