His Beloved

His Beloved

chapter 1

Chapter 1
~Hey...ah... don't bite *moans*
~You look so good how can I resist hmmm... *kissing her neck*
~You..you talk so dirty *flushed*
*kiss her roughly*
*kiss back*
*pulls apart* *look at her*
*Breathing heavily*
~Come on babe it's your turn get up on my lap and do it as you please *lay down on the bed*
*Flushed red*
I'm all yours babe...Get up
why aren't you getting up
common get up quickly
kavya Castello
kavya Castello
Will you get up
kavya Castello
kavya Castello
Or should I bring the broom
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
Huh *gets up with a jolt* *sits on the bed*
That dream...it felt so real, when did i become so pervert
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
kavya Castello
kavya Castello
Did Miss Aaradhya castello finally woke up from her beauty sleep *standing with arms closed*
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
yes Missus kavya Aaron castello *yawns*
kavya Castello
kavya Castello
What did you said *raise her hand*
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
*jumps off the bed* *runs to the bathroom*
kavya Castello
kavya Castello
*Shakes her head*
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
*Looks at her reflection in the mirror*
Just a few days more Aaru....your Demon will be here infront of you
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
*Blush* *slap herself*
Aaron Castello
Aaron Castello
*Working on laptop*
kavya Castello
kavya Castello
Aaron Castello
Aaron Castello
kavya Castello
kavya Castello
Will you get that laptop out of dinning table *looking at him angrily*
Aaron Castello
Aaron Castello
*Clears his throat* *put laptop away*
Aaron Castello
Aaron Castello
Your wish is my command wifey *smiles at her*
kavya Castello
kavya Castello
it better be *smirks* *serves him*
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
*comes running downstairs*
Aaron Castello
Aaron Castello
*Looks at her*
Aaron Castello
Aaron Castello
...Why are you running, you'll fall down, come and have your breakfast
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
I'll have at Aria's home dad *kiss his cheek*
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
Bye mumma *runs hurriedly*
Aaron Castello
Aaron Castello
Why's she in hurry
kavya Castello
kavya Castello
it's her first day at University and she...is late *sighs*
Aaron Castello
Aaron Castello
She takes after you in these things *smirks*
kavya Castello
kavya Castello
*Glare at him*
Aaron Castello
Aaron Castello
*cleared his throat* the food's good
kavya Castello
kavya Castello
Eat slowly
Aaron Castello
Aaron Castello
*Nods and starts eating*
**Door bell rings**
swasti Diez
swasti Diez
swasti Diez
swasti Diez
*Opens the door*
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
Good good morning aunty... *swirls her around*
swasti Diez
swasti Diez
*Chuckles* Why are you so energetic today
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
that's the secret aunty *winks at her*
swasti Diez
swasti Diez
*shakes her head* *smiles*
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
where's Aria *looking here and there*
swasti Diez
swasti Diez
Rafael Diez
Rafael Diez
she'a eating her third bowl of pudding *shouts* *smirking*
Aria Diez
Aria Diez
it's second dad *eating*
swasti Diez
swasti Diez
*Sighs* Aaru you
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
*Nods* I'm very hungry
swasti Diez
swasti Diez
*Smiles* Come I have made kheer for you
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
You're the best *sits down*
swasti Diez
swasti Diez
*Serves her*
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
*Starts eating* *shows thumbs up*
swasti Diez
swasti Diez
Aria Diez
Aria Diez
aren't we late *whispers*
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
Shut up lemme eat *whispers back*
*Phone ringing*
Rafael Diez
Rafael Diez
*Looks at it* *puts in speaker*
*************************** ~YOU CALLED FATHER *speaks lazily* **************************
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
*Spoon fell down*
This voice....it's him
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
Calm down Aaru don't react don't make it so obvious
swasti Diez
swasti Diez
*Eyes widened* Damian...
swasti Diez
swasti Diez
*Snatch the phone*
swasti Diez
swasti Diez
You...how long are you going to stay there, your training is over right and even if it isn't i want you here tommorow you understand *shouts angrily*
Yes scold him aunty better if you beat him with a stick...how dare he ignore my letters
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
******************* ...YES MOTHER *******************
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
*Eyes widened*
******************************* MOTHER I'M GETTING A CALL I'LL TALK LATER *HANGS UP* *******************************
swasti Diez
swasti Diez
*Sigh* This boy
Rafael Diez
Rafael Diez
Let him be... princess *eating*
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
*Stands up*
swasti Diez
swasti Diez
What happened Aaru
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
I-we are getting late...bye *leaves hurriedly*
Aria Diez
Aria Diez
Huh...yeah bye mom bye dad *picks up another bread and run*
swasti Diez
swasti Diez
*smile* *eyes fell on Rafael*
Rafael Diez
Rafael Diez
*Staring at her*
swasti Diez
swasti Diez
Rafael Diez
Rafael Diez
We're alone now... *smile*
swasti Diez
swasti Diez
*Snatch his food* *leaves* Go to work
Rafael Diez
Rafael Diez
but baby...the food... *low voice*
**To be continued**
Starting this story earlier with the advice of my fellow...swear if this didn't turn out to be a good choice then!!!!


angel 💗😇😇💗

angel 💗😇😇💗




Black Spade Z

Black Spade Z

it will be authy don't worry





bro ! bro! wait a second.. hi hello bhad mein gaya , direct to the point main scene pe aa gaye



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