first meeting
someone started yelling out of nowhere
blue ivy
I'm so sorry I didn't mean to
well you did sorry won't fix anything dumb *** 😡
blue ivy
I've already said I'm sorry no need to drag it on OK 😒
oh so your the one who hit me and now your being rude 😡
just **** off 😡
I have better things to do than argue with b*tches like you 😡.
blue ivy
OK , now your just exaggerating😡
accidentally ivy let out his fox ears
blue ivy
dang it !!
Andrie fell asleep.
ivy had cast a sleeping spell on him
blue ivy
shit !! shit !!
i need to call kalo she can help me 😨( note :kalo is kalonie)
📱umm hello k
blue ivy
📱umm kalonie I think Ive gotten myself in big trouble 😫
📲 🙄
what have you done this time
blue ivy
📱you make it sound like I always get into trouble 😒
📲 ooh so you don't 🙄. then I guess you don't need my help then byeee 🙂
blue ivy
📱okay fine
I uhmm accidentally hit someone (he explains everything to her except) well out of annoyance I accidentally showed my ears 😣
📲 you dumbass 🤦🏻
I wonder how you'll be able to rule as the next king 😒😡
📲 this is the last time I help you in any of your stupid situations.
just stay put 😡
note : kalonie is from the dove clan
the second most highest clan after the fox clan so she can fly .
but you must give me something in return😏
those new shoes you got from the human world that are very trendy 😏
note : still on the phone
blue ivy
o-ok 😢😢
but just so you know I cast a sleeping spell😐
so he won't run away
its not today I knew you were dumb *silently*
do you need my help or not 😒
blue ivy
OK yes yes I do
so hurry up 😣