As they joyfully reach the breakfast room
Suga joins them along with his wife Kim Jimin
Kim Taehyung
*Bunny who's that*
Bunny 😍😍
*That's your brother and brother in law*
Kim Jimin
Wife of Kim Suga
Crown Princess of Kim empire
Loves and dotes on taehyung like his own brother
Loves the Kim family
A kind and loving person
AGE 23
Kim Suga
Husband of Kim Jimin
Loves his family and kingdom
Adores his only brother
A sensible person
Age 25
Kim Taehyung
Greetings Hyung and chimchim
Kim suga (Tae's brother)
Greetings Brat
Kim Taehyung
Mother Hyung is calling me brat 🥺
Kim seokjin ( Tae's mom)
Kim suga (Tae's brother)
Yea, yea sorry my dear princess
Kim Jimin( Tae's brother in law)
Kim Taehyung
Chimchim!! Come let's eat
Kim suga (Tae's brother)
Mother I heard you people fixed my princess's marriage
Kim seokjin ( Tae's mom)
It's not yet confirmed baby I want to see that Jeon Jungkook for myself
Kim Namjoon ( Tae's dad)
Jagiya I know the late Queen and king and Jungkook is the crown prince he'll be a sensible kid
Kim Taehyung
*what's happening here how did everything change*
Bunny 😍😍
*Tae let me go and check the system can you manage on your own*
Kim suga (Tae's brother)
Taetae have you seen him
Kim Taehyung
No Hyung they didn't show me the picture 🙃
Kim suga (Tae's brother)
Wait! Servant get the picture of Jeon Jungkook
Here your royal highness
Kim Jimin( Tae's brother in law)
Wow he's gorgeous
Kim suga (Tae's brother)
Kim Jimin( Tae's brother in law)
You are more handsome my prince
Kim Taehyung
*rolls his eyes*
Kim Taehyung
My soon-to-be husband is very handsome
They all keep chatting and taehyung comes back to his room to rest
Taehyung starts thinking how did the plot change soo much
Jeon Mark was supposed to be his husband
As he keeps thinking unknown to him
Someone is looking at him from the window
Isn't he really pretty Jackson
Min jackson
Yes your highness he is pretty
Let's leave before we get discovered
Taehyung slept after a while
Jung Irene
Wake up my lady
Jung Irene
prince Jungkook is here
Kim Taehyung
You may leave and send maids to bathe me
someone 2
We are here your highness
After bathing and getting ready
Taehyung arrives in the courtroom
He sees his mother father and brother already present there waiting for the arrival of the prince
As the rumors go the crown prince is supposed to be really ruthless but very handsome so the ministers and the people in the courtroom are waiting patiently
Arrival of the Prince Jungkook from the Jeon kingdom
Prince Jungkook enters the courtroom and goes and bows to the king and queen
Jeon Jungkook ( crown prince)
Greetings your majesty
Kim Namjoon ( Tae's dad)
Welcome to our kingdom Prince Jungkook
Kim Namjoon ( Tae's dad)
You must be tired from your travel
Kim Namjoon ( Tae's dad)
I'll ask princess taehyung to show you your room
Jeon Jungkook ( crown prince)
Thank you your majesty
Kim Taehyung
Father I shall show his highness in his room follow me royal highness
Jeon Jungkook ( crown prince)
Yes princess 😏
Kim Taehyung
*why the hell is he so handsome*
Kim Taehyung
Soo your highness how was your travel
Jeon Jungkook ( crown prince)
It was worth it to see you 😉
Kim Taehyung
Huh hmm well your welcome I guess
Kim Taehyung
Why do you want to marry me
Jeon Jungkook ( crown prince)
I want to make you my queen where will I find someone as pretty and brilliant as you
Kim Taehyung
Thank you for the compliment your majesty, but it'll take a lot more than that to gain my heart
Jeon Jungkook ( crown prince)
Of course I wouldn't expect anything less from my queen
Kim Taehyung
I'm not your queen yet my soon-to-be husband * says while poking his chest*
Jeon Jungkook ( crown prince)
Well you will be soon my darling * bends down and whispers in his ears*
Kim Taehyung
You aren't at all ruthless but a shameless flirt 😤
Kim Taehyung
Here we have arrived in your room your highness 😤
Jeon Jungkook ( crown prince)
Thank you for showing me my room my sulking queen 😉
Kim Taehyung
You… You… Bye I'm leaving
Jeon Jungkook ( crown prince)
And Taehyung stay away from my brother
Kim Taehyung
Why should I listen to you 😤
Jeon Jungkook ( crown prince)
*pulls him by his hand and says in a deep voice*
Jeon Jungkook ( crown prince)
My princess listen to me, it's for your own good
Kim Taehyung
Humph whatever I'll stay away from him happy now leave me I don't want people to misunderstand
Jeon Jungkook ( crown prince)
*chuckles and leaves tae*
*Taehyung leaves the room*
Taehyung reaches his own chambers and tries calling out for bunny
Kim Taehyung
*bunny are you there*
Kim Taehyung
Thank God can you tell me what's happening
Bunny 😍😍
So basically there were a few details missing in the original plot
Bunny 😍😍
Kim taehyung and Jeon Jungkook were originally engaged from childhood by their parents
Bunny 😍😍
But Jeon Mark wanted to become king instead of his brother becoming the king
Bunny 😍😍
He made tae fall for him and became the king after claiming the support of the ministers of the Jeon court
Bunny 😍😍
and Jungkook left the engagement as he didn't want tae to hate him
Bunny 😍😍
He didn't originally kill taehyung
Bunny 😍😍
Taehyung was killed by Jung irene
Bunny 😍😍
and Jungkook always loved tae
Bunny 😍😍
so all you have to do right now is love Jungkook
Bunny 😍😍
And be his empress
Bunny 😍😍
NOTICE::: Side mission
Bunny 😍😍
Kill Jeon Mark and Jung Irene earn 500 more points
Bunny 😍😍
Have an heir: 500 more points
Bunny 😍😍
You can earn 1000 more points by completing the side missions
Kim Taehyung
Wow, that's a lot of missing details
Kim Taehyung
And I feel like the OS will be happier with Jungkook as I can feel his feelings when he's with Jungkook
Kim Taehyung
so I can easily get them married
Kim Taehyung
For killing them both I'll require help or trust from Jungkook
Kim Taehyung
And I need to make my own connections
Kim Taehyung
Jung Irene can be easily killed as she's been trying to poison me with food, and she thinks i don't know 🙄
Bunny 😍😍
Get to work then tae
Bunny 😍😍
First mission would be getting rid of Jung Irene before your marriage to Jungkook
Kim Taehyung
I'll do it bunny 😉👍🏻
Bunny 😍😍
ik V ik you can do it
Taehyung slept thinking about Jungkook
As he has already occupied his head 😹
Your author dearest
Hello my dearest readers
Your author dearest
I hope you liked this episode
Your author dearest
As you can see this is the first mission so it's easy
Your author dearest
Please like and comment
Your author dearest
With love your dearest author ❣️
imperfectly fine 🥴
imperfectly fine 🥴
awww 😍😍😍 cutie
I can die now💘