NovelToon NovelToon

Kingdom Of Cards

Introduction: Main Characters & The Four Kingdoms

Name: Alexander Emory

Meaning of their Names: Alexander (defender of the people) Emory (Brave and powerful)

Nationality: American

Age: 19

Birthday: July 1, 2000

Nickname: Alex, Al

Hobbies: Eating fast food and junk food, Hanging out with Michael (Pissing Michael off), playing video games, watching and reading DC and Marvel, and working out.

Terrified: Ghosts

Dislikes: Feeling lonely and ignoring him.

Program in University: Engineering

Extracurricular: Member of the basketball.

Personality: Out-going, cheerful, courageous, obnoxious, kind, hard-working, mischievous, playful, childish, sweet, and he loves justice.

Additional: When it comes to physical strength and endurance, he's reliable.


Michael Renoylds - Alexander's former babysitter, and his British friend.

Julian Beauregard - Friend, and he secretly adored him as his big brother.

Nikolai Smirnov - Frenemy

Albrecht Eckardt - Fellow classmate.

Name: Julian Beauregard

Nationality: French

Meaning of their Names: Julian (Child born of love) Beauregard (Beautiful)

Age: 26

Birthday: February 14, 1994

Nickname: Juls, Julie

Hobbies: Cooking, gardening, baking, Teasing Michael, drinking wine, taking care of his hygiene, reading magazines related to Fashion, cooking and travelling, cross-dressing, playing the piano, and travelling.

Terrified: Rats

Dislikes: Insects and unhealthy food (He could eat unhealthy food, but he didn't like it when a certain American eat too much of it).

Program in University: Culinary Arts

Extracurricular: Theatre Club and Student council (He's a vice president)

Personality: Cheerful, active imagination, confident in his appearance, dramatic, mischievous, pervert, responsible and mature sometimes, flirting/charming, sociable, childish, creative, protective, and diligent.

Additional: He may be a pervert, but he knows his limits as he respected them, and he didn't drink excessive wine oftentimes because of his diet.


Alexander Emory - He's like a little brother to him, and he's also his friend.

Michael Renoylds - Childhood friend and rival.

Nikolai Smirnov - Wanting him to become his friend.

Albrecht Eckardt - The little brother of his best friend, and his fellow member of the Student Council. He works well with him.

Name: Michael Renoylds

Meaning of their Names: Michael (loyal, power, and strength) Reynolds (A powerful Ruler)

Nationality: British

Age: 22

Birthday: November 14, 1997

Nickname: Mich, Michie, Mickey

Hobbies: Reading literature, supernatural/phenomenon and mythology, scaring Alexander, embroidery, baking, listening to rock music and classical, gardening, pissing off Julian, singing (secretly), and playing the violin.

Terrified: Abandonment

Dislike: A certain Frenchman (But he actually did not dislike him.... but sometimes).

Program in University: English Education.

Extracurricular: Literature club and Student Council (President)

Personality: Temper (But he tone down after his Rebellious age), sweet, diligent, responsible, childish, mischievous, has a mature side sometimes, closet pervert, and he loves children and cute things.

Additional: Michael is having a hard time expressing himself, so he pretty much got misunderstood a lot, except for Julian and Alexander.


Alexander Emory - He formerly babysit him, and he still look after him like a brother.

Julian Beauregard - Childhood friend and rival.

Nikolai Smirnov - He rather not want to interact with him because of his disposition, but he could tolerate him as a friend or acquaintance.

Albrecht Eckardt - His fellow student council member, so he works rather well with him.

Name: Albrecht Eckardt

Meaning of their Name: Albrecht (Intelligent or Noble) Eckardt (Brave and strong)

Nationality: German

Age: 18

Birthday: September 9, 2000

Nickname: Al, Albert (If no one pronounces his name right)

Hobbies: Cleaning, taking care of his dogs, baking, reading, work out, taking care of his brother, and drinking beer if he was stress.

Terrified: Losing his family.

Dislike: Dirty environment.

Program in University: Engineering.

Extracurricular: Member of the Student Council (Secretary) and Newspaper club.

Personality: Serious, a bit meticulous, efficient, mature, responsible, and a closet pervert.

Additional: He could relax sometimes and knows if it was a joke. He always abides in the rules.


Alexander Emory - His fellow classmate in their Engineering major.

Michael Renoylds - He respected his president in the student council. Surprisingly, he works well with him.

Julian Beauregard - He also respected his vice president of the Student Council. He works very well with the Frenchman. Plus, he is also the best friend of his big brother.

Nikolai Smirnov - Albrecht is rather cautious around him because he's unpredictable to him, but he won't mind interacting him.

Name: Nikolai Smirnov

Meaning of their Name: Nikolai (Victorious people) Smirnov (calm, obedient, and quiet)

Nationality: Belarussian

Age: 19

Birthday: January 7, 2000

Nickname: Niko, Nikz

Hobbies: Gardening, drinking Vodka when he felt lonely or angry, strolling to find a warm place, and doing what he pleases.

Terrified: Being alone

Dislikes: Seeing people being afraid of him and cold places, but he could tolerate the cold places because of his country's climate.

Program in University: Agriculture

Extracurricular: Gardening club

Personality: Gentle, naive, childishly cruel, and sweet.

Additional: People got misunderstood him a lot, and he longs to have friends. Sometimes, he let out his scary dark aura, making people weary on him, but he loves flowers and sunny places.


Alexander Emory - He considers him as a friend, but Nikolai sometimes did not like him because of his obnoxious attitude, but he considers him as his rival as both of them sometimes get competitive.

Julian Beauregard - So far, he likes him a lot because of his bright personality, and he's being nice to him too. He might have a slight crush towards the Frenchman.

Michael Renoylds - He didn't like the Brit much because he always gets close with Julian, but he's sort of nice and respectful to him, and he hopes he becomes his friend.

Albrecht Eckardt - Acquaintance.


♠️ Kingdom of Spade♠️: They are good at the manufacturing of products, items, and weapons. They mostly sell oils and coals. They are rich on fertile soils. They are good on trades, which is flourishing lately. They are the largest kingdom and one of the strongest kingdom. Their fortes are swords and magic. They are located in the south, which they are on top of the hill surrounded with trees.

♦️Kingdom of Diamond♦️: They focus more on the production of jewellery and fine fabrics. The Kingdom of Diamond is famous on fisheries, tourism and entertainment. They are located near the sea, which the sea surrounding them, and there's a long bridge to go to their forest. They are the wealthiest Kingdom in the entire world. When it comes to military power, their forte is in marine battles.

♣️Kingdom of Club♣️: They are famous for mining, smiting, and Architecture. Their military is on par with Spade, which both of the kingdoms are on the rivalry. The Kingdom of Club has the strongest defence. The kingdom is located in the middle of the mountain. Their defence walls are the rocky mountains that surround them. It's very difficult when they trek in there.

♥️Kingdom of Heart♥️: Focus more on agriculture, medicine, and they are good at researching herbs or related to agriculture to make their people live easier. They are located inside the forest. They are rich in resources, and they are average compare with the three kingdoms.




Firmament: Thank you for reading this episode. I just wanted to let you guys know that if you saw spelling mistake, please don't hesitate to inform me. Take note, please understand that English is not my native tongue, and most of the pictures I used are Pitzmaker and Avatar Factory to visualise what they look like.

Firmament: To be honest, I just wanted to post chapter 1 and 2 at the same time so that you could enjoy reading it. Unfortunately, I think this chapter should be published first before posting another one. If I'm wrong, please tell me because it's my first time releasing my own Novel in here since I recently downloaded MangaToon this month.

Firmament: I hope that you are patient with me, and I hope to see you soon in the next episode. Thank you for reading my short announcement. I hope you take care of yourself, have fun, and have a nice day :).

The Beggining

***Arise, heroes...


This world needs you...

As the catastrophe was once again befallen in this world...

Arise... Our chosen ones...


Breathing in and out calmly while one of them stirred up groggily until he woke up, he sat down straight while he looked toward his surroundings in confusion.

Where was he? His blue eyes blinked while he used his hands to prop himself up until he stood straight. The sun was warming up on his skin, and he estimated that it was early in the morning.

He dusted off the patches of grass and dirt on his blue jeans with his hands while he was distracted by looking around.

It seemed that he was in the meadow with the sea of roses in various colours hits against his eyesight, but it was beautiful.

He wondered if he was alone here?

"Hello?!! Michael?! Julian?!! Everyone here?!" The American cried out his friends, and he decided to jog around to see if he will encounter them.

Alexander was confused and curious at the same time. Where the heck was he?! He was just eating his beloved french fries delightfully inside the WcDonald until he heard that voice inside his head. The next thing he knew, he was here.

Did an Alien abduct him somehow? It will be totally cool if an Alien did abduct him. Maybe he would ask for an autograph.

While Alexander was musing in his thoughts, he didn't realize that there was a person on the ground, which he tripped and groaned in pain after he fell on the ground.

"Bloody hell!!!" Someone cried out in a British accent, and his emerald eyes glared at the American while pushing him off.

"Get off, Alex! You're heavy!!" The Brit huffed in annoyance while he struggled. Alexander quickly stood up and glanced at Michael with a beaming smile.

"Mickey!! I'm glad to see you, dude. Also, that's plain rude!! You do know that I work out." He pouted at him childishly, reaching his hand towards him to help him out.

"Don't call me, Mickey. It's Michael to you, thank you very much." He hmp'ed, but he took Alexander's hand as he stood up. He let go of his hand until he decided to fix his clothes up.

"Also, with those fatty foods that you keep eating up, I will not get surprised when you turned fat in the future."

Michael's green orbs glanced over him worriedly, wanting to know if the American was hurt. Seeing that he was fine, he felt relief deep inside.

"You really are a jerk, Mickey." He sulked at him while the Englishman smirked at him teasingly.

"I'm telling the truth, Alex. But anyway, do you know where we are? I swear that I was in the library, perusing some books to study with until I heard someone inside my head. A couple of minutes later, I was laying on the ground until I felt someone on top of me." He glared at him. Alexander only grinned at him, lifting up his hands in I surrender motion.

"Chill, dude. I'm sorry, okay? Also, I honestly didn't know where we are." He answered him while letting down of his hand. Michael huffed and nodded in understanding.

"Maybe we aren't alone here? How about--" The Brit got interrupted after hearing someone familiar calling out their names. When both looked where the source of the sound came from, they saw the Frenchman panting on his knees while a piece of grass was perched up on top of his blond head.

The Frenchman kept huffing while his cheeks were flushed red by running around.

"I am so glad to see you, Alex et Michael." He flashed them with a cheerful smile. Michael's arms crossed over his chest while rolling his eyes.

"Is it the end of the world already that you are glad to see me?" He retorted playfully. Suddenly, an arm wrapped around his shoulder while he glared at the amused Frenchman beside him.

"Now, now, Michie. You know that you love me et also Alex." He chided.

"Ahahahah! Group hug!!" Alexander said cheerfully, and then he body-slammed them while both Michael and Julian yelped in surprised and protest until all of them fell down on the ground, except for the American because those two cushioned his fall while he laughed obnoxiously.

Their voices came into a halt when they heard the rustles of the leaves and the branch snapping nearby.

When the three of them looked curiously like a deer caught up in headlights, they saw only Nikolai and Albrecht.

"I don't want to know." His thick German accent came out of his lips with an exasperated expression while the Belarusian beside the German only smiled at them sweetly, which Michael felt creep out after seeing that smile while Alexander and Julian didn't mind.

Michael glared at the American.

"Would you get up already?" The Brit said in irritation. Alexander heard him, and he quickly stood up.

"Oh!! Sorry." He apologized, and then the five of them decided to sit on the ground in a circular position.

"How did you find us, Albrecht?" The Frenchman decided to speak up first, and he was curious.

"Well... Nikolai and I heard loud voices after we found each other nearby, so we decided to investigate until we found the three of you." Albrecht explained.

"By the way, do you know where we are? Both Nikolai and I didn't know where we are. What we do know that the two of us were doing our own business until we arrived here." The German informed them.

"Unfortunately, Alex and I didn't know where we are. Our explanation is the same as you by doing our own business. How about you, Julian?" The four of them looked at the Frenchman in curiosity simultaneously while he sweat-dropped.

He did not want them to know what he was doing earlier. Well, you see... he just wanted to sleep. Of course, before he stripped himself off ***** in the room alone, he heard a mysterious voice, and he thought that it was his exhausted mind talking to him. In a few minutes later, he was buck ***** on the ground and found himself alone. Fortunately, his clothes were strangely folded beside him, and he knew that he wasn't the one who did that, but there was a small note written neatly in cursive style on top of his clothes:

Put on your clothes, please.

I'm blinded by the horrible sight.

The letter was rude, though, but he appreciated that the mysterious person got his clothes after being summoned. If not, he will be parading *****, which he didn't mind because it felt comfortable, except the audiences will be horrified, or maybe some people might appreciate it? His body was fine, and he was proud of it, even though most people told him he has a feminine body and a pretty face, and the handwriting was familiar to him, but he won't mention about that without evidence. Maybe he will talk to 'him' and ask about that soon, but not now.

Julian shook his head.

"Non. I don't have a clue where we are." He answered them.

"How about we recall--"

"You don't need to do that." Someone unfamiliar interrupted Albrecht, and the five of them quickly glanced at the direction where he came from. The five of them stood up quickly at the same time, looking at the strange man.

The strange man was wearing his black cloak with a matching tuxedo, and he was holding his cane while the tip of the cane was on the ground. He wore white gloves, and his hair was obstructed with a hood. Not even his strand of hair could be seen, and he was wearing a silver with a Tudor rose insignia that was supposedly where the left side of his eye was while the vines stretched around as a design. The other side of his mask was only pure silver.

His voice was rich and deep, and he was standing in full of confidence and elegance.

"Who are you?" Nikolai asked in annoyance, and he was itching to hit on him with his fist, but his instinct told him that he was a dangerous individual, and he just wished that he had a weapon.

"It is none of your concern for who am I, but I will answer you where you are." He replied calmly.

The five of them shivered, feeling that the mysterious man was looking or judging them, and Alexander felt the most uncomfortable because he could feel his eyes drilling upon him.

What did he do to him? He just met him for the first time!!

"May I ask where we are, then?" The Frenchman asked him cautiously with narrowed eyes, and his tone was polite.

The enigmatic man glanced at Julian.

"Ah yes. I supposed." Then, the surprising sight occurred in front of their eyes. The mysterious man sat down in mid-air like it was nothing.

"Dude...That's so cool!!" Alexander said in awe while his blue eyes sparkled in mirth. The Brit elbowed him on the side of his stomach with a glared while the American stick out his tongue to him childishly.

Meanwhile, with Nikolai, he was impatient, but he decided to watch silently while the German decided to listen quietly.

"Thank you." The enigmatic man said fondly towards Alexander, and then he crossed his legs gracefully.

"Now, for your answer that you seek. You are within my own dimension, which I created with magic." He showed up his magic by waving his hand lazily while his hand glowed up green softly until a gust of wind blew up shortly.

Alexander wowed in wonder while Michael looked at the strange man in curiosity and delight. After all, Michael loves magic or related to the supernatural. Julian got annoyed, muttering about him being a show-off in French while he fixed up his messy hair. Albrecht stood straight stiffly, wondering if he was dreaming while Nikolai didn't look surprised at all, but he was sneakily glancing toward Julian as he lost interest what's happening. Of course, he still continued listening to them, though.

Albrecht stopped daydreaming, and he decided to ask his question. Most of them knew the reason why he exposed his power. It was because he wanted them to see the evidence so that everyone will believe. If the enigmatic man did not reveal his magic, some of them will be skeptical.

"Are you the one who summoned us? If so... what do you want with us?" The German inquired.

"Ah... This world needs you... as my world is in peril." He answered tiredly, dramatically, and cryptically, looking above the horizon. He watched the white cloud floating lazily.

"To answer your question. Yes. I did summon you." He glanced at them one by one. The five of them paid attention to the mysterious man, and Julian decided to do a follow-up question.

"What do you mean your world needs us? What are you talking about?" The Frenchman frowned.

"It is a long story. Please sit down, and I will tell you." He responded politely.

The three of them, except for Alexander, hesitated, but Alexander enthusiastically sat down until the rest followed.

Seeing them sitting on the ground, the masked man was pleased.

"Five years ago, a disaster struck in our land. Aggressive monsters or any wildlife that turned into monsters appeared out of nowhere, causing chaos everywhere." He began while the five of them listened attentively.

"The royals, which is the four kingdoms of Spade, Heart, Diamond, and Club got worried because they found out that one of the legends were coming alive again. In the legend, the reason why aggressive monsters wreak havoc is because of the black miasma. Those black miasma will control organisms such as animals, plants or anything with wildlife, and yes, even with humans, which is a rare and a powerful case." He continued.

"Then, the royals and the elders, especially the Kings, made a decision to do a temporary sealing. The Kings and some elders sacrificed themselves by using their powers while some of the elders died as a consequence, and the four Kings went to slumber, but not eternally, though." He replied quickly, explaining to them that they weren't dead.

"After the sealing, everything was back to normal. Alas, it was not because this is only a temporary solution." He sighed softly.

"So, does it mean that you need us because we have to kick the monster's *** or is there a demon king out there that we have to defeat with?" Alexander said excitedly. Oh my gosh, they will become heroes, especially him!!! It was dream come true!!

"Alex!!" Cried the Frenchman, German, and the Englishman in dismayed and exasperation. The American glanced at them, blinking in confusion while the Belarusian only watched them as he felt entertained.

The enigmatic man chuckled in amusement after hearing his answer, and the five of them quickly glanced at them. Behind his mask, he was looking at them fondly.

"Unfortunately for you, there is no demon king, but we truly need you because you have the powers which the ordinary citizens in this world cannot attain." He stood up, and then he places his hand on his chest while bowing his back slightly.

"I will give you a temporary power, which will aide on your journey. By the power that she bestows upon you, the goddess of magic will bless thee." He hollered, and the five college students began to float and glow in mid-air.

"Woah!! Awesome!!" The American said in bewilderment while Nikolai felt a bit displeased because he was hovering above the ground, but he loved the pleasant and warm feeling inside his chest as the magic covered him.

Meanwhile, with Michael, he can't wait to test his magic while the Frenchman felt pleased that he was glowing. After all, he kind of like his skin glittering like that while the German felt defeated. He missed his dogs, and he knew this was not a dream anymore. The good news was that he quickly left the denial stage instead of being hysteric and all.

The five of them slowly put on the ground gently when it was over.

"Your journey is a long one, not only you have to save the world, but you also need to fill up the empty seats on the throne as one of your responsibility." He said cheerfully, dropping the bomb.

The group of college students widened their eyes in surprised after hearing the unexpected news.

"Wait. What?" This time, it was Michael who said that.

To continue ~

Firmament: I hope you enjoy your reading. Like what I promised, here's the next episode. If you guys have any questions, just comment below. See you soon guys. I'll update episode 3 next week.

Responsibilities (Part I)

Previously on the last episode...

"*Your journey is a long one, not only you have to save the world, but you also need to fill up the empty seats on the throne as one of your responsibility." He said cheerfully, dropping the bomb.

The group of college students widened their eyes in surprised after hearing the unexpected news.

"Wait. What?" This time, it was Michael who said that*.


The intriguing young man only watched them in amusement after seeing their shocking expressions.

"Yes, you will be doing some of the royalties responsibilities. For short, most of you will be filling up the empty seat of the King temporarily until our complications got solved." He replied calmly, waiting for their outburst.

"How is it possible?!! We don't look like them! Even though we don't know what they look like and what their personalities are." The Frenchman was the first one who quickly composed himself, and the rest slowly followed.

"Dude, Julian is right. No offense, though. I imagined them as old men reigning in the Kingdom, and I don't like responsibilities at all." The American pouted childishly, crossing his arms over his chest while looking on the ground in interest. He was now sulking.

"I could not agree more, Alex," Julian smirked towards him in amusement, especially the part of old men managing the Kingdom.

Meanwhile, with the German, he positioned his hand on top of his head, shaking his head in frustration while ignoring them. He wanted a bottle of beer right now as his stress level was piling up, and he could feel the upcoming throbbing head-ache because of this many information adding inside his brain.

"Heh~ I don't really mind being a king. Maybe all my citizen will be my friends~" The Belarussian easily accepted the situation, and he was carefree with his answer. The Englishman glared at him in annoyance.

"Nikolai, don't accept it carelessly!! Plus, it is only temporary." He corrected him, wanting him to remind Nikolai that he was not a real king, and then his attention went back to the masked man.

"Ehh? But still, I wanted them to be my friends." He replied cheerfully, which Michael ignored him.

"Julian is right, though. How would we convince everyone that we were them?" He asked him curiously. Inside the Brit's thoughts, is there some kind of magic that involved to disguise themselves?

"You don't have to worry with those." The college students stopped their musing as they paid their attention toward the enigmatic man, and they waited to further explain himself.

"After all, everyone in here, except me, looks like the same as Kings. You will know what they look like in the portrait at the castle." He clarified, and then he looked at Alexander, which the American subconsciously stood himself straight after feeling his eyes toward him, and he felt creep out.

"Alexander Emory, you will be the substitute of Regis Herbert as a King of Spade." The mysterious man nodded towards him while Alexander furrowed his eyebrows, wondering how he knew his full name because he knew he didn't mention it to him, and then he glanced at Julian. The Frenchman looked at him in an approachable expression, and his lips curled up with a friendly smile, which the obscured man knew that he was suspicious of him. Behind the mask, he smirked at him in pleasure, reminding him with someone in familiarity.

"Julian Beauregard, you will be a stand-in of Jeanne Beaumont as a King of Diamond." He continued while his eyesight moved towards Nikolai. Nikolai only smiled at him intimidatingly while his eyes were closed, which the enigmatic man disregard it because he faced terrifying foes than him. When he compared Nikolai with his enemies, Nikolai looked like a wounded puppy, barking at him adorably. If the Belarussian knew what he was thinking off, he will be pissed, and then he will beat him up even knowing he will lose.

"Nikolai Smirnov, you will be temporary called as Danila Montgomery. He is the King of Club." His gaze quickly looked toward the German, which Albrecht looked at him calmly and wearily.

"Albrecht Eckardt, your name will be replaced as Gabriel Friedrich. He is the King of Heart, and lastly," He glanced at the last member. Michael felt chills around his body, but he glared at him defiantly.

"You will figure out who you are filling up with soon. He needs you." He said seriously, wanting him to know that he was important as them.

The mysterious man used the tip of his cane to tap it on the ground gently, and the back of his left gloved hand glowed softly with green light, and then a magic circle appeared underneath the college students.

The magic particles covered around them with a gentle gust of wind as the wind slowly grew stronger because of his magic pooling up.

The five individuals gasped in surprise and confusion while others shielded out their eyes with their arms.

"What the heck is happening?!!" Alexander cried out loud because the howl of the wind was producing a loud sound.

"My job here is done. You will see me in the future. The rest of the explanation, someone will inform you about that soon. May the goddess of magic blessed you. I wish you the best of luck." After hearing his last words, the flash of bright light exploded around them in a short while until they vanished.

When the disguised man was finally alone surrounded by various roses with different colors in the middle of the meadow inside his dimension, he enjoyed the silence while looking above the blue sky, and he could hear the gentle of rustling leaves and birds chirping peacefully in the horizon. He grabbed his mask, slowly lifting it up until his chin and pink lips got exposed.

He smirked.

"Yes... You will see me soon enough." He chuckled lightly, having an inside joke of himself.


When dusk was fallen above the heavens, in the middle of the forest, there's a bright light occurred until it disappeared. There were a few curses, moans, and groans in the woods.

The five college students arrived in the lushed green trees, bushes, and grasses, and it was slowly getting dark as chill air blew in the air.

"Where the bloody hell are we?" Michael grumbled while he looked around.

"We are in the middle of nowhere!" Exclaimed Julian in frustration.

"That stupid jerk. He should have told us where we are going before being summoned in unknown place!" Alexander muttered underneath his breath in complained.

"Heheheh~ If I see him again, I will smack and beat him with a metal pipe on his head." Nikolai smiled creepily, and his black aura was pouring out of him. The Frenchman heard him what he said since he was beside him, and he shivered and sweat-dropped.

"Now, now, Nikolai. Don't let him get to you because--"

"I would punch him in the face first and hit him with my guitar." Interrupted the Englishman in irritation. Julian whipped his head to looked at him in disappointment while he frowned.

"So violent. I thought you already past the phase of being a punk." The culinary student reminded him dryly. Albrecht only pinched the bridge of his nose. He felt really tired because of this bizarre event, and here comes the head-ache that he predicted earlier.

"I did, but don't you dare mention my teen phase!" He growled as he threatened him, and he wanted to forget some of his memories when he was a teenager. Well you see, Michael did have an interesting teenager phase while Julian got dragged along in the middle because of his friend's stupid decisions (Well, some of it), and he had to look after him because he did not want him to end up in jail and destroy his future. Like when Julian was searching him after Michael's brother called him through his phone to look for his foolish brother in the evening with him, and he found him after hearing a loud crash nearby while he ran towards the source of sound in the street. When he saw him at the antique shop, he noticed that his friend was drunk while he cursed through the heavens after he smashed the glass window. As a good loyal friend, he didn't hesitate to help him escaped before they were caught. Back there, Julian visited in England five years ago to meet his childhood friend since he lives in France, and the Frenchman caught in surprise after seeing him wearing black cross earrings on his ears, highlighting his hair color with red dye, and gothic style clothing such as black leather jacket, gloves, black shirt with a flag of United Kingdom that got broken into tiny pieces while the 'Anarchy' word burst through the center of the broken flag as a design, matching tight pants and boots one day. Michael in his punk phase cursed like a sailor that makes the ******'s ears bleed, and he was an amazing vocalist and guitarist when he joined the band. Also, he has a tattoo on the side of his hips as proof, which he won't describe what it looks and how he found it towards the readers.

It was really a flabbergasted experienced to Julian, but he still loves his dear friend, even though they argued a lot, and Alexander always joked and depicted them as an old married couple.

"Okay, mom and dad. Stop arguing already." Whined and teased Alexander to them. Michael and Julian craned their necks simultaneously and glared at the American in irritation.

"Who are you calling us mom/dad?!!" Both of them exclaimed in unison, and Alexander only laughed obnoxiously at them after hearing that while Albrecht and Nikolai looked at them in a deadpanned expression and amusement chronologically.

While they were busy by entertaining each other, they heard a soft echoing voice in the distance.

"Wait. Did you hear that?" Alexander's neck craned where the voice came from quickly. Michael and Julian quietened down until they were still, and their ears strained to focus what Alexander talking about.

"Hello?!! Is there anybody there?!" The unfamiliar man shouted once more, and the voice was slowly getting thinner, indicating that he was going far away from them.

"We are here, help!!!" Alexander yelled his lungs out for their aid. Michael flinched because of how loud he was, and he scowled at him because Alexander was on his left side while the other side was the Frenchman. Julian only furrowed his eyebrows in displeasure.

Albrecht looked worried.

"I think it's a bad idea to shout in the forest. Maybe some predator will be lured in here." Unfortunately for the German, he jinxed it because in seconds later, there was a low growling sound nearby. A crunching of leaves could be heard while all of them glanced where the original sound was, and it was coming closer.

The five of them huddled together in alert and confusion, and they knew that splitting up was a bad idea.

"What was that?" Whispered Alexander softly.

"I don't know. But what I do know is that its bad news." Replied Julian with a shaky tone nervously. Nikolai picked up the rock on the ground, and Michael noticed him.

"What are you going to do with that?" He asked him curiously. Nikolai got his attention, and he only smiled at him innocently.

"I will throw it. Maybe it will get distracted and chase it instead of continuing to go to our place, da?" He answered.

"Ohh!! That's a great idea!! There might be a slight chance that it will work." The American cheered softly.

"At least there's a plan. Throw the rock as hard as you can." Albrecht supported the white-haired male, placing his hand on his broad shoulder in encouragement.

"Da. I will." He replied, nodding at the German in acknowledgement. Nikolai felt good that everyone paid him attention, and he did an outfield baseball position while his sight concentrated on a random direction. In fact, he was inexperience when it comes to baseball, but he wanted to try this for a long time.

After he was in the position, his purple eyes glinted and threw the rock roughly. The rock zoom ahead until there was a loud pitch of a pig crying was heard.

Everyone stayed still, and they were shocked.

"Oh, Merde!" The Frenchman cursed in French, breaking the silence first.

The ground began to shake, and they knew that the gigantic mysterious creature was running towards them.

They were ready to run, but it was too late as it exposed itself quickly. It was a twelve feet tall brown wild boar, and it was grunting, looking straight at them in anger. The wild animal's eyes are pitch black while the being's pupils are brown with black atmosphere lingering around the critter. They could feel that something was wrong with the beast.

Inside their minds, they remembered what the masked young man warning and explanation.

"Five years ago, a disaster struck in our land. Aggressive monsters or any wildlife that turned into monsters appeared out of nowhere, causing chaos everywhere." He began his tale.

Is this what he was talking about? If so, they were screw.

To be continued...


Firmament: Ughh... I need your encouragement guys. I feel like no one was reading my novel lol. Don't forget to do your feedback and likes, guys~ Have a nice day and see you next week.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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