You Won't Escape from Me This Time
20- His Love
Angus : the ML
💭Your words were like med to my wounded & broken heart
Angus : the ML
💭they give it hope & drew a way for it after it was totally desperate & lost
Angus : the ML
💭Since that day I worked hard for your sake only
Angus : the ML
💭Getting back all that, I lost with my father's death
Angus : the ML
💭Having a bright future any guy dreams of
Angus : the ML
💭on a hope to find you & live happily ever after together
Angus : the ML
💭I searched for you for years
Angus : the ML
💭& didn't regret anything as much as I regreted not asking about your name back then
Angus : the ML
💭because searching for a girl without a name was an impossible mission
Angus : the ML
💭Seeing your face in my eyes
Angus : the ML
💭& hearing your voice in my ears all the time
Angus : the ML
💭dreaming of the second I find you & hold you in my arms
Angus : the ML
💭Saying to you finally I feel that alive
Angus : the ML
💭indeed that moment came 2 years ago
Angus : the ML
💭& finally Ifound you after a long search
Angus : the ML
💭I was flying in joy
Angus : the ML
💭but fastely I got broken 💔
Angus : the ML
💭When I knew that you became a married girl
Angus : the ML
💭I tried a lot to end my life after
Angus : the ML
💭but in each time, I saw you saying to me "Don't "
Angus : the ML
💭I tried to have face, thinking of a miracle to happen
Angus : the ML
💭following you to every where like crazy
Angus : the ML
💭Praying for your happiness and wishing to get you one day
Angus : the ML
💭Suddenly, after a whole year I heard that you got divorced
Angus : the ML
💭& since that day I stuck to your door asking you for marriage
Angus : the ML
💭but you repeatedly refused that
Angus : the ML
💭Despite that, I couldn't leave it
Angus : the ML
💭because in my eyes, you mean life to me, Andie
Angus : the ML
💭& no matter how long it took
Angus : the ML
💭I would always remain standing by your door
Angus : the ML
💭asking your heart for having mercy on mine & giving it love
Angus : the ML
💭because only then I can find the happiness in this life
Angus : the ML
💭that happiness I couldn't get with having money or power
Angus : the ML
💭because in this life you are my strength, Aiden
Angus : the ML
(overwhelmed with her love after remembering all that)
Angus : the ML
(leaned over her forehead unconsciously kissing it in a very warm way)
~~ alien❤️🌚~~
thank god you didn't 🥺🥺🥺
I love this story ❤️ very much