IBADAT : His Devotion to Love
Ep 14
The whole night passed and once again the sun was shining brightly in the sky , new day , new beginning but is it really a new beginning for Saranya and Yakshit or it's the beginning of something which will destroy their life only ?
Yakshit Arya/ML
(entered in the room)
Saranya Chauhan/FL
(sitting blankly)
Yakshit Arya/ML
(put a thaal covered with red cloth on the bed)
Yakshit Arya/ML
Change into this ❄️
Saranya Chauhan/FL
Saranya Chauhan/FL
मेरा नाम तक अपनी ज़ुबान से न लें आप ❄️
(TRANSLATION : Don't even utter my name with your tongue)
Yakshit Arya/ML
इतनी नफरत करती हो मुझसे ?❄️
(TRANSLATION : Do you hate me so much?)
Saranya Chauhan/FL
मेरे दिल में आपके लिए जो है , वो नफरत से कई बढ़कर है ❄️
(TRANSLATION : What I have in my heart for you is much more than hatred)
Yakshit Arya/ML
अभी तो तुमने मुझे ठीक से जाना भी नहीं और इतनी नफरत ? ❄️
(TRANSLATION : You don't even know me properly yet and you hate me so much?)
Saranya Chauhan/FL
जो आप मेरे साथ कर रहें हैं न , वो वजह काफी है आपसे नफरत करने के लिए ❄️
(TRANSLATION : What you are doing to me is enough reason to hate you)
Yakshit Arya/ML
चलो तुम सही , मै गलत , पर मानना पड़ेगा कि राजस्थान की छोटी कुवरानी अपने संस्कार नहीं भूली , जिससे नफरत करतीं हैं उससे भी "आप" कहकर बात कर रहीं हैं ❄️
(TRANSLATION : okay, you are right, I am wrong, but I have to admit that the choti kuwarani of Rajasthan has not forgotten her morals, she is even talking to the person whom she hates by calling him "Aap")
Saranya Chauhan/FL
......... (looking outside the window)
Yakshit Arya/ML
leaving all this aside , get ready choti kuwarani and don't try to pull any stunt❄️
Yakshit Arya/ML
(removed the red cloth from the thaal)
Saranya Chauhan/FL
(didn't even glance at it)
After this , Yakshit sent two makeup artists inside the room and then went out after instructing them to get her ready , the makeup artists were already on gunpoint and their face was already looking so pale because of fear , and as they went inside the room , they got even more shocked seeing , the room was in a messy state , Saranya's condition was also not so good , she was sitting blankly on the floor with swollen cheeks and red teary eyes
After this the makeup artist got Saranya ready , they just made her wear the saree and did some touch-up makeup as Saranya has natural beauty which is nothing in front of the makeup , as soon as they left , the door got locked from outside and after some time , when Yakshit came to get Saranya , he was shocked as Saranya was not in the room and the balcony door was open , Yakshit was keeping her in a room on the ground floor and hence it was less difficult for Saranya to escape
Yakshit Arya/ML
So she escaped ❄️ (dark chuckle)
Akhil Kumar/ML P.A
Yug sir is already on it boss ❄️
Yakshit Arya/ML
I want her at any cost❄️
Akhil Kumar/ML P.A
(nod his head)
Yakshit Arya/ML
get the car , we should get her before the Chauhan's ❄️ (said calmly and walked outside while adjusting his suit)
Akhil Kumar/ML P.A
On the other side with Saranya
Saranya Chauhan/FL
I was lucky that the balcony door was open , and there were no guards guarding outside that place , it was quite easy for me to escape , only if I knew that the balcony door was open I would have escaped yesterday night only (running barefoot on the road)
The road was empty , infact the whole Rajasthan was like this since yesterday , whole Rajasthan was on high alert as the choti kuwarani is kidnapped and the royals are searching for her , everything was seized and no one was allowed to step out of their house , Saranya after running for quite some time finally saw a taxi and at once she sat inside the taxi , without a thought she told the taxi driver , the address of the old age home which she runs , because that place was something which she calls home , the people there treat her like their own daughter
But only if Saranya knew that , the old age home is already known to Yakshit and she will be a threat to the people there , the old-age home she runs is on her parents name , and it's the only thing which solely belongs to her and only her
Random people
👉🏻 for now , take as taxi driver
Random people
(stopped the car)
Saranya Chauhan/FL
(stepped out of it and removed her earrings)
Saranya Chauhan/FL
I don't have anything else than this , please keep it (said hurriedly)
Random people
But it looks so expensive , I can't keep it
Saranya Chauhan/FL
Pl..please sir , I..I a..am in a hurry , please keep it (put her earrings in his hands and rushed towards the gate of the old-age home)
Saranya was running towards the gate of the old-age home , but to her surprise she saw Kavish standing there with a face full of worry , he was in a hurry , seeing him Saranya got some hope and as she was about to call his name...
Kavish/trusted man of Siddharth Chauhan
(talking with the royal guards)
Yakshit Arya/ML
(pulled her from behind and put the handkerchief on her nose)
Saranya Chauhan/FL
(struggling while tears continuously rolling from her eyes)
Yakshit Arya/ML
it's a long day , sleep Saranya~ (making her smell chloroform)
Saranya Chauhan/FL
(harshly slapping his hands to free herself)
Yakshit Arya/ML
Sleep jaan~
Saranya Chauhan/FL
(muffling while crying)
Before Saranya could even call Kavish's name , Yakshit caught her and made her smell chloroform because of which she fell unconscious , Saranya thought that she finally escaped but only if she knew that the saree which she is wearing has a tracker , Yakshit knew she will definitely try to pull some stunt so just in case , Yakshit fixed a small tracker in her saree , and at once he got her location and caught her before she could take help from anyone~
And because , Kavish was facing his back to Saranya as she was entering from the back gate of the old-age home , so he also didn't noticed her , Kavish was at the old-age home because he got news from the royal guards that they searched everywhere but don't found Saranya and Kavish was there to inspect himself
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
@dreamtomanga 😍😎
authy, you always does this ...you are not doing this right,do you have an obsession with dark romance 💕, I like it too but I think they do wrong with the fl leads by forcing them .and this is the truth ,to an extent it is only good to read them in novels and fantasies cause if comes in real life would become the death of us 😑😑
star 🌟(AS)
yarrr I know u would not like some one who is forcing u but he also saved u
also nafrat is very big word unless u actually hate that person to core vo nafrat nhi
Just take care of her and make her realise that you have no bad intention in a soft and subtle way !