Immediately, the servants and his right-hand man rushed to him. They had been hiding behind the wall the whole time, afraid to let out a sigh or whisper.
They quickly attended to his wounds with sadness and worry written all over their faces. They have heard rumours about Eiran being a ruthless vampire. Even words on the street says he is a “crazy” vampire.
Roger Hendrix ~ werewolf
Eiran Kirkwood ~ ML
*on his way back*
Eiran Kirkwood ~ ML
*feels dizzy*
Eiran has been neglecting his health ever since Hael left and has barely eaten anything as well. His body was finally responding to his carelessness.
Eiran Kirkwood ~ ML
“Wh-what is wrong with me?”
Eiran Kirkwood ~ ML
*fell off his horse*
In the middle of nowhere, Eiran laid on the ground not responding to his surroundings. His claws were still out covered in his victims’ blood.
A sudden movement made him snapped out of his unconscious state. The blood on his claws were being licked yet he could not see the figure clearly.
Eiran Kirkwood ~ ML
“Who…..could it be?”
This unknown person or creature licked all the blood off his claws but one thing was clear……..that it could not be a creature because of how their tongue felt on his claws and he felt their lips too.
Eiran Kirkwood ~ ML
“Frosty, is that you?”
Eiran Kirkwood ~ ML
*loses consciousness again*
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