~ Chapter 17
Rafe Jerspersen ~ wizard
Any idea of whom it may be?
Latisha Jerspersen ~ witch
No Father
Latisha Jerspersen ~ witch
My first suspect was Eiran
Latisha Jerspersen ~ witch
But upon investigating, he is considered non-existent because he locks himself in his room all day
Latisha Jerspersen ~ witch
No one has seen him outside for a long while
Rafe Jerspersen ~ wizard
Rafe Jerspersen ~ wizard
Don’t you think that is more suspicious?
Latisha Jerspersen ~ witch
I thought so too
Latisha Jerspersen ~ witch
So our men laid ambush just in case he appears…..
Latisha Jerspersen ~ witch
But for the past weeks…..*shook her head*
Rafe Jerspersen ~ wizard
*heavy sigh*
Rafe Jerspersen ~ wizard
This is more trifling than ever
Rafe Jerspersen ~ wizard
We need to make a scapegoat just to appease the people
Rafe Jerspersen ~ wizard
Find someone who is willing or not
Latisha Jerspersen ~ witch
Yes father
Latisha Jerspersen ~ witch
I’ll see to it that things goes smoothly
Rafe Jerspersen ~ wizard
Rafe Jerspersen ~ wizard
You are dismissed
Latisha Jerspersen ~ witch
*bow and leaves*
Once she left her dad’s office, Latisha left out a deep breath. She had dreaded this day since the “battle” which she also had a hand in.
Ever since then, things in Dawndale had gone downhill. Though she knew it could be Eiran or other members of the Kirkwood family, she had no evidence to support her claim.
Latisha Jerspersen ~ witch
*whisper to someone*
Unknown boy
I’ll get it done immediately
Latisha Jerspersen ~ witch
Thank you
Latisha Jerspersen ~ witch
Latisha Jerspersen ~ witch
“I wish I could apologise to Eiran…..but I fear for my life too.”
Latisha Jerspersen ~ witch
“Maybe, I was blinded by this so-called love that I had for him…..
Latisha Jerspersen ~ witch
…….I hate to admit but I still do. Yet, I cannot pursue him like I thought I would after the death of Hael.”
Latisha Jerspersen ~ witch
“And…..to Hael, I’m sorry.”
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