Kingdom Of Cards

Kingdom Of Cards

Introduction: Main Characters & The Four Kingdoms

Name: Alexander Emory

Meaning of their Names: Alexander (defender of the people) Emory (Brave and powerful)

Nationality: American

Age: 19

Birthday: July 1, 2000

Nickname: Alex, Al

Hobbies: Eating fast food and junk food, Hanging out with Michael (Pissing Michael off), playing video games, watching and reading DC and Marvel, and working out.

Terrified: Ghosts

Dislikes: Feeling lonely and ignoring him.

Program in University: Engineering

Extracurricular: Member of the basketball.

Personality: Out-going, cheerful, courageous, obnoxious, kind, hard-working, mischievous, playful, childish, sweet, and he loves justice.

Additional: When it comes to physical strength and endurance, he's reliable.


Michael Renoylds - Alexander's former babysitter, and his British friend.

Julian Beauregard - Friend, and he secretly adored him as his big brother.

Nikolai Smirnov - Frenemy

Albrecht Eckardt - Fellow classmate.

Name: Julian Beauregard

Nationality: French

Meaning of their Names: Julian (Child born of love) Beauregard (Beautiful)

Age: 26

Birthday: February 14, 1994

Nickname: Juls, Julie

Hobbies: Cooking, gardening, baking, Teasing Michael, drinking wine, taking care of his hygiene, reading magazines related to Fashion, cooking and travelling, cross-dressing, playing the piano, and travelling.

Terrified: Rats

Dislikes: Insects and unhealthy food (He could eat unhealthy food, but he didn't like it when a certain American eat too much of it).

Program in University: Culinary Arts

Extracurricular: Theatre Club and Student council (He's a vice president)

Personality: Cheerful, active imagination, confident in his appearance, dramatic, mischievous, pervert, responsible and mature sometimes, flirting/charming, sociable, childish, creative, protective, and diligent.

Additional: He may be a pervert, but he knows his limits as he respected them, and he didn't drink excessive wine oftentimes because of his diet.


Alexander Emory - He's like a little brother to him, and he's also his friend.

Michael Renoylds - Childhood friend and rival.

Nikolai Smirnov - Wanting him to become his friend.

Albrecht Eckardt - The little brother of his best friend, and his fellow member of the Student Council. He works well with him.

Name: Michael Renoylds

Meaning of their Names: Michael (loyal, power, and strength) Reynolds (A powerful Ruler)

Nationality: British

Age: 22

Birthday: November 14, 1997

Nickname: Mich, Michie, Mickey

Hobbies: Reading literature, supernatural/phenomenon and mythology, scaring Alexander, embroidery, baking, listening to rock music and classical, gardening, pissing off Julian, singing (secretly), and playing the violin.

Terrified: Abandonment

Dislike: A certain Frenchman (But he actually did not dislike him.... but sometimes).

Program in University: English Education.

Extracurricular: Literature club and Student Council (President)

Personality: Temper (But he tone down after his Rebellious age), sweet, diligent, responsible, childish, mischievous, has a mature side sometimes, closet pervert, and he loves children and cute things.

Additional: Michael is having a hard time expressing himself, so he pretty much got misunderstood a lot, except for Julian and Alexander.


Alexander Emory - He formerly babysit him, and he still look after him like a brother.

Julian Beauregard - Childhood friend and rival.

Nikolai Smirnov - He rather not want to interact with him because of his disposition, but he could tolerate him as a friend or acquaintance.

Albrecht Eckardt - His fellow student council member, so he works rather well with him.

Name: Albrecht Eckardt

Meaning of their Name: Albrecht (Intelligent or Noble) Eckardt (Brave and strong)

Nationality: German

Age: 18

Birthday: September 9, 2000

Nickname: Al, Albert (If no one pronounces his name right)

Hobbies: Cleaning, taking care of his dogs, baking, reading, work out, taking care of his brother, and drinking beer if he was stress.

Terrified: Losing his family.

Dislike: Dirty environment.

Program in University: Engineering.

Extracurricular: Member of the Student Council (Secretary) and Newspaper club.

Personality: Serious, a bit meticulous, efficient, mature, responsible, and a closet pervert.

Additional: He could relax sometimes and knows if it was a joke. He always abides in the rules.


Alexander Emory - His fellow classmate in their Engineering major.

Michael Renoylds - He respected his president in the student council. Surprisingly, he works well with him.

Julian Beauregard - He also respected his vice president of the Student Council. He works very well with the Frenchman. Plus, he is also the best friend of his big brother.

Nikolai Smirnov - Albrecht is rather cautious around him because he's unpredictable to him, but he won't mind interacting him.

Name: Nikolai Smirnov

Meaning of their Name: Nikolai (Victorious people) Smirnov (calm, obedient, and quiet)

Nationality: Belarussian

Age: 19

Birthday: January 7, 2000

Nickname: Niko, Nikz

Hobbies: Gardening, drinking Vodka when he felt lonely or angry, strolling to find a warm place, and doing what he pleases.

Terrified: Being alone

Dislikes: Seeing people being afraid of him and cold places, but he could tolerate the cold places because of his country's climate.

Program in University: Agriculture

Extracurricular: Gardening club

Personality: Gentle, naive, childishly cruel, and sweet.

Additional: People got misunderstood him a lot, and he longs to have friends. Sometimes, he let out his scary dark aura, making people weary on him, but he loves flowers and sunny places.


Alexander Emory - He considers him as a friend, but Nikolai sometimes did not like him because of his obnoxious attitude, but he considers him as his rival as both of them sometimes get competitive.

Julian Beauregard - So far, he likes him a lot because of his bright personality, and he's being nice to him too. He might have a slight crush towards the Frenchman.

Michael Renoylds - He didn't like the Brit much because he always gets close with Julian, but he's sort of nice and respectful to him, and he hopes he becomes his friend.

Albrecht Eckardt - Acquaintance.


♠️ Kingdom of Spade♠️: They are good at the manufacturing of products, items, and weapons. They mostly sell oils and coals. They are rich on fertile soils. They are good on trades, which is flourishing lately. They are the largest kingdom and one of the strongest kingdom. Their fortes are swords and magic. They are located in the south, which they are on top of the hill surrounded with trees.

♦️Kingdom of Diamond♦️: They focus more on the production of jewellery and fine fabrics. The Kingdom of Diamond is famous on fisheries, tourism and entertainment. They are located near the sea, which the sea surrounding them, and there's a long bridge to go to their forest. They are the wealthiest Kingdom in the entire world. When it comes to military power, their forte is in marine battles.

♣️Kingdom of Club♣️: They are famous for mining, smiting, and Architecture. Their military is on par with Spade, which both of the kingdoms are on the rivalry. The Kingdom of Club has the strongest defence. The kingdom is located in the middle of the mountain. Their defence walls are the rocky mountains that surround them. It's very difficult when they trek in there.

♥️Kingdom of Heart♥️: Focus more on agriculture, medicine, and they are good at researching herbs or related to agriculture to make their people live easier. They are located inside the forest. They are rich in resources, and they are average compare with the three kingdoms.




Firmament: Thank you for reading this episode. I just wanted to let you guys know that if you saw spelling mistake, please don't hesitate to inform me. Take note, please understand that English is not my native tongue, and most of the pictures I used are Pitzmaker and Avatar Factory to visualise what they look like.

Firmament: To be honest, I just wanted to post chapter 1 and 2 at the same time so that you could enjoy reading it. Unfortunately, I think this chapter should be published first before posting another one. If I'm wrong, please tell me because it's my first time releasing my own Novel in here since I recently downloaded MangaToon this month.

Firmament: I hope that you are patient with me, and I hope to see you soon in the next episode. Thank you for reading my short announcement. I hope you take care of yourself, have fun, and have a nice day :).





Hello! I'm also an aspiring author and I thought this concept looked amazing. You said your first language wasn't English however, so there were a couple things you might want to change, but overall, it was great! The main thing I noticed was that you switch back and forth between past and present tense, for example, you would say something like "this character is funny" then later you would say they "did not like something" and while that could be correct if their viewpoint had changed, I don't think that's what you are going for? If you mean to say that the don't like something currently, you can use don't or doesn't. Hope this helps! Your spelling was amazing though, better than mine for sure, and I'm a native English speaker! Good luck!



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