His Beloved
chapter 1
~Hey...ah... don't bite
~You look so good how can I resist hmmm...
*kissing her neck*
~You..you talk so dirty
*pulls apart*
*look at her*
~Come on babe it's your turn get up on my lap and do it as you please
*lay down on the bed*
I'm all yours babe...Get up
why aren't you getting up
kavya Castello
Will you get up
kavya Castello
Or should I bring the broom
Aaradhya Castello
*gets up with a jolt*
*sits on the bed*
That dream...it felt so real, when did i become so pervert
Aaradhya Castello
kavya Castello
Did Miss Aaradhya castello finally woke up from her beauty sleep
*standing with arms closed*
Aaradhya Castello
yes Missus kavya Aaron castello
kavya Castello
What did you said
*raise her hand*
Aaradhya Castello
*jumps off the bed*
*runs to the bathroom*
kavya Castello
*Shakes her head*
Aaradhya Castello
*Looks at her reflection in the mirror*
Just a few days more Aaru....your Demon will be here infront of you
Aaradhya Castello
*slap herself*
Aaron Castello
*Working on laptop*
kavya Castello
Will you get that laptop out of dinning table
*looking at him angrily*
Aaron Castello
*Clears his throat*
*put laptop away*
Aaron Castello
Your wish is my command wifey
*smiles at her*
kavya Castello
it better be
*serves him*
Aaradhya Castello
*comes running downstairs*
Aaron Castello
*Looks at her*
Aaron Castello
...Why are you running, you'll fall down, come and have your breakfast
Aaradhya Castello
I'll have at Aria's home dad
*kiss his cheek*
Aaradhya Castello
Bye mumma
*runs hurriedly*
Aaron Castello
Why's she in hurry
kavya Castello
it's her first day at University and she...is late
Aaron Castello
She takes after you in these things
kavya Castello
*Glare at him*
Aaron Castello
*cleared his throat*
the food's good
Aaron Castello
*Nods and starts eating*
swasti Diez
*Opens the door*
Aaradhya Castello
Good good morning aunty...
*swirls her around*
swasti Diez
Why are you so energetic today
Aaradhya Castello
that's the secret aunty
*winks at her*
swasti Diez
*shakes her head*
Aaradhya Castello
where's Aria
*looking here and there*
Rafael Diez
she'a eating her third bowl of pudding
Aria Diez
it's second dad
swasti Diez
Aaru you
Aaradhya Castello
I'm very hungry
swasti Diez
Come I have made kheer for you
Aaradhya Castello
You're the best
*sits down*
Aaradhya Castello
*Starts eating*
*shows thumbs up*
Aria Diez
aren't we late
Aaradhya Castello
Shut up lemme eat
*whispers back*
Rafael Diez
*Looks at it*
*puts in speaker*
*speaks lazily*
Aaradhya Castello
*Spoon fell down*
Calm down Aaru don't react don't make it so obvious
swasti Diez
*Eyes widened*
swasti Diez
*Snatch the phone*
swasti Diez
You...how long are you going to stay there, your training is over right and even if it isn't i want you here tommorow you understand
*shouts angrily*
Yes scold him aunty better if you beat him with a stick...how dare he ignore my letters
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
*Eyes widened*
swasti Diez
This boy
Rafael Diez
Let him be... princess
Aaradhya Castello
*Stands up*
swasti Diez
What happened Aaru
Aaradhya Castello
I-we are getting late...bye
*leaves hurriedly*
Aria Diez
Huh...yeah bye mom bye dad
*picks up another bread and run*
swasti Diez
*eyes fell on Rafael*
Rafael Diez
*Staring at her*
Rafael Diez
We're alone now...
swasti Diez
*Snatch his food*
Go to work
Rafael Diez
but baby...the food...
*low voice*
Starting this story earlier with the advice of my fellow...swear if this didn't turn out to be a good choice then!!!!
Chapter 2
I have to be all prepared before he comes... I'll knock him out with my beauty...
Aaradhya Castello
Aria Diez
Girl that's not the direction of our University
Aaradhya Castello
Who said we're going to the University
*smirks looking at her*
Aria Diez
What do you mean
Aaradhya Castello
We're going to the salon
It's been day since I done my hair not like i care but...
Aria Diez
Aaradhya Castello
*focused on driving*
Aria Diez
who's that boy
*looks at her*
Aaradhya Castello
*Applies brake suddenly*
Aria Diez
ohhh God!!
Aaradhya Castello
*Looks at her*
she's quite sharp, I didn't expected her to catch up this quick
Aaradhya Castello
Who boy,what boy where boy
Aria Diez
That boy who stole our Aaru's heart
*smiles back*
Aaradhya Castello
*Stop smiling*
If she gets to know... I'm gone
Aaradhya Castello
it-it ain't like that, we're going because its been days since I got my hair done
Aria Diez
I'll buy that for now
Aaradhya Castello
*looks away*
Aria Diez
God, we have almost spent the whole day at the salon
Aaradhya Castello
but it was worth it... isn't it
*looking at the front mirror*
If he does, will he compliment me
~This hairstyle look very preety on you~
Aaradhya Castello
*smiles unknowingly*
Aria Diez
*Clears her throat*
Aaradhya Castello
*stop smiling*
*looks at her*
Aria Diez
Done daydreaming about your prince charming
Aaradhya Castello
I was not
*starts the car*
Aria Diez
lets go somewhere to eat I'm damn hungry
*hold her stomach*
We stopped at our go to restaurant
Aria Diez
God why they taking so long I'm hungry
Aaradhya Castello
I just hope you don't end up eating the chef
Aria Diez
Won't mind if he's hot
Aaradhya Castello
being single since birth you're quite confident
Aria Diez
Coaches don't play
Aaradhya Castello
Aaradhya Castello
*eyes fell on someone*
*looks down*
*pulls down his hat*
Aaradhya Castello
*stop smiling*
Aria Diez
What happened
*looks back*
Aaradhya Castello
*sips coffee*
was that man just staring at me
chapter 3
Air hostess:-Quiere un café, señor
(would you like some coffee sir)
Air hostess:- Él se ve muy bien
(he looks so good) *blush*
Aaron Castello
*Reading files*
Sir there's someone who wants to meet you
Good morning sir
*standing still*
Aaron Castello
*looks up*
*eyes widened*
Aaron Castello
*went towards him and hugs him*
Aaron Castello
look how you have grown up into a fine man
Aaron Castello
When did you came
Damián Diez
*Looks at his watch*
Damián Diez
...15 minutes ago
Aaron Castello
You came here straight after landing
Aaron Castello
Your dad on the other hand is late aga-
Rafael Diez
*Burst open the door*
Did the meeting began
Damián Diez
*turns around*
Rafael Diez
*eyes widened*
Rafael Diez
when did you came
Damián Diez
16 minutes ago
Aaron Castello
*Shakes his head*
Aaron Castello
Damian you should go to your home now we shall discuss that matter later
Damián Diez
*Nods and left*
Rafael Diez
Matter...what matter
*looks at him suspiciously*
Aaron Castello
You'll know it later
Rafael Diez
sometimes I doubt if he's my son or his
Damián Diez
*Standing at the door*
*looks at his watch*
swasti Diez
*Chanting some prayers*
*eyes closed*
swasti Diez
*open eyes*
Come in now
Damián Diez
*Comes inside*
Aria Diez
*Standing infront of him*
Damián Diez
*Cocks his eyebrow*
Aria Diez
*put his hand forward*
Damián Diez
*Walks past her*
Aria Diez
Brother did bought any...
Damián Diez
*Throws the gift on her face*
Aria Diez
*Looks at the box*
*eyes sparkle*
Aria Diez
Is this the imported chocolate
Damián Diez
*sits down on the sofa*
Aria Diez
* A Happy foodie*
Aria Diez
*eyes fell on something*
Aria Diez
*Looks at Damian*
Damián Diez
*busy in phone*
Aria Diez
*ran towards the packet*
Damián Diez
*took the bag before she could*
Aria Diez
What is it show me...hm
*jumps to catch it*
Damián Diez
it's none of your business
*says turning around*
*starts walking*
Aria Diez
(It doesn't looks like his, neither it is mom's or else you would have given her already)
Aria Diez
(now I'm more eager to see it)
Aria Diez
*Open the door sneakily*
Aria Diez
*Looks here and there*
Aria Diez
(He's in the bathroom now it's the best chance)
Aria Diez
*Open the box*
*eyes widened*
Aria Diez
Oh my God of sweets
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