Contract’S High School Lover

Contract’S High School Lover

Episode 1

03:45 p.m

A thin layer of sweat covered the nape of her neck. She began rushing toward the hospital counter.

“Huff… huff… Huang Liu. The patient's name is Li Huang Han.”

She tries to catch her breath as soon as she stops at the counter. The worried face that showed on her face made the nurse look back at her system to find the name she mentioned just now.

“Oh, just wait for a second.” The tap on the keyboard makes her more nervous. Every clicking sound makes her heartbeat thump more strongly; even the nurses can hear it. “He’s on the second floor, room 201, He-” Before the nurse continued her words, she quickly ran off to the floor and didn’t even care if someone warned her to stop running in the hall.

“Please do not run inside the hospital.”

She's slowing down her pace, but she makes a quick walk so she can see her brother as soon as possible. Her eyes seek the room numbers. As soon as her eyes landed on the numbers, she quickly reached out her hands to twist the knob, but the doctor had already opened it.

“Please rest well, Mr. Huang.”

“Alright, Doctor.”

She lets the doctor and the nurse go outside first before she lets herself in. The doctor and nurses look at her for a few seconds before they pass through the door. She can hear some noises from them, and maybe they will become a gossip topic for a while. She quickly enters the room and sees his twin brother sitting on the bed while eating a slice of an apple.

“Ah, sis. "What are you doing here?” His action stopped for a second. He put the fork away on the plate and looked at her, feeling guilty for some reason.

“What am I doing here?" "You're telling me what I’m doing here?”

She slowly caught her breath and stretched her neck before looking back at his brother

His enchanting hazel eyes looked at her and said, “Huh.” She takes a deep breath before looking back at her brother. Both of their hazel eyes meet each other, but her sister's eyes are more imitating because it seems like the twins got into trouble.

“How can this happen?”

“Well, um,” His gaze looked away from hers. There was something he was hiding.

“I’m waiting,” she said, crossing her arms. She will not let him get away from her. The room suddenly became cold. He can feel his sister's gaze piercing beside him

“Well, I fell in the park because of a rock. Well, it's the rock's fault, not mine.”

“If you get your knees bleeding, I understand that, but you get your feet broken and your face bruised. It was not one, but there were several bruises.”

She pointed out the bruise on his face. Huang quickly covers it with his hand; he just chuckles nervously. He kept silent, neither looking at her nor at her face.

“Huang, tell me the truth.” Her expression changed to one of worry. They only had each other, and that is why they need each other in this life. He gulped and quickly looked at her before looking away.

“I'm not angry with you, but how can I not be when you're not telling me the truth?”

He looked down, feeling mixed about whether to tell her or keep it. He's biting his lips, but before he can talk, the door suddenly opens and shows a tall man coming inside the room.

"Oh, I didn't realize we had a visitor."

He’s 5’7. His stylish rusty hair and dark blue suits make him appear both mysterious and intelligent. She quickly turned toward him. Her focus is now on a stranger who has entered the room.

“Who are you?”

He just smiled at her, even though she wasn't smiling back. He was handsome, but that was not important because strangers were coming inside this room and telling her that she was the guest. Did they know each other?“I’m sorry for the late introduction. You can call me Mr. Li,”

He gave her one of his business cards. She received it, but that doesn't mean she read it. She quickly put it away inside her bag

“For your information, I'm not a guest because I'm his twin's sister, and I have a right to be here, but what kind of business may you have with my brother, Mr. Li?”

He smiles before continuing. She is being so aggressive for the first time.

“Due to my carelessness, your brother almost had an accident that could have cost him his life, but luckily,”

His words were cut off when she quickly turned around and inspected his brother's body.

“Wait, wait, what are you doing?” His face was bashful. He's trying hard not to let her sister touch him.

“Let me check, stay still for a second.”


The screams startled her. Her hazel eyes were like looking at him with a stunning face

“Please, sis. We have a guest here.”

For a split second, his face turns tomato red. Was he embarrassed? They can hear. Mr. Li giggles.

“I’m sorry, should I go outside?” He looked at both of them. Wondering if they need their sibling's time

“No, it’s okay.". I'm sorry,” She ruffles her hair because she just realized that her behavior was quite rude towards him.

“Why don’t we take a seat?”

She squinted. There must be something that he wants to talk about. His smile was charming but scary at the same time. Even the tone of his words makes her suspicious.  He sits on the sofa in front of the bed. She doesn’t want to have some strange feelings or something happen to her, so she takes the chair beside the bed and moves in front of him

“Let me continue, your brother is important to me.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“My brother is important to me, and what do you mean by your carelessness? He's almost lost his life.”

Ah, about that... "Did he ever tell you that we had something special?”

“Wait... what do you mean special?" Wait. You don't mean that. Are you gay? Huang, are you gay?”

“I am not gay! I'm straight. Please, Mr. Li, don't do that. You make her misunderstand the situation.”

“Haha, I'm sorry. Let me rephrase my words. Your brother is important to me; how should I say this?”

“Just tell me, why is my brother important to you?”

He smiles but is full of some strange feelings. She didn't lie when she said she got goosebumps just looking at him.

“Your brother is one of my only sponsors in his high school, and because of this accident, both of us will have a great impact.” His face turns serious. She's got to admit, that's kind of hot. Okay, we need to focus on the topic, not the face.

“Wait, wait, wait." Hold on... What do you mean by “sponsor?” She looked at him. clueless

“Oh, your brother didn’t tell you?” he smiled. Now, he smiled again. Why does he always smile? It's fake. Well, it's not like she cares, because everyone was fake about something.

“Huang? Care to explain? Did Aunty know about this?”

She looked back toward his brother. She can say that he was looking guilty, but he nodded. It seems like their aunt knows about this sponsor, but how could she not know about it? If she forced him to answer her question now, it would already be meaningless because it was already past.

“Move on; I will ask him later. So what do you mean by impact?”

“I will lose to my brother, and he will lose to his rival.”

“Huh?” It's more complicated now, or should I say she doesn't understand?

“If you want to be more practical, it will take more than a week to understand, but to summarize, we're using each other for our benefit.” “So no one lost.”

She can't do anything because she understands that. Both of them needed each other, but what does his brother need? Does he hide something by not telling her sister? She doesn't say anything but just stares at his beautiful face. His smiles and the way he crosses his legs can show that he is full of excitement.

“Because of this accident, I need to find a replacement, and for two days we will have an event, and we need to bring our sponsorship for the next adjective.”

“Then, why don't you find a new one?”

“Nah, I don’t want it.” He just shrugs off

“And why is that?”

“I’m too lazy to do that.",”

He makes a smudged face. She can hear his brother sigh heavily behind her. It seems he already knows how his attitude

“Okay. You're too lazy to do that; why are you telling me that?”

Now he gets the question he’s waiting to be asked. Why does he love to smile? It gives her goosebumps all the way up

“I want you to exchange yourself with your brother.”


The room becomes silent for a second. They can hear something falling on the floor. It was a fork that Harold used to eat apples.

“Wait, wait, Mr. Li.” “What do you mean by that?” “Are you going to make my sister go to ‘THAT’ school?”

“Oh, you don’t understand my words?”

“Let me repeat myself.”

“Wait, are my words hard to understand?”

“Yeah,” Both of them agreed. He only gives a bitter smile and continues. He looked back at her. He leaned forward to meet her hazel eyes.

“I want you; his sister becomes your brother until he fully recovers, and of course, I will take care of him.”So this is his true color. She scoffs, not believing what she just heard

“turning down the offer?” She's also curious about what will happen.

“Well, you’re the one who will regret missing this opportunity.”

“Hum, and why me?”

“Well, you guys are twins.” He raises one of his eyebrows.

“Yeah, that makes more sense,” she just agrees about it and thinks, but this time it is longer than before.

Huang kept thinking of ways to make her sister not take the offer. He's scared that something will happen when he's not there because that is not a normal school. It's way different from the other school

“You will be compensated about $1 million a month if you accept.”

Mr. Li quickly turns up the offer so she can quickly decide. The clock is ticking. Huang, lying in his bed, is concerned about her sister's fate upon entering the school.

“Well, when can I start?” Her eyes began to sparkle after thinking about it.

He just laughed, looking at her reaction after hearing about money

“Sister, please,” His face becomes bashful after reacting to her reaction

“What, the material is important, of course,” she said as she looked at Huang, smiling brightly

“Well then, I will tell you about the contract tomorrow." Then I will be happy to cooperate with you. "May I know your name, my new contractor?

Both of them shake hands together, agreeing with each other.

“You can call me Xin Yu.”

Now, her decisions will change her life.                                                                To be continued


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