Finally curiosity got the best of Vantae
And he called up lisa for a meet up
Kim Vantae
Tell me what you have to say you don't have much time
La lisa
Okay I'll start by saying me and gukk are from a secret department in the government
La lisa
We were trying to find human trafficking hubs
La lisa
and we came across that village being a main one
La lisa
Soo we disguised ourselves and joined their gang
La lisa
To get more information on their head
La lisa
It has been going on for more than a year
La lisa
And just last month every human trafficking hub was closed
La lisa
And our mission was successful
La lisa
and in all of this gukk fell in love with you by mistake
La lisa
He didn't want to hurt you so he had to let you go since this mission was very dangerous
La lisa
He didn't even want me to tell you this and wanted you to live your life
La lisa
But i couldn't see gukk suffer
La lisa
Soo i told you this
La lisa
If you still love gukk . Here are your plane tickets and his address
La lisa
Don't be too late or you'll lose him
Vantae never stopped loving gukk Even though gukk hurt him the most
and after knowing the reason he couldn't get himself to hate him
He wanted to give it another shot
In the country of beaches
A person was in a bar drunk
Without a care in the world
Jeon Junggukk
One more shot of tequila
Sir we can't serve you anymore we are sorry
Jeon Junggukk
What the hell do you mean 🤬
Kim Vantae
close the tab and add it to my card
Jeon Junggukk
Vantae??? *can't believe his eyes*
Kim Vantae
Let's go come on
Vantae drags gukk and takes him to his hotel
as soon as they reached their room
Gukk hugs vantae and cries his heart out and begs for forgiveness
Vantae forgives him and they both kiss like there's no tomorrow
Kim Vantae
I love you gukk please don't hurt me again
Jeon Junggukk
I promise you tae i won't i love you more than myself now
Bunny 😎
V Love points 100% we can leave now
Kim Vantae
Hmm let's leave and let OS enjoy his life
They leave and arrive in space
Bunny 😎
Ik ik you go sleep I'll prepare food and call you
Bunny 😎
You have a total of 3000 points from this mission since you completed a lot of side missions unknowingly
Bunny 😎
And from the previous 1000 points
Bunny 😎
You have a total of 4000 points
Bunny 😎
IK soo can i please take a few points to update *bunny eyes*
I'm gonna sleep don't disturb me 😴
Did Vantae and gukk have a good future together??
Your author dearest
Hello dearest readers
Your author dearest
Ik i ended this story without giving attention to other ships
Your author dearest
But i wanted the first two missions to be only taekook
Your author dearest
From the next one I'll make sure to give attention to other ships
Your author dearest
Any ships you want to see personally??
Your author dearest
Let me know through the comments
Your author dearest
With love your dearest author ❣️